Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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Private High Above the Swamp

The forested landscape of Dagobah was a far cry from the endless metropolis that was Coruscant.

As she stepped from the shuttle landing pad, Cora craned her neck up to the great sprawl of ancient trees that held Dagobah's Jedi Temple. Constructed around the world's natural flora, it was aesthetically pleasing as it was respectful to the planet itself.

"Goodness…" She breathed in awe. "I love what they've done with the place."

Cora had never been to Dagobah before, but she'd been told that it was a murky swamp world. Indeed, swampland was beneath them, but the temple itself has been built high into the trees.

Her time among the greater galaxy was dwindling. Soon, she'd be married off to Prince Horace of Ukatis and kept at the royal palace. He'd made it clear that Cora would not be allowed to properly tend to her duties as a Jedi, which incensed her to travel as much as she could before her wedding night.

She'd come to Dagobah, specifically, to seek out an old friend. A fellow Padawan and one of the first friends she'd made on Coruscant— Cailen Corso Cailen Corso .

Gaze still lingering along the tangle of trees and flora, Cora's fingers brushed against the tasar crystal strung around her neck. The necklace had been a gift from Cailen, presented to her when she and Valery had spent Life Day with his parents.

It was a treasured possession.


Location: Dagobah Jedi Temple | Soundtrack: Fire and the Flood


"Should I show her the gardens first? Or the Rest?" Cailen asked from his bunk, facing the ceiling but speaking to his roommate in the bed below. The Mon Calamari beneath him chuckled cruelly.

"What is this, a reunion of friends or a date?"

Cailen scoffed, rolling to his side and peering at his friend with squinted eyes.

"It is not a date!"

"Then show her where the real action is, Corso."
The Mon Cala grinned, his fishlike eyes glimmering as he waited for Cailen to prod him. The human boy raised his eyebrows expectantly.

"The cantina!"
Cailen rounded the corner that led to the temple's landing pad with hurried feet. The message that his friend Corazona von Ascania Corazona von Ascania had arrived came a good five minutes later than when she actually touched down, courtesy of the temple guard who 'didn't know she required a moment-to-moment report.'

He just didn't want to be late. It'd been... weeks? Maybe even a month or more since he last saw her.

It was on Coruscant, if memory served correctly. She'd busted her holopad, and he was able to save her most precious digital memories. A pang of guilt shocked him as he replayed that evening. He never got to say goodbye before leaving to study on Dagobah. Silas and Calix, Valery and Vera - he bade farewells and stayed in contact with them all... but Cora was elusive. Just her willingness to see him at his new home in the Outer Rim was a surprise.

And despite the constant poking from his Mon Cala roomie, he was bound to make the most of their visit.

When he strode onto the dock and saw the noble Jedi Padawan before him, his feet must have skipped a step. He recovered, hopefully before she noticed him trip, and approached her with a huge smile.

"Cora!" he said, waving excitedly, "hi!"

Fortunately for Cailen, Cora had been facing another direction and had missed his stumble entirely. When he called out to her, the blonde turned on her heel sharply to face him.

Her heart skipped a beat at the sight of him—Cailen, always so open and eager and earnest. Personal circumstance had kept her away when he'd made his departure, and she'd regretted not being there to see him off to Dagobah.

"Cai!" She found herself returning his smile, his energy infectious as always. "It's so good to see you!"

Opening her arms, she pulled her fellow Padawan into a hug, giving him a tight squeeze. "Oh, I've missed you. I'm so sorry that I wasn't able to be there to say goodbye properly."

This, She thought somberly, May very well be the final goodbye.

Her expression sobered momentarily as they embraced, quickly returning to one of exuberance as they pulled back. It wasn't feigned, because she was excited to see Cailen, but the barest thread of gloom had woven into her eyes.

"How've you been? Oh, have you gotten a bit taller?"

A hand rested atop his head, sliding horizontally towards her own face as a cursory form of measurement.

Cailen Corso Cailen Corso


Location: Dagobah Jedi Temple | Soundtrack: Y’ffre in Every Leaf


Cailen could feel himself melt into the second hug ever that he’d shared with her, leaving a warm smile and soft tinge of pink on his face when they separated. He held still while she gauged his most recent growth spurt, following her hand with his hazel eyes while the rest of his head stayed comically in place.

“That’s okay,” he consoled, “I know you’re busy and all. I tried to find you before I left, but everything happened so quickly.” He sighed, replaying the outburst of frustration with the Order and the sharp words he exchanged with his friends and mentors before boxing up his entire dorm.

It wasn’t fair to those who he truly cared about, especially Cora and Silas. The latter he was at least able to connect with on New Cov to bid his farewells, but his heart truly did ache that he failed to see Cora before he was gone.

“I’m sorry I left like that,” he said with sincerity, before energetically adding, “But I’m so glad you’re here!”

“I can’t wait to show you around, everything here is so… weird, and cool, and strange!”

The Padawan’s auburn hair bounced atop his head as he looked to the platforms and buildings suspended above their heads.

From here, each level seemed to wrap itself around the core of the gnarltrees at impossible angles and curvatures… it wasn’t even immediately noticeable just how they’d ascend to the first platform, let alone navigate them.

Cailen turned back to her after a moment of monologuing, a big grin on his face.

“… but Shib is a weirdo, I’m not making our first stop the cantina. How about the Gardens? Master Tiland may be there, and he always has the freshest tea, just when you need it!”

Cora returned the sincerity of Cailen's words with her eyes, an expression of genuine fondness. He'd been one of her first friends in the Order, and though she'd been sad to hear of his departure, she hoped that it was for the better. Cailen deserved a home that made him feel like he belonged.

"Don't even mention it—I'm just glad to see you again."

Blue eyes followed his gaze up to the twists and tangles that made up the Dagobah temple grounds.

"This is certainly a far cry from Coruscant, that's for sure!" Her observation came with a good natured laugh, followed by a genuinely curious stare at the forested platforms. She could only imagine the depth of engineering that went into it all.

A thin blonde eyebrow arched at the mention of the cantina and Shib being a weirdo, but her expression brightened at the mention of the gardens. They were her favorite place at the Coruscant temple, too.

"That sounds lovely, Cailen. And Master Tiland…?"

Cora's expression creased in thought before recognition dawned.

"Ah! I met him once, briefly. On Kirdo III. I regret not having been able to speak more with him then."

Falling into step behind Cailen, Cora found that the landscape kept drawing her eye.

"You seem happy here." She observed. "How…how have you been, Cailen? Are the rimward Jedi treating you well?"

Cailen Corso Cailen Corso


Location: Dagobah Jedi Temple | Soundtrack: Y’ffre in Every Leaf


“I- yeah, I am,” he said with thoughtful nod. Truthfully, he’d been conflicted about the transition.

Up until the moment he left the Core, this was everything he wanted; A pause from textbook training and deadly exercises, distance from war and constant threats of violence. And while he found that here, high above the swamps of Dagobah, he couldn’t help but dwell on the friends who’d become a second family to him in the NJO.

Master Elias Edo Elias Edo once told him that the beauty of found family is that they’re never lost once you have them, and that they can be found wherever you go. Maybe one day, Cailen’s family could be found here, with the RJC. Maybe.

He gave Cora a bittersweet smile before answered her second question.

“They’ve been good to me, like when you stay at a friend’s house for the night and his parents want you to feel at home.”

“I have Master Edo, and Tiland and Knight Alana. Oh, and Knight Pyeth!”
Cailen added, looking to her brightly. “He can fly! He said he’d teach me one day, when my- when, uh… I’m older.”

When his Force connection was no longer severed at the hands of the Maw, he meant. It was unsafe for Cailen to learn Levitate with so many negative feelings still lingering inside. He pushed the situation to the back of his mind, turning his focus to Cora instead before it soured his mood.

“What about you? How are things back on Coruscant?”

He looked to her on and off as they walked through the lower levels, eventually coming to the main hall of the temple.

Cailen refrained from bringing her attention to every detail, preferring instead to watch her take in all the intricate carvings and unique architectural techniques. When she was ready, he’d take her to the elevators and ascend to the upper levels of the temple.

A thoughtful smile tugged at Cora's lips while she listened to Cailen recount his thoughts of the Rimward Jedi.

She didn't have a reference for staying at a friend's house overnight, but she thought that she could understand the sentiment. Cailen seemed happy, at any rate.

"He can fly? Goodness!" Cora laughed, blue eyes crinkling in amusement. "I'm glad that you're doing well here. Settling into a new home can be hard."

Trailing behind Cailen, Cora felt as if her thoughts were constantly distracted by the new and curious sights around her. Her head turned this way and that, gaze sliding along the weaving foliage and collected platforms.

After much hesitation, she answered.

"Things on Coruscant are well."

She offered Cailen, and perhaps herself, an encouraging smile.

"The war against the Maw came to its conclusion on Exegol. Now I suppose we're just…cleaning up the aftermath."

Even though the Big Bad had finally fallen, it opened the door for a power vacuum. Pirates trawled former Maw space, and dozens of planets were left in need. The war may have been over, but there was still much work to be done.

"Oh! And my home--Ukatis--formally joined the Alliance." She informed with a proud smile. Cora pointedly ignored the current circumstances around her homeworld, at least for the moment. She was unsure of how Cailen would take the news. "I was able to see some of my siblings again, so that was most welcome."

Cailen Corso Cailen Corso


Location: Dagobah Jedi Temple | Soundtrack: Y’ffre in Every Leaf


The younger Jedi made way for Cora to enter the lift first, then stepped inside behind her. Eagerly, he pressed the button that would take them to the upper levels where the gardens could be found. He listened with a smile as they chatted, his eyebrows raising with impressed curiosity when she mentioned Ukatis.

"Oh- wow, that's great news!" he congratulated, trying to hide the fact that he didn't know Cora's homeworld wasn't already part of the Alliance. He assumed that her noble lineage and Ukatis' impressive courts equated status within the Core. It seems even wealthy worlds such as hers took their time coming around to the galactic spotlight.

Things weren't so different in the Outer Rim, he supposed, with a mental shrug. Master Edo recently attended a fancy gala on Seswenna, real suit-and-tie business - he even wore his dreadlocks up in a ponytail. But despite its highfalutin appearance, it wasn't a member world of the League.

"So... what does that mean for you? For your people, I mean? Surely it's a good thing, right? Being under official Alliance protection and all."

Entering the lift, Cora stood with her back against the wall, shoulders straight, hands folded neatly together in front of her. She felt heat prickle uncomfortably at the back of her neck when Cailen prompted her further, but kept up the outward appearance of a Lady.

"This is a very good thing for my people." She agreed. "As much as Ukatis prides itself on independence, we are not able to produce enough to feed all of our people. With Alliance help, that will likely no longer be a concern."

Giving Cailen a gentle smile, her gaze slid from the other Padawan up to the number on the screen. She watched as they ticked away.

"In a few weeks, I'll be going back to Ukatis for quite some time." Perhaps forever. Her pleasant expression started to waver, but she quickly stilled the quiver of her lips.

"I know I should've reached out long ago, but…I'm glad that I had the chance to see you again before then."

The delicate, courtly smile she wore didn't quite reach her eyes.

Cailen Corso Cailen Corso


Location: Dagobah Jedi Temple | Soundtrack: Y’ffre in Every Leaf


Cailen couldn't quite place it, but something felt off about her. Maybe it was the stress of all the post-war fires she mentioned, or perhaps Ukatis' new status as an Alliance world was causing stress in her civilian life. He wasn't sure, but he did know one thing: The gardens would brighten up the dimness in her eyes. When the lift doors slid open, he took the lead once again, stepping out onto the elegant natural veneer of the platform.

It was suspended above the marshlands by thick tethers that resembled vines, making it nearly indistinguishable from an ordinary bow in the gnarltree. Brilliant, natural camouflage courtesy, of the great worms that aided in the temple's construction.

"In a few weeks, I'll be going back to Ukatis for quite some time."

The small lead Cailen had on her gave him room to frown without her seeing. 'Quite some time'? That was... vague.

"I'm really glad you're here," he said softly, a tickle in his throat betraying how much he truly missed her - how much more he'd miss her now, if she was really going away on courtly business. He turned to face her as they neared the entrance to the greenhouses.

"Maybe this will cheer you up!" Cailen said with twinkles in his eyes, their hazel hue popping with the lush vegetation that awaited them inside the gardens. Dozens of exotic species from all over the Outer Rim rested neatly in pots and planters of all sizes. Some would be familiar, but many were completely new. As they walked among the aisles, Cailen would caress the leaves and offer little facts he'd picked up from the herbalists.

He gave her a warm look, raising his eyebrows as he asked, "So? What d'ya think?"

"Oh!" Cora exclaimed, a hand pressed to her chest as she took in the splendor of the gardens. "It's marvelous!"

Her eyes shone with genuine delight, wide and sparkling. It was different from the neatly manicured, almost sanitized courtyard at the Ascania estate, but the gardens of the Dagobah temple had their own natural charm. There were so many places to look, it was nearly overwhelming.

"You've so many different species here," She commented with wonder while brushing her hand gently along a tangle of vines that crept up a pillar. "I can imagine that caring for them all, with their different needs, must certainly be a full-time task!"

The closer she looked, the more Cora realized that she couldn't name at least half of the flora that bedecked the hall. Still, she was entranced with the lush greenery all the same, listening eagerly as Cailen rattled off tidbits of information.

"Simply lovely," Cora's words rode on a heavy exhale while her fingers smoothed along the broad surface of a crimson leaf belonging to a tall potted flower. After confirming with Cailen that the plant was not poisonous or too delicate to touch, of course.

"We've gardens back home on Ukatis, but nothing as expansive as this." She offered her friend a smile, tickled by the happiness in his gaze. "As a child I would bring all sorts of weeds and flowers home from the forest and plant them in the gardens. I would try to tend to them the best I could, but the groundskeepers were often upset when they discovered them." Cora chuckled fondly at the memory.

Then the light in her eyes dimmed again.

"Cailen," She began, turning back to inspect the red plant once more. Her thumb grazed gently against a curved thorn as she took in a breath.

"I wanted to tell you that…I'm returning to Ukatis to be married."

Cailen Corso Cailen Corso


Location: Dagobah Jedi Temple | Soundtrack: Y’ffre in Every Leaf


Married?” Cailen echoed, his mouth suddenly very dry. A hard lump swelled in his throat, blocking anything else from coming out. How could this be happening?

Cora was to be… married?

She was older than him by a couple years, but she was still quite young for marriage - wasn’t she? Cailen scanned her carefully with misty eyes. His instinct was to congratulate her, to support her despite the fact that his heart was in free fall, but something in her eyes told him it wasn’t a fairytale wedding.

“Cora…” he said, stepping closer but maintaining a respectful distance. He wanted to hug her, but his arms were stuck by his side. All he could do was look at her, and wish all of this would go away.

“That’s… exciting news. I’m- I’m happy for you.”

He swallowed hard, finally regaining enough control of himself to turn his gaze to a nearby fern. He lazily ran his ringers across the stippled leaves as he searched his heart for his next words.

“Who- who is he?” the boy asked, unwilling to look her in the eyes. It made the conversation easier to handle.

"Thank you."

Her response was polite and appropriate, but devoid of any real joy. A heavy silence hung between Cora and Cailen as they stood there, backs facing one another, desperately preoccupying themselves with the closest piece of exotic fauna as they both struggled to handle the bombshell announcement.

Cora felt her chest tighten, her throat constricting uncomfortably as she caught the stutter in Cailen's words. Her heart fluttered once, then dropped sickeningly into the pit of her stomach.

"Prince Horace of Ukatis." She murmured, the soft words carrying in the stillness between them. "Father told me that he wasn't planning on looking for suitors until I completed my Jedi training, but the opportunity arose and…"

Cora bit her lip, fingertip tracing over the outline of a broad leaf.

"...he would've been—I would've been...foolish to refuse this opportunity."

There had been no choice for Cora, but maybe this all would be a little easier if she could pretend that she had some control over the situation she'd been ambushed by.

"You'll...have to visit Ukatis sometime." She tried for a smile, even though he wasn't facing her.

Cailen Corso Cailen Corso


Location: Dagobah Jedi Temple | Soundtrack: Lost


A prince. Of course. It made… perfect sense.

Why wouldn’t the noble Jedi girl from a world with courts and lords want to be with a prince? Cailen was just the scrapyard kid from an unimpressive planet. Probably just a peasant, in her eyes. Why would she ever-


Cailen took a deep breath. In through his nose, out through his mouth. He held it tight in his chest, and let it go. His emotions were getting the better of him. He heard what she said - ‘my father would’ve been foolish.’ Maybe it wasn’t even her choice. His cheeks burned, the embarrassment of making the situation about him flushing his skin. He felt stupid.

What was unreciprocated puppy love compared to an arranged marriage?

“You- you have to stop your training?” Cailen asked, eyes misting for her. He couldn’t imagine what that would feel like. Being a Jedi was… everything to him.

“That’s unfair! What does Master Noble think? Does she know? Maybe she could-”

He bit his tongue. Cora was smart, cunning; If there was a simple solution, she’d have taken it. She was in this situation because there wasn’t another option. She was here to say goodbye.

Cailen turned and wrapped his arms around her, hugging her from behind and giving her a comforting squeeze. He didn’t say another word. There was nothing left to say.

Well, maybe one thing.

The heavy breath Cailen exhaled was quiet, but it may as well have echoed in the stillness around them. Cora was anxious, shoulders tensed upwards and jaw set painfully. Part of her thought to offer him a hasty goodbye and withdraw to the shuttle. Maybe it would've been better if she hadn't mention this at all, especially considering how the other Je—

Soft arms wrapped firmly around her midsection, starling Cora from her spiral. Blue eyes flared in surprise, and she let out a soft "Oh," at the sensation of being embraced.

For a few moment, Cora simply remained still. Affectionate touch was not the native language of Ukatian nobility, and after a few seconds passed, she turned in place and looped her arms around Cailen.

"She knows," Cora murmured. "Everyone knows. Master Kahlil even struck my father."

It hadn't been over her engagement specifically, but the bruises Marcel had left his daughter with.

"This is my duty." She said simply, resting her chin gently against the top of Cailen's head. "It may be unpleasant, but I will bear it with grace."

Cailen Corso Cailen Corso


Location: Dagobah Jedi Temple | Soundtrack: Lost


He wanted to tell her that serving the Alliance, that training as a Jedi were her duties. She swore herself to them both. That should stand for something. They were both certainly more noble than... than marrying some aristocrat back home.

Cailen felt he could scream it, but only the sound of his breathing broke the strange silence.

He held her - or, maybe she held him - while the unexpected revelation sank in. Cailen searched his comparative years of life and experiences for something, anything that could shed a healthier perspective on what was happening… but he realized with a bitter taste of shame that he’d never been through anything quite like this before.

Bullies on Anaxes, losing Master Undara on Tython, seeing Jem wounded by the Empire - it was all harrowing, but somehow, none of it prepared him to watch the girl he liked be married off to a stranger.

He began to think the Mon Cala from the bottom bunk was right.

“Do you… wanna get some coffee…? The cantina, it has some pretty good stuff this time of day.”

He’d stay here if she wanted, or take her someplace else. Whatever she asked, wherever she wanted to go, Cailen would take her there.

She was in charge now, even if only for today.

Still locked in their embrace, Cora drew in a shuddering breath. Marriage was a tricky situation to navigate. She'd never thought it as such, especially not after seeing the joy that highlighted Amani and Alicio's own union.

Her heart leaped into her throat when Cailen spoke and broke their silence. At first, all she heard was the soft lit of his voice. Words took their time to filter in, and their meaning, even longer.

Cora took her time blinking the tears away before she pulled her head back and fixed her friend with a watery smile.

"Y-yeah…" Her voice cracked, leading her to clear her throat awkwardly. "Do they have tea?"

Carefully, she untangled her arms from Cailen and half-turned for a moment of privacy as she dabbed at her lash line with her sleeve.

"Wait a minute-"

Spinning on her heel, she gave him a frown of disapproval. "Aren't you a little young to be drinking caf? It might stunt your growth!"

At least, that was what her mother had told her.

Cailen Corso Cailen Corso


Location: Dagobah Jedi Temple | Soundtrack: Lost


Cailen giggled, but he couldn't wear more than a half-smile. For the first time, he felt he could understand all the times Master Edo talked about the oceans roaring inside. His guts felt like they were twisting and turning, swept up in a violent undertow. He sensed Cora felt the same.

The walk back to the lift was quieter than the way up, and it took Cailen's all not to rattle off half-baked ideas to get her out of what was to come. She could feign injury or illness, or be swept away with an urgent Jedi mission. Maybe she could simply run away. Cailen kept it to himself, though. She'd have done it if she could.

Instead, he halfheartedly informed her about a few of the special herbs they grow for herbal teas. Some mixtures were tailored for insomniac Padawans who had trouble falling asleep to the never-ending cadence of evening cicadas in the surrounding marsh, while others calmed the mind and allowed for deeper meditation. Some were just tasty.

Cailen ordered himself a cup of the mind-numbing kind, and waited patiently for Cora to choose her own flavor of relief. When they were ready, he'd take them back outside, to a nearby balcony just outside the mess hall. It was more private, he felt, than discussing things in front of the late-evening Jedi who still lingered over their food.

"Is he nice?" Cailen asked after a long while. The boy reasoned that if Cora's groom was a good man, someone who'd cherish her for her and not some alliance-bearing pawn, then he'd be alright.

One day.

Cora wanted to take her time with her selection, maybe ask for a sample or two and pick the cafeteria droid's metaphorical brain about the brewing times for each tea.

In the end, she quickly ordered whatever seemed the most relaxing. Some sort of mallow root for the nerves, mixed with chamomile and lavender.

Despite the relative warmth and humidity of Dagobah, Cora kept both hands wrapped tightly around her mug. Cailen's question lanced through her like a blade, and she was taken aback by how his simple inquiry could cause her heart to sink into the depths of her stomach.

"I…" Lips parted to speak, but Cora realized that she had no real answer.

Well, not entirely. She had no diplomatic answer to describe Horace. Their interactions had been limited, but she could clearly recall the way he'd snarled in her face when their engagement party had gone to ruin, and the cruel words that dripped from his mouth when he'd caught her being comforted underneath the staircase.

"I don't know him very well." Her tone was careful, curved by an admission of the technical truth. "I only hope that our marriage is...peaceful."

Cora was not naive enough to think that marriage equated love. Not where she came from—and nor did she think that she could grow to love a man like Horace. Tolerate, perhaps. Maybe that would be enough for her.

"I don't know what is going to happen, Cailen." Her voice dropped, softer in pitch. Cora pressed her lips to the edge of the cup and took a cursory sip of the hot tea. "I'd like to come back someday, and see everyone."

Cailen Corso Cailen Corso


Location: Dagobah Jedi Temple | Soundtrack: Lost


Cailen didn’t make any attempt to hide his frown. His eyes were locked on the stationary lamp between them, a warm, glowing centerpiece that contrasted dramatically against the emotional tension.

He’d been so neutral, tried so hard to be optimistic, but he couldn’t stand it. When her cup reached her lips, Cailen’s eyes darted up.

“What would happen if you stayed? Here, I mean. On Dagobah.”

Cailen already knew the answer, but he had to ask. He’d never forgive himself for letting her go without trying to convince her.

“It’s scary at first, but it’s not so bad! I’ve made friends, and there’s-“ he stalled, finding selling points, “there’s tea! And the gardens, and Master Tiland’s lessons!”

The red-headed boy took a deep breath, then sighed.

“You could stay, Cora. Here… with us. With me.”


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