Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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Hey, all

Hey, all! Looks like y'all have a pretty good setup here.

So, the site that I've been RPing on for something close to twelve years (The Rebel Faction) has finally rolled over and died, so I'm hoping to be able to transfer a few of the characters from there over to here. I know there are rules for that (already did some significant scouting of the site), and I don't want to be stepping on anybody's toes, so I'm not asking for them to have the same positions they did at the old site, but I hate the idea of giving up twelve years of character investment to start over at the bottom.

As a player, I enjoy allowing a character to take me wherever they want to go. I try to get into my character's head and follow where they lead when I'm writing. I also tend to be a bit verbose (a post just isn't a post if it isn't five hundred words, at least, and a thousand is better!), but I'll try to constrain myself as much as possible.

Otherwise, I'm really glad to have found y'all, and I hope to be gaming with you shortly!



Hi and welcome to Chaos! Hope you enjoy your stay here and have fun. Also, if you ever have any questions, don't hesitate to ask! :)

Just be sure that you've made yourself familiar with our rules and timelines.

Welcome to chaos (not literally, just the site name ;))! It's always good to have characters from other sites come here, so don't worry about stepping on anyone's toes. Feel free to PM me with any questions you may have :)
Factory Judge
[member="Cendar"], Welcome to the site! We are very open about any writing style you may have. Its perfectly fine for you to write 3k+ posts if you'd like. And honestly, I would love to find someone I can do that with.

Anyways, welcome to Chaos, and the chaos of this site.

As for bringing people over, thats fine. You can move their rank, and their gear/weapons/ships over. (Must conform to site, and factory rules)

If you have any more questions, just ask.

Have a good day, and May the force be with you.
Wow, that was fast. On TRF, it'd take a day or two to get one reply, at least as it neared the end. Good to see an active community again.

I'm honestly surprised that more TRF members haven't jumped over here. I'll try to pull in the few that I know are still active. And Zephyr, sounds like a plan.
So, I've been scanning through the timeline, and while it gives me a basic overview, it doesn't give me much of a handle on the overall state of the galaxy. Anybody want to catch me up on threads that are a must-read before I get started?
Factory Judge

Definitely. Bring more people over for us to have fun with. If you ever want to Rp, just PM me. (FYI, Tag who you want to talk to by putting @insert name here, or by clicking the "@Mention" under the characters tags and avi.)
  1. Plague wipes the galaxy clean
  2. People try to rebuild from there.
  3. Rogue AI tries to take over the galaxy, fails to do so.
  4. Many factions fight over planets.
  5. Zombie Apocalypse comes along. Defeated.
  6. Factions come back from that, and start to rebuild themselves. Fighting once again.
  7. Everybody is taken to a pseudo galaxy where people are the opposite of who they are in the "real" galaxy. "Sith become Jedi and Vise versa" its stopped by killing special people. Last person is a very powerful child that is banished to the Netherworld/Hell.
  8. Fighting between factions again.
  9. Child mentioned earlier goes on a rampage. bringing the Netherworld and the Living world into a clash. Child is defeated, and there are still a few portals open to the Netherworld.
  10. Factions are fighting once more.
Looks good to me. I can easily work with that.

Hm...I scanned through the faction list, and I'm not sure which ones would fit my characters best. I have a die-hard law & order Imperial who would not fit well with the First Order, I don't think - he's more interested in the law & order part of the Empire than the evil part, and the First Order seems more along the lines of the evil part. I also have a light-side Sith - she doesn't fit Jedi groups, but she doesn't fit the Sith groups either.

Any suggestions for either one?

EDIT: I'm also redrafting my Sith's bio, but I need to figure out what the situation on Dathomir as well as for the Jedi and Sith has been for the past thirty years. If someone could link me a few threads on any of those topics, I'd appreciate it.
[member="Cendar"] Welcome to Chaos!

Silver Sanctum may be worth checking out? So far as I have noticed they have some.... questionable folks (Said with love folks, my alt loves you).

There's not a lot of, well, law and order going on (that I'm seeing). I also play an ex imperial trying to sort out what to do *now*, so that might be a good way to go and see where the galaxy takes him?
[Member="Irajah Ven"], sounds like we have the makings of a new faction - could call it the New Order, a bunch of old Imperials banding together to restore justice and order to the galaxy...I know a few people I could recruit with that line.

I looked at the Silver Sanctum, but they don't really seem to fit - they're Jedi, but not Jedi warriors. My character is a warrior, but not a Jedi warrior.
(Irajah's writer here)

I'm actually really enjoying playing out the "Where do we go from here?" style of story [member="Cendar"]! Maybe a new imperial faction down the road, but there's an awful lot of introspection-

(writer- you mean pointless navel gazing? Didn't [member="Cait Falcor"] call you a, and I quote "Sad Sack"?)


INTROSPECTION. ::cough:: that gets to happen in that position. I don't know if that's up your alley though. My character is from a reeaaaally long time ago version of the Empire, also from another board (it's all in the bio). Maybe we can thread some time and get nostalgic for by gone days. You know, when stormtrooper boots could be heard throughout the galaxy and it was okay to shoot a Jedi in the face.

::sigh:: Good times.

Aerin Kath

Sentinel of the Outback.
there are witchy factions [member="Cendar"]
otherwise there 'was' a revanist faction...then it died, and there are a few factions (like TKO) that are neutral and and take most people as long as they don't go pirating stuff too badly and as long as it's against big-bads

Welcome to the site!

Currently the Sith are sort of going through a period of downtime - things are kind of shifting, which is a nice shake-up. That's not to say we don't have a hugely active Sith population on the board, just that our factions are sort of slowing down and giving way to something new, so soon you may have factions that more closely match what you're looking for.

On the other hands the ENTIRE time I've written Matsu Xiangu on this board she hasn't fit in anywhere and I've had just as much fun writing her as an independent that lives by her own rules, flitting in and out of factions as fits her current motivations.

I hope you enjoy your time here - it's hands down the best RP board I've ever been on, and I've done the rounds. Hope to see you out there!
[member="Zee"], I can do introspection - my Sith has been doing quite a lot as the old board was ending - but it doesn't fit well with Wes. He's an action guy, and he's going to find something to do. At this point in his career, he's not likely going to accept anything less than the true Empire, as he sees it, so if he can't find something that's pretty close, he's likely to try to start something. He'll be a tough nut to crack.

Skygge, on the other hand, is a very interesting Sith. I just finished up a personal development thread for her (it was designed as a promotion thread from Knight to Master, or at least the beginning of that journey), a very introspective storyline that has her abandoning darkness in order to be a shining beacon of light. Practicalities aside, her next introspection was going to be her juxtaposing her commitment to the light and Sith philosophy.

Looking forward to all of that here on this board, now! I'm really glad I get the chance to finish out their stories - I would have hated to abandon those characters just because the board died. I think Wes was actually my first Star Wars RP character.

[member="Matsu Xiangu"], Skygge's been independent before, and probably will be again. But her current arc was leading her to allying with an Empire faction, and I don't want to completely abandon that. But I'll see what I can figure out.

EDIT: Another question - what's the policy on writing backstory threads? There's a number of threads I had on TRF that got abandoned by other players that I'd like to pick up on here, if possible. Most of them can be transferred over without too much editing, and they deal mostly with Skygge's struggles to fit in as a Sith Apprentice or her attempts to balance light and dark as a Sith Knight. There's also a number of such threads that were planned out and, because of other player disappearances, never saw the light of day. I'd like to start those as well, give something to flesh her out a bit more.

Welcome to the board. Hope you enjoy your time here. Dathomir is presently part of Mandalorian space. As [member="Matsu Xiangu"] said, the Sith are going through a downtime, since after a long period of dominance, the One Sith are disintegrating. However, that also provides plenty of opportunities for new groups, both Sith and Imperial, to arise.

Cendar said:
Skygge, on the other hand, is a very interesting Sith. I just finished up a personal development thread for her (it was designed as a promotion thread from Knight to Master, or at least the beginning of that journey), a very introspective storyline that has her abandoning darkness in order to be a shining beacon of light. Practicalities aside, her next introspection was going to be her juxtaposing her commitment to the light and Sith philosophy.

Sounds like a very interesting character. One of my main chars, Siobhan here, runs a corporation (Firemane Industries) with its once Force-using arm that's mainly composed of neutral Force-users and Dark Jedi. It's rather grey overall. There's a minor faction it's a part of.

My Forcers tend to be outside the Jedi-Sith dichotomy.

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