Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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Ho, Ho, Ho-llinium Life Day Heist

Player Tag's:
[member="Riley Reese"] | [member="Zoltan"] | [member="Kinsey Starchaser"] [member="Miri O'Hare"]
Chassis Slot: Thraxis Armour Helmet Slot: Enigma Gas Mask
Cloak Slot: Phantasm Cloak Greave Slot: Thraxis Armour
Pauldron Slot: Thraxis Armour Foot Slot: Thraxis Armour
Melee: Cruciatus Blade Overcoat: Jkiti Greatcoat
Rifle Slot: DEMP Sidearm Slot: Pistolas
Misc: Null Generator Hand-to-Hand Weapon: Vambrace

Thraxis noticed the lingering eyes caught and driven up and down his body, noticing even Kinsey managed a peak. He wasn't happy. He'd invest in longer clothing next time but for now, had to make do with a short game of improv. Misery laced mutterances were caught under his breath, the name over and over again repeated, "Martha... Martha..." He whined and bemoaned, pulling from his Bag a small locket. It had a picture of an old friend. Gammorean to be precise. He ran a finger along its a picture. Though an important note on this. Gammorean was first of all, not named Martha and second of all a man. But that was the beauty of a Gammorean. You could never tell if it was a man or a woman.

Of course, this was all a less than clever, nonsensical and overall just an excuse to amuse himself, ruse. And it grew tired and done fairly soon once they got off the bus, lingered eyes and muttered whispers all stemming from the single line of, Yo did that guys Gammorean Boyfriend die? People realized it was a male. Thraxis didn't mind. The voice was low enough changing from Martha to Mark was easy to fix. But that was put on the sidelines as he and the group approached, Thraxis passed his badge, cleared and headed off.

He flicked at his mask, a comm resounding as he spoke in muttered breaths, music playing over and playing in careful accordance to seem as if he was singing along in broken parts. "Yo... In position... What's... Next part of the plan..." He muttered, his voice cutting in and out with static waves as he ran a mop drenched in oil. If this went pear shaped, at least he had a backup plan.
Getting to the loading dock and into a uniform was easy enough. With all the workers coming and going from this place, it was an easy task to get lost in the crowd. That's exactly what Riley did as she made her way along the long rows of crates and other supplies.

The hard part was finding what she was looking for. None of the containers were marked, rather they had barcodes that told what was inside. Retrieving a scanner from an foreman took more time than she liked, but it quickly cut down time after that.

Container after container, Riley searched the loading dock. Finally, after what seemed like forever, she hit pay dirt and a lot of it. A single container half her height high and as long as she was tall, yielded what she sought.

"Kinsey, this is Riley. I've found what we're looking for." She whispered into her comlink. "I'm moving it towards a truck now. I'll meet you there." The container itself wasn't all Hollinium, but definitely enough to keep them set for a while. Summoning a loading droid, she set it to take the container to a nearby truck. The clock was now ticking till someone noticed both container and vehicle were gone.

[member="Kinsey Starchaser"]
[member="Thraxis"] [member="Riley Reese"]

"Roger. Your driver is on her way."

Kinsey, of course.

Didn't take her long to arrive. And send the message to Thraxis to meet them at the docks. The spacer nodded to Riley. Good to have her on the same team. The explorer slid into the truck and started her up. The engine rumbled to life beneath them.

Blues looked ahead toward the security checkpoint.

They were ready.

Fingers gripped the controls. Driving flying? It was where she felt most comfortable.
Player Tag's:
[member="Riley Reese"] | [member="Zoltan"] | [member="Kinsey Starchaser"] [member="Miri O'Hare"]
Chassis Slot: Thraxis Armour Helmet Slot: Enigma Gas Mask
Cloak Slot: Phantasm Cloak Greave Slot: Thraxis Armour
Pauldron Slot: Thraxis Armour Foot Slot: Thraxis Armour
Melee: Cruciatus Blade Overcoat: Jkiti Greatcoat
Rifle Slot: DEMP Sidearm Slot: Pistolas
Misc: Null Generator Hand-to-Hand Weapon: Vambrace

He gave out a long drawn out whistle as he looked down the hallway, a small commotion of people looking at the oil slick as a few what amounted to in this case, civilians pressed a foot against it, realizing what it was as Thraxis met the end of the hallway, whistling slightly louder to ignore their obnoxious, yet fair, complaints.

But that idn't last long,t eh familiar pip of comms rattled through his mask as what looked like a higher boss came to see the complaint. Thraxis shrugged it off, "Roger, I'll meet you there." He responded as he looked to his oil slick, taking a running start as he slid along, cautious movements as his arms splayed outwards before he flew past the boss, tossing him his badge in the meantime and breaking into a sprint, "Keep the badge I quit!" Thraxis declared, free from the mundane and no longer bound to who he imagined would've been an arse of a manager anyway.

He walked out the doors a freeman as he made his way to the getaway car, jumping a fence and pouncing into the back of the truck as he drew out two Pistolas from his Bag, ready for the firefight that he imagined accompanied the Getaway part of a job.
[member="Thraxis"] [member="Riley Reese"]

OOC: wrapping this up with a closing post since interest is waning - great job, had fun writing with you all!


There were a few disgruntled screams as the crazy man with guns, Thraxis, threw his badge and hopped the fence. Clearly armed. Onlookers were probably concerned he was going to rob the truck and its shipment. Because Kinsey and Riley AND the truck still looked perfectly legit. Badges and all. If anyone called the authorities, it wouldn't matter. Or matter much. They were already at the freighter.

Kinsey barked a few orders and the shipment was loaded, hidden beneath those smuggler dens.

Pibs had the engines warmed up and preflights passed.

Kinsey went from piloting the truck to piloting the freighter. With a burst of engines, they were skyward, fingers hovered over the hyperspace controls, ready ro punch it. Whelp. Atleast they'd all leave Sith space a little richer.

Time to get froyo.

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