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History of Vines [Milla]



[member="Milla Caranthyr"]

By comparison to the Silver Rest, this part of the jungle was cooler, especially in the shade and among the damp moss. With idol hand, she felt the water bead off it as her finger gently ran over the soft green stuff. She liked moss, it smelled fresh and looked like something from a fairy tale and with was not found on Midvinter. Many things were of course, Moss was not one of them. The avian above them, cried out to them in a sense of warning for entering their domain, but for the most part, they were curious as to why these two young girls were out in the jungle by themselves.

The avian did not really consider them a threat, unless they decided to climb the trees.

The sun streamed down onto their path way ahead, there was soft mist in the light as evaporation took the moisture from the soil, it looked so enchanting. Thora turned her head to see Milla behind her, she smiled, "Do you think they come looking for us?", they were skipping lessons, A History of Lightsabers, did not appeal to either of them. Especially Thora, considering the Valkyri use blades like the old Jedi once did, today. So it was nothing new to her.

It was only a small patch, a clearing that the sun light bathed, with trees stretching high into the canopy. The sounds around them twinkled in their ears, like music, a cacophony of avian and insects singing together.

She hoped they would not coming looking for them, there was too much to explore today. And how knew where this path would lead the two friends.

Milla had always liked the jungles of Kashyyyk, it felt more like home than anywhere else. The cool shade of the trees, the warmth from the sun on their path and even how the mist rose through the trees. The soil beneath her bare feet was soft, unlike the hard concrete back at the academy.

Her attention was drawn to the bird above them as it called out. The colorful creature stared at them with the same amount of curious as Milla watched it. There was no worry for either one of them since they posed no threat to each other.

Thora's question brought Milla back to why they were here. "Hopefully not. Maybe they'll think were still there and we can make it back before they search outside the academy." Hopefully it would be a long while before anyone really noticed that they were gone. Milla had no intrest to sit through a history lesson. Not when there was so much to explore. Her tail twitched a little bit just thinking about everything they could find out there.

[member="Thora Heavenshield"]
She turned back to Milla with a smile, and the idea of them escaping for the day only increased with the added incentive from her friend. "Let's see what is over there", she pointed to a small rise passed the clearing. Something over that way was luring her, although Thora did not know what or why. There was no real feeling of anything dangerous but then again, she is not trained in such things through the force. Not strongly so anyway.

Climbing up the rise proved to be more difficult, most because of the slick nature of the undergrowth and dampness which made her footing give way a little. But once she reached the top, and stood to look around it was then she saw what appeared to be some form of stone work. It was not natural, or rather natural formation of rock but it appeared chiseled. Although most of it was covered in vines and roots from surrounding tall trees, and in such a state, the structure had to have been here for some time.

"What do you think that is?".

Thora did not move, there was a sense of being afraid in her but not enough to turn back. She only needed some encouragement from Milla and maybe they both would take a look. Thora looked to Milla to see what she might be thinking, a smile formed on her lips as she grew more brave. "Should we take a look inside?". There was a small opening in the stone work, which probably had been a door way or something, but it was dark beyond the threshold.
[member="Milla Caranthyr"]
Milla returned her friends smile, before turning to look where she was pointing. A small rise sat on the other side of the clearing, just calling for them to figure out what was on the other side. She gave a nod to Thora before following after her. Milla didn't care if there was anything exciting or not on the other side, she was just glad to be out here with her friend that was just as adventurous as she was.

The climb was difficult, between wet foliage and slick mud, finding good footing was a challenge. Her toes digging into the mud to find any possible purchase. Finally, after much climbing, slipping and more climbing, they made it to the top. What awaited them was not what she expected. In front of them was what looked like a structure carved from stone. Exactly what it was was difficult to tell since the forest claimed most of it with vines and other vegetation, but Milla knew it wasn't natural.

"It looks like it might have been a building or something." There was something foreboding about it in a way. She stared at the dark opening trying to figure out exactly what it was she was feeling. Her gaze turned to Thora when she asked if they should explore it. Milla gave a mischievous smile at her friends question. "I think we should."

[member="Thora Heavenshield"]
Whatever this once was, it was in ruin now and it would have been easy to overlook it but today just at the right time, the sun peaked through the jungle and shed light on the doorway. Thora edged forward, she was still nervous about it, about going in side but curiosity was getting the better of her again. Her senses were on edge, every sound made around her made her heart leap, even though it did not come from the entrance.

She placed her hand on the cool stonework, as she leaned in to try and see what was in side from the out side, but her eyes would not adjust to it. At least to point where she could see passed the light before it faded into the darkness beyond. It was the fear of the unknown of course, what could be inside? what manner of creature might have made this place home. She could hear nothing, save her heart thumping in her chest.

"You want me to go first, or shall we go in together?", Thora spoke in a whisper, she really did not want to go in first, hopefully Milla would be by her side as they crossed the threshold.

Her hand slid across the cool surface of the stone work, the touch of it made her turn her head and look at it. The texture was different to the rest of it, and along the curved arch way there was a strange writing she did not recognise. It could be Wookiee made or maybe it was older than that? Her imagination was getting the better of her now.

"Look Milla! do you .. can you read this?", maybe she could, after all Milla comes from a different part of the galaxy and she might know of it. Thora took a closer look, noticing the symbols used to illustrate something, it was hard to make out but she could almost decipher an animal, strange to her.
[member="Milla Caranthyr"]
The small ruined door was a gateway to the unknown. Dark and ominous as light failed to reveal what was beyond the threshold. At the same time curiosity and a strong sense of adventure urged her forward.

Milla slowly edged forward with Thora to the edge of the door and peered in. Her tail twitched nervously at the thought of going in there, and there was no way she was letting Thora go in there by herself. "We should go in together. It'll be safer and we won't lose each other in the dark."

Milla leaned a little into the doorway to try and see better before Thora pointed out some carvings on the archway. She ran her hand across the carvings to better get a feel for them. Reading wasn't her best strength, but surprisingly she was able to pick out one word. "Home? I think one of these words says home. Maybe someone lived here." Small fingers slid over the carving of the animal. Unfortunately it was to worn to figure out what kind. "I don't know what this animal is. Maybe a clan symbol?"

[member="Thora Heavenshield"]
Thora nodded her head, that made sense. Home. The Valkyri on Midvinter would do the same in their language, carving all kinds of symbols in the wood anything from a simple word to a history of their clan. The Great Hall in Thainbroek was covered in them as well as her own home, and the thought of it made her heart ache a little for it. As much as she loved being here on Kashyyyk, she missed home.

With Milla by her side now, Thora felt more brave and stepped into the darkness of the ruin. She could not see a thing for the moment, but after her eyes adjusted, she could make out more symbols but they were all but gone with the wear of time. There was not much else, if there had been furniture or other stuff that had gone long ago. Maybe stolen or destroyed, it was hard to tell.

Instinctively, she reached for her training saber and ignited it to throw some light in the darkness and once illuminated, a whole world opened up to them both. The room was not big, it was like an entrance to something bigger and at the far side of the room was another doorway to another passage way. Now things were getting interesting, what was beyond that?!

She looked to Milla, searched her face to see if she was alright, not afraid. It was a sense of reassurance Thora was after, and wonderment built up inside the girl, with a touch of fear still. On the ground were some markings, like tracks or foot prints. Something had been here before, maybe still is. They appeared to be tracks of an animal, leading into the dark passage. This place was home to something, and by the size of the prints, it was small.

Thora approached the other doorway, as she did she could smell something bad and she covered her nose but still, she wanted to find out. "Should we go in there?", she whispered, not taking her eyes of the dark passage.
[member="Milla Caranthyr"]
So they ventured forth down the dark passage. Milla's eyes slowly began to adjust to the darkness. Thora, however, had a better idea as she used her training saber as a source of light. She blinked against the sudden brightness before scanning the room.

Someone had definitely lived here once. Who or what was the question as there was no real evidence to tell who they were. Milla slowly walked around the room, her bare feet padding softly on the cold floor. She was both afraid but excited at the discovery. Excited because of what they found, afraid of what else could be lurking around here.

They quickly realized that something was infact living here. Footprints of an animal lead down another passage just as dark as the first, but it smelled even worse. Milla crinkled her nose when the smell hit her. Her tail twitched some at Thora's question. There could be danger but she most certainly needed to know what was at the end of the passage. Then she saw it, a small light farther down in the darkness. "Look! There's a small light down there. Maybe the passage ends."

Milla looked over at Thora and gave a nod. She was ready to delve into the unknown. Carefully, Milla began to make her way down the dark passage. The stones were cold to the touch and covered in more carvings. Her heart beat quickly as they went deeper into the passage. With each step the light grew brighter and brighter. Till finally the passage turned and emptied into another room.

This room was larger with high walls that seemed to be carved from the stone itself. In the center was a large tree that extended above the walls and past where the roof used to be. Smaller bamboo trees, flowers and other plants grew around the large tree. Milla gazed in wonder at the small forest growing in the room. "Wow! This is so cool." The sight alone pushed away a little of her fears, even to momentarily forget about the awful smell and whatever made those tracks in the other room.

[member="Thora Heavenshield"]
She peered down the darkness and Thora saw the faint light too! It is interesting how in the darkness, light restores hope and gives one strength. Thora followed her friend along the stone tunnel until they entered the forest room. It was exactly that, and wonderment was etched on her face as she looked around and up into the tree that grew from its centre. By the looks of it, it had been growing in this spot for years, maybe even hundreds of years as the truck was very thick.

Thora took great care as she walked around marvelling at everything, she did not want to tread on the flowers the grew wild and without care. But she could still smell that strange scent, it did not come from this place, as the flower gave off an aroma of the most wonderful perfume. The weird smell was gone in an instant as a gentle breeze stirred around them, as if trying to take the smell away.

The stone walls around this secret garden, were covered in moss and lichen and damp from the rains that would fall from the skies when the tropical clouds billowed in. Life here was so rich, organic and untouched, the sense of the force strong and filled with a crisp sense of purity she had never felt before, not even on Midvinter. “It is … wonderful”, she added to Milla’s delight.

At the far end of the room was yet another passage way, covered in vines so it was not noticeable at first. “Look over there”, she pointed and stepped toward the vines. Her young hands pulling back the vine to show Milla what she had found. “Shall we see what is down here?”. Darkness once more, stared back at them.

Thora did not wait for a reply and stepped into the shroud of the passage. She did not feel a sense of fear or anxiety now, after all the light was behind them, they could always turn back. Her hand remained on the wall, the feeling of the dampness was refreshing to the touch and it guided her along the narrow tunnel. Her eyes adjusted once more, but even then, did not afford much help, but at the end of this tunnel was yet another room, several cracks in the roof let in streaming light to the floor and there was an echo in their foot falls.

“Milla .. you see anything?”, she said and with that came the rush of wings and soft squeaking noises. Lots of them. Thora could feel the rush of air on her face as the sound of wings increased, and small dark shapes flashed before her eyes.

Bats! Awesome!

[member="Milla Caranthyr"]
This room, this whole place, felt like it was alive with the force. A living conduit all centered around this massive old tree. Something about it drew Milla in, something primordial that ran deep in her core. Her eyes were locked on the tree as she circled, tail twitching slightly and bare feet making no sound.

Milla placed a hand on the tree, and for a brief moment, recieved a surge through the force as if she was feeling every living plant in the room. She gave a small gasp and withdrew her hand. Whatever that was, she had never experienced before.

Thora's voice drew her attention from the tree. Her friend was holding back some vines, revealing another dark passage. Milla gave the tree one last look before hurrying over to Thora. This passage was just as dark as the last but she couldn't see any light at the end. Before she knew it, she was following after her friend down the dark passage.

The passage was dark and damp. One step at a time is what she took, sliding her hands across the wet stones to guide her way. Finally they reached another room. Light barely filtered through the small cracks in the ceiling. Her eyes scarcely adjusted to the darkness around her.

Her friends question was drowned out by the sound of wing beats and squeaks. Bats. Thousands of them judging by the noise and amount of wind they were producing. The sight of so many fast objects darting by in the dark was hard to focus on. Closing her eyes, Milla stood perfectly still and let the swarm of bats rush past her.

[member="Thora Heavenshield"]
Oh the noise was amazing, and the brush of air as wings passed her kissed her cheeks. At least they found the source of that horrid smell. Thora pushed back toward the door, and the curtain vines, it was probably best Milla and her got out of there and left them all to rest the day away. As she did, she kicked something on the ground.

The limited light in this part of the ruin was enough to show her a stone, milky white sitting among the muck. Thora did not care about the muck but picked up the stone which was oval but very pretty and alluring. There were several of them in fact, as if left by whoever used to live here, she was only guessing of course. Anyone could have left it really.

“Milla look”, she said unable to take her eyes off the milky white gem. “What do you think this is?”, what Thora had picked up was a moon stone. It was not very precious in value, but it did have associations with spiritual things. As the light hit it, it gleamed with brilliance and she could see swirling patterns in the stone.

“Let go outside and take a better look”, between the pair they collected the rest of the moon stones before finding the light of day once more by the tree. Thora sat on one of the large roots that dug deep into the soil around them, among the hidden garden.

After a while, Thora looked at her friend with a smile, “You like it here don’t you? .. I do too”. There was something very calming about this place, it was not foreboding at all at the end of the day. “I am pleased we discovered it, it shall be our own secret hide away”.

[member="Milla Caranthyr"]
Thousands of bats rushed by in the form of a living river. Both wind and wing gently brushed up against her face. This many living creatures could be felt through the force even by the most inexperienced Jedi.

Milla opened her eyes when the bats had passed and began to follow Thora back the way they came. She was sure that there was more to explore beyond this room, but that was an adventure for another day. On their way back, Thora found a milky white stone on the ground. "Kinda looks like a gemstone of sorts."

She helped Thora gather more of the stones before heading back to the garden room. Milla blinked several times as the bright light hit her. She felt a small sense of relief at the sight of the tree. Sitting down on one of the tree roots, she held a stone up and marveled at the swirling patterns inside.

Milla looked at Thora when she spoke. "I'm also glad we found this place. I do llike it here, it..." How would she explain this next part? Honestly she didn't quite understand the feeling herself. "it feels like home. Especially the tree. I feel like climbing up it and living there. Like an instinct or something. strange, because I was an orphan on Nar Kreeta. This type of stuff isn't found there."

[member="Thora Heavenshield"]
“They are very pretty”, she said in agreement and had to wonder if they were valuable. But more importantly, were they valuable to this place?

“They belong here don’t they”, she voiced her thoughts even though she would dearly love to take them home, there was just something about them that told her otherwise.

Thora jumped down from the root, and placed them in a pattern around the base of the tree trunk. She looked up, just as Milla spoke about who it reminded her of home. It was not that Thora had never noticed the way Milla was and how she looked with a tail and all, but it was not polite to ask about such things, at least that is what her parents told her.

“I have never seen anyone that looks like you before, but I have not seen much. It must be fun to have a tail”.

“So you don’t know where you are from?”, she pushed her luck with her questions, beside Milla had brought up the topic in conversation. “And I am sorry you are an orphan”, she could not possibly understand what it would be like to not have parents around, nor how it would feel.

She did not want to make her friend sad by all this, they were having such a lovely day out, but maybe Milla needs to talk about it and maybe, in time, the two of them might be able to find out more about her home, if that is what Milla would like. After all, friends look out for each other.

[member="Milla Caranthyr"]
Thora was right. These stones belonged and it would be wrong to take them away. She climbed off the tree root and began to place the stones in a pattern like Thora was doing. "I believe they do."

Milla wasn't at all surprised that Thora had never seen anyone like her before. "That's not surprising actually, I've never seen anyone like me before either. N..not saying that I'm the only one, just...rare I guess." She gave a smile when her friend said it must be fun having a tail. Milla grabbed said tail and held it up closer to Thora. "Having a tail is awesome! I can pick things up with it and it gives me great balance."

"Well....I do know where I came from. Sort of." This part would take some explaining to do. Honestly most of the detailed stuff still confused her, especially the part about her DNA. "I wasn't always like..this. I was human once, born on Mandalore. My parents were freighter pilots, from what I remember. After they died and I was on the streets for a while. I was found by the Silver Jedi. Then one day I got separated on a mission, a simple archeology dig. I...kinda ended up on the wrong ship."

She took a moment to get her thoughts in order before continuing. "I was stranded, on Nar Kreeta again of all places. Until I was picked up by a passing noble family. I stayed with them and their daughter for a while. Then one day I found a Sith artifact in a storage room. When I touched it, it afflicted me with some kind of Sith alchemy. Then...I kinda turned into this."

"A doctor came to look at me. Said I wasn't human anymore but a different species, not just something unique. So there are more out there like me, I guess. The doctor adopted me, but...she was killed by Sith. So, here I am...again."

Milla knew this was a lot of information to take in. A lot of weird information that would probably lead to more questions. That was alright though, Thora was her friend and needed to know these things. "And, thanks. Not really having a family can make ssome things a little more difficult."

[member="Thora Heavenshield"]

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