Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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Here's a thought or two.

Hello, I'm Chi-Makwa, but you could also just call me Bear. Took me longer than I would've liked to write this thread, indecision is an... arse.

Just some quick things about me. I think it'll help you understand what I'm looking for. At this point I would think I'm more than just a bit of a fan of Star Wars. I've read quite a few Star Wars books, both in canon proper and Legends canon. Have to say in general I do like Legends more than canon proper, but I do like some of canon more than parts of Legends. For a large part, I do prefer canon's High Republic books over Legends Old Republic books, then again I also vastly prefer Legend's post-Endor over canon's. But I mean, I haven't read every single piece of media about Star Wars, so I'm not going to say I know everything about Star Wars, but I know a fair bit. All that said.

I'm looking for someone to write, "movies" with. Now not literal scripts mind you, but think of the movies, Episodes 4-6, they had clear stories and themes throughout, they had stories to tell and told them. I guess I'm looking for someone to write stories with me, without the hassle or stress of actually having to get back to me, though yeah, I would prefer you get back to me. If you think that sounds fun, I'm open.

On the writing side. I do prefer semi-literate I think? Anyway, I find it hard to not do more than a paragraph, in fact, I average around three paragraphs and sometimes I do more and sometimes I do a lot more, more.

Now... the stories I've had brewing in my head for a good bit since started to write this out -and delete and restarted I don't even know how many times-.

A long time ago in a galaxy far, far away...


  • Star Wars
    Scion of Tyranny

    Most would say that no little girl should go looking for help from a man like Darius Whils, but Auria Habs has no one else to turn to after the murder of her father and only family by a mysterious man she only knows as, "Sol" and his entourage of black armoured soldiers.

    Auria's father always said that Darius Whils would help her if anything were to ever happen to him. Though it would be quite hard for the young girl to track down her would-be caretaker, as in these days, she isn't the only one looking for the enigmatic bounty hunter. Darius Whils is the holder of the biggest bounty in the galaxy, coming up after his moment in the spotlight at the battle of Kroka Station.

    Auria Habs had no one else to turn to, there was only Darius Whils and promise of her father that he'd take care of her. She was sure that she'd track him down. However Darius knew her father, she was sure to get him to help her track down someone else and get her revenge on a man simply known as "Sol".

  • Pantheon
    A Star Wars Story

    Turmoil throughout the galaxy after the collapse of the Empire, the fledgling New Republic struggles to keep security and peace throughout the galaxy. Imperial Remnants across the galaxy refuse to cede control of their territories to the New Republic. There is something worse than Imperial Remnants in the deep dark edges of the galaxy, however...

    A thousand-year-old ship, the Pantheon, a relic of the New Sith Wars has made landfall on the wild space planet of Koa. Pantheon brings with it a cult of Sith, so-called Sith Gods. They are technological monsters made in the deep dark between worlds.

    Refugees of Koa petition the New Republic for help, but the New Republic is stretched thin and they don't recognize the threat of this Sith Cult, nor do the Jedi as this cult of Sith have abandoned the use of the Force. Though help has been sent in the form of blank and blank to evaluate this threat to the peace and security of the fragile New Republic.

  • Star Wars
    Jedi Outlaws
    Generations of war have plunged the galaxy into time darkness and strife! The result of the Jedi Cult experiencing a schism from within has caused a war on a scale never seen prior, leaving the galaxy at the mercy of the victors of the Schism, the New Sith Cult, though the galaxy is now a thousand years behind in their knowledge and technology. It would not be odd to see fleets of Sith Barge's land upon a planet to let loose hordes of pike and swordmen, rather than lightsaber-wielding Marauders and blaster flinging Soldiers.

    The Jedi Cult was purged when the New Sith Cult took power, the remnants of Jedi fleeing into exile or foolheartedly trying to stand up the hordes of Sith alone. Though not all hope is lost in the galaxy. Many yet are told the old tales of Jedi, Guardians of the Old Republic, before the Sith Hegemony that now exists and as history shows, the galaxy never stays in the darkness.

    A Jedi Master on a far-out world is said to have rediscovered the technique of crafting a lightsaber, a tall tale to tell and only a fool would think to actually believe the message this self-proclaimed Jedi Mastered actually made lightsabers. Plus, sending out this message as he did, it was asking for trouble, if he wasn't a Sith setting up a trap for the remaining Jedi of the galaxy...

  • So all of these have been thoughts in my head for a good bit I think. Any of them is up for grabs by anyone or even anyones. That being said...

    Scion of Tyranny is about obviously three pre-established characters, but that doesn't mean going into it with only those characters in mind. Those characters are central to the plot, but I imagine this story not being told from the perspective of Auria Habs -at least not entirely-, instead, being told by either bounty hunters or lawmen/women or even both. A race to track down the biggest bounty in the galaxy and collect until the people who were hunting him figure out there is something bigger going on here than just Darius Whils.

    Pantheon is a story that I imagine takes place sometime after the establishment of the New Republic. Early on, when the Empire still had prominent remnants. But if you know the lore of this site better than me, -you probably do- you can tell me if it fits in anywhere with canon. This story can be told with any perspective in mind, Imperial, Scum of the Galaxy, goodie-two-shoes Repub lawmen, anything. Even a Jedi would be fine... though I think in the context, Sith don't quite fit in.

    Jedi Outlaws was an idea inspired by the episode of Visions called The Ninth Jedi, I just found that episode very fun to watch and think about. A far-flung future where conflict had gotten so bad that technology had recessed so far as to that even the knowledge of making lightsabers was gone from the galaxy. Obviously, this story has Jedi and Sith in mind. With the context that this galaxy has been set back thousands of years in terms of technology and probably culture too. No grand planning Sith exist, only Sith who knows nothing but to hunt down what little is left to scavenge of the galaxy. Jedi whose numbers are so few, it's a wonder how they're not extinct.

    As for characters. I only have two written out wholly. I find it exhausting to make these forms for them all... but here are Tarasque and the Tech-Girl, my two favourite characters.

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