Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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So I just got back into dabbling with Heromachine, a fun little website that lets you make any character you want using preset pictures. I just made One of my characters on there, and I was reminded how fun it was. That being said, if you want me to make you one based off of your character, let me know! If not, you can always try it out for yourself here. Here's an example of the end result:

Oh cool. I use this a lot for characters in my novels, but not on SWRP, although I did have two characters whom I used HeroMachine images for their avatar. I've deleted them both though.


Sithspawn With the Innuendo Tattoo
[member="Gherron Vael"]

I'm so bad at it :p

Within five minutes, I had something totally unrecognizable as a humanoid.
I love heromachine! It saves me for boredom when I have nothing to do on my games. >.> I've made my bothan from a different game, fat centaur and a predator so far. Here is my character for here:


Maybe later I will make the older version of him. :)

[member="Gherron Vael"]

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