Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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MODEL: HK-51 series assassin droid

Droid Classification: Fourth-degree droid

Manufacturer: Czerka Corporation

AGE: Unknown, old

SEX: Masculine programing

HEIGHT: 1.8 meters

EYES: Yellow

HAIR: No, he's a droid

SKIN: Metal, grey



STRENGTHS AND WEAKNESSES (Required: 2 Weaknesses Minimum) :
+ Modifications
*retractable blades on his lower wrists
*stealth field implant
*hidden wrist mounted mini-granade launcher on his right wrist, hidden railgun on his left.
*night-vision visor in his eyes.
+ Free will – because he was frozen for so long, some of his components were destroyed. One of those were his control chip, so he now don't need to serve a master.
+ Protocol droid – since his design is based on a protocol droid, he can be mistaken for or pretend to be one, to move around inconspicous.
- Damaged vocabulator – his voice will sometimes be off or break mid-sentance
- Old model – HK is an old droid, and will seem bad in comparison to more modern droids. Heis also not updated on anything that transpired in the time he was frozen.
- Very weak against any type of electric pulse, duo to his shielding against it has been worn of in the ice.
- Non-compatible parts – some of the parts he replaced his own broken ones with were nower, and not meant for this droid model. Therefore, they will not always work as intended.
- No defense against the force – as he is a droid, he has absolutly no defense against the force, exept magnetically locking himself to the floor to try standing against force push or pull.

HK-51 is designed as a very old protocol droid design, although looking frighening for a protocol droid. He is made of mostly durasteel-grey metal with orange striped and markings on parts of his body. Metal armoring covers most of his components and machinery, and he covered his partly exposed main core on his chest with durasteel plating. He has yellow eyes, which becomes red when he activates his night-vision, and a sensor/scanner on the right side of his head. On his back, he has magnetic grip points to hold his rifle whne not in use, and he has hidden pockets/small rooms in his armoring to hold samll things and modifications to his rifle. On his upper wrists, there are visible, closed exits for his granade launcher and railgun, and on his lower wrists, thin rectangular holes for his wrist-vibroblades.

Created by Czerka Corporation at the end of the Great Galactic War for the Reconstituted Sith Empire, this HK unit was on the ship carrying the HK-51s to the Empire. This ship was shot down over Belsavis, and chrased there in Sector X. When the ship crashed, this HK unit was thrown out of the ship, and deep in snow and ice. He remained there for thousands of years, undiscovered and undisterbed.

But, in the year 846ABY, a group of Mluki found and dug him out of the ice. They had no idea what HK was, and dragged him back to their village. Once there, HK was completly thawed out, but his batteries were completly drained and empty. The leader of the Mluki village thought the droid was garbbage and decided to throw him in a pile close to the village with other mechanical salvage they had deemed garbbage. When HK was thrown into the pile, an electric surge from one of the other broken droids shot through him, restoring some power. HK woke, and shot the two Mluki that had dragged him there. He then proceeded to look for more power he could charge himself with in the garbbage pile. He found some, but it was not enough to restore all his features, and the power he had would only last so long. He sought out the village of the Mlukis, his sensors had activated when he was thawed out, and whot down the village, nearly draining him of all his power. But before he shut down, he found some nearly unused powerboxes, used as tables by the Mlukis. With these, HK restored himself to full power.

Now, his goal was to leave Belsavis. He soon found out that he had been trapped in ice for a very long time, as all inforamtion in his databank was outdated. Taking the role of a vary old protocol droid, he found a spaceport, and asked what year it was. The people at the spaceport made fun of him, not knowing what year it was, but answered him after they stopped laughing. To his horror, HK found out it had been well over 4000 years since he had been constructed. He then calmly requested to be taken to coruscant, hoping it was still more or less as it was programmed into him. He was taken there, and to his relief, it was still a giant city-planet. HK found his way to the lower levels of Coruscant, where he acuired more information - with questionable methods – about what had transpired while he was frozen. He now realised he didn't have a mission, or a master, that his main mission had ended thousands of years ago.

He found a secluded back-alley where he tested his functions, found his streangths and weaknesses. He quicly figured out that he was severley outdated in comparison to newer droids. This made him make modifications to himself, to be more on even level with modern droids. Now, an ancient droid, without a mission or a master, having gained «free will», set out in the galaxy as a mercenary, doing what he pleases. But even With his free will, parts of his original Programming remains, and he likes to take down targets of value and that can poisen the Galaxy, like high ranking officers and politicians.

Mini grenades
Vibroblades implemented into his wrists
N-210 Fusion-X blaster rifle

X-70B Phantom Class (stolen)

None yet

None yet



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