Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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Hey! Couple Questions

Hey everyone!

I've been writing for a Star Wars RP for years and decided to give something else a spin for a bit to shake things up and explore new areas. I do have a couple questions though...and that's primarily the reason why I made this thread (my original intent was to simply create a character and go from there).

First Question:
I was trying to create a character profile thread and I noticed that there was a Table BB code listed under the "special BBcodes" list. However it didn't seem to work. If anyone could provide pointers on that one it would be much appreciated.

Second Question:
Is there an application process to join factions?

Any pointers would be hugely helpful!


Hey, welcome to Chaos!

Question One: Well, I haven't the foggiest clue. That's not something I usually mess around with. Someone else will know, though!

Question Two: There isn't really an application process for joining factions other than clicking the 'Join Faction' button, so all you have to do is find a faction that fits your character and... join! :)

Most factions don't have applications processes. Normally, you can just join and go right into the RP.

Though, sometimes it does happen.

As for the first question. I've no idea. I'm not all that great with computers x3

Welcome to Chaos, it seems the Owl answered your questions pretty spot on. If you have any others just feel free to let us know!

As for factions, most do--as said--let anyone in right away although some do have an approval process but to my knowledge none require an application of any kind. :)
This is a random use of a table from a fleeting system I designed. You can make tables, but it takes a bit of effort.
			Assault		Balanced	Support
Interceptor		--		2		--
Fighter			--		2		--
Bomber			--		1		--
Gunship			--		1		--
Corvette		0		2		4
Frigate			1		3		5
Cruiser			2		4		6
Heavy Cruiser		3		5		7
Destroyer		4		6		8
Battlecruiser		5		7		9
Remember to either change your account name to match your character or create a sub account for that character.

Create a sub account by going into your settings, subaccounts on the bottom left.

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