Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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Hi There

Hey there everyone,

So I am not sure how to properly introduce myself. I was shown this site by a friend and decided I would give it a try. I am a professional Author currently between books at the present moment. In my spare time I wanted to try something different. I never tried writing sci-fi before so I think this would be a neat challenge for me.

I hope to have some fun :)

Well that's all about me and probably more than you wanted to know. Thanks for reading though!
Hey there, Elijah! Welcome to the site!

If you have any questions or queries, don't hesitate to ask! We're a friendly bunch here.

It's interesting to have a professional author here in our midst, I don't think anyone else is around here? Anyways, I look forward to writing with you! Enjoy your stay! :)

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