Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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Hi, I'm a new member

Hi, I'm not new to roleplay I simply crave Star Wars RP since the roleplay forum I currently frequent doesn't have one and no one I know is vaguely interested, despite the Force Awakens looking like the best bloody film to come out this year.

I'd be very interested in roleplaying with you wonderful people since I'm not particularly knowledgeable about how this sort of forum works.

I'm slightly confused as to whats the go with everything right now. Thats in terms of history and technology currently used since its nearly 1000 years after Yavin. Sorry if I'm being a bother and I hope to be able to assist someone in conquering the galaxy.
[member="Carlyle Moore"]

Welcome to the play-by Doctor.

You can view the Timeline Here. That should give you a bit of history as to where we currently stand. For technology.....basically anything that is canon from wookiepedia can be used. Also, there is a Codex and Factory Forum where you can flesh out new ideas. One final note, there are some materials that are restricted or banned here on can find those in the sub-forums in both the Codex and Factory. Banned naturally means banned....restricted can be used if you take the time to do the little quest/game that is attached to each restricted item.

I hope that helps.....and remember....have fun. :)

We can assure you that the Presbyterian Church will enjoy your presence. ;)

[member=carlyle moore]
Darth Venefica said:
Welcome to the play-by Doctor. You can view the Timeline Here. That should give you a bit of history as to where we currently stand. For technology.....basically anything that is canon from wookiepedia can be used. Also, there is a Codex and Factory Forum where you can flesh out new ideas. One final note, there are some materials that are restricted or banned here on can find those in the sub-forums in both the Codex and Factory. Banned naturally means banned....restricted can be used if you take the time to do the little quest/game that is attached to each restricted item. I hope that helps.....and remember....have fun.

Thanks for the links milord, they're appreciated.

On an unrelated note, I have another question, I've been looking at creating a character and I'm not sure what the factions mean. I'd like my character to be a Piett-esque officer. Would anyone have a faction willing to accept someone like me?
I'd like to note I didn't actually meant to be The Doctor, I meant to be this guy:

Warning he swears a bit
[member="Carlyle Moore"]
Welcome to Chaos. :)

As far as factions, the galaxy is ran by factions of people, governments and the like, called "Major Factions". The Galactic Republic is one such faction, and the One Sith are another. You can find a map of their regions of control via the map for future reference, and it is updated monthly or bi-monthly (depending on the month).

Of course you don't need to be in a faction, but if you choose to be with such parties, here is a comprehensive list of them.

You can find most of this up at the top header at the top of the screen, it should scroll with the page, and is to the far right of the SWRP Chaos splash.

Connor Harrison

[member="Carlyle Moore"]

Welcome to the Chaos!

Have fun, enjoy yourself and ask any questions you have!

Connor Harrison said:
Welcome to the Chaos! Have fun, enjoy yourself and ask any questions you have!
Ok, question, how do I start off roleplaying? I want in on this whole One Sith business and want to help some form of evil entitiy conquer the galaxy, How do you propose I start off?


Disney's Princess

Here's how you start:

  • Throw up a Character Profile in the Character Creation Forum. It doesn't have to be fancy.
  • Create a Sub-Account underneath your Writer's Account and use it for your new character. (Your Profile -> Characters Tab -> Create Sub-Account -> Then switch to it.)
  • Post away! :D

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