Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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Help to new people in invasions


Active Member
Ok so my first invasion for both my characters are happening, while so far not BAD experiences I have noticed a tendency I;ve seen in other RPGs that I am worried over. Now maybe it's been addressed or maybe not I won't comment on what the mod teams have or have not done. But Basically I am trying to get information not present entirely in easy to find places or by reading the posts. Cause most seem to use a lot of assumed information. So my characters are struggling to get into position to rp with others on their side. But when I sought help it took forever and only a scant few people even did. But others were quick to complain when things happened they didint like but were really not eager to help prevent it. Now I know nobody is likely to help us in every last thing forever I do think it is making a hard process harder unnecessarily for us new people. I tend to take being passed over for most of a day for basic things as a sign to just do whatever which now gets me angry PM messages. I would say if people don't want to help they have no right to complain either. Maybe it's just my old Navy days talking but typically in war if you don't pay attention to new people you cannot be mad at what stupid things they may do. Partly cause you didint do much to prevent it. If I was leading at ema and I failed to address the questions of one member and he did something I didint like they may be admonished for doing it wrong but I'd get more so for having not addressed the questions or requests of that person. Anyways I am not here to point fingers really just thinking maybe a team who can volunteer to help new people might be a good idea so as to prevent those problems in the future?
They already exist. They're called Roleplay Judges and by extension, Admins!

Furthermore the best way to communicate with people in invasions is through the OOC thread and making sure people tag you so you're aware of what's going on. If there's a problem, get someone more veteran to the site involved that you trust. If the issue continues, then an RPJ or Admin may be alerted.



Active Member
I made plans with another player eventually this really came up cause I spent 24 hours trying to get very basic info. Instead i was flatly ignored even while tagging or kicked to other people. I chose 24 hours cause it's the amount of time given for duels and seems reasonable to give that level of time before making decisions. In this case between the two invasions one of them got sorted the other I just am now working with my characters master to develop our own efforts and swapping objectives. I got plenty of posts in the OOC topic that went entirely ignored. not trying to be a jerk here so sorry if it comes off that way. I just find people are slow at best to help but very very fast to PM me with angry messages about how I am doing stuff wrong.
Roleplay Judge.

I would have to agree with Tellos. It was my first invasion as Layna Akhora as well and I had somewhat similar of an experience. Even in OOC threads, some were very quick to point out problems but didn't seem very interested in interaction IC. It isn't like it's not enjoyable but to an extent I get the feeling of being a 5th wheel. I am there and some people are willing to RP with the nooblet (myself) but others don't seem so interested. Kinda gives me mixed feelings as well.

This is my advice to you, mate. Know your objective....think about how YOU want to achieve that in the OOC for a potential rival in the thread...PM the members in your group.


If nobody responds to your pm...bollocks to them! You have your objective...go get it. If nobody wants to start a duel/battle with your character....again, bollocks to them! When I join these invasions, I'm out to prove myself to myself...and if someone wants to tag along, they are more than welcome to. I know what my character wants to do...and nothing will stop me (it's MY character). If someone does pm me and complains...then my response, "Instead of boring me with your complaint...why not work together since WE are on the SAME team." If they don't like it....I'm a Sith...I'm not to be trusted and trust character is the definition of the word...opportunist.



Active Member
[member="Darth Venefica"] For my sith sure I'd do it in one case I got my jedi being complained about by the opposing side of sith. To me in the end I plan to in the future go with my normal response that if people are not interested oocly or icly helping they can cry about it later on. not my job to make it easy on them to get what they want. I try to be helpful and agreeable with people hell I typically am fine trying to work out stuff but if people only wanna complain I got a short level of tolerance for it. Anyways thats fine thanks for the advice from everyone.
[member="Darth Venefica"] [member="Tellos"]

This is the right attitude here. Roleplay is about having fun for yourself, and if others have fun with you then great! If not, their loss.

However, if anyone is causing issues with you for any reason; don't hesitate to contact a Roleplay Judge or an Administrator. These people don't volunteer just to be enigmatic or stare at their profile pages all day. They're here because they love Chaos and want to help everyone love it too, that means resolving issues more often than not.

The big point is that if you're not having fun, make it fun.
*Drops head and acknowledges [member="Darth Venefica"].* Opportunist she sure is...

[member="Tellos"] if you would like some general guidance on things, while I may not be able to solve your problem directly I can give some advice and/or point you to someone to help you. Feel free to PM if you'd like. I'm far from the best source for info, but I do my best to help.

Look at the Kashyyyk invasion....from the start things got messed up in terms of my character. Like [member="Anja Aj'Rou"] said....its all about fun. So I made the most of it and now have a couple people who decided to come with me. And now everything seems to be on track. And don't be afraid to contact a RPJ.
Daniel Winnik said:
Roleplay Judge.

I would have to agree with Tellos. It was my first invasion as Layna Akhora as well and I had somewhat similar of an experience. Even in OOC threads, some were very quick to point out problems but didn't seem very interested in interaction IC. It isn't like it's not enjoyable but to an extent I get the feeling of being a 5th wheel. I am there and some people are willing to RP with the nooblet (myself) but others don't seem so interested. Kinda gives me mixed feelings as well.

Tellos said:
[member="Darth Venefica"] For my sith sure I'd do it in one case I got my jedi being complained about by the opposing side of sith. To me in the end I plan to in the future go with my normal response that if people are not interested oocly or icly helping they can cry about it later on. not my job to make it easy on them to get what they want. I try to be helpful and agreeable with people hell I typically am fine trying to work out stuff but if people only wanna complain I got a short level of tolerance for it. Anyways thats fine thanks for the advice from everyone.
If the issue is that nobody seems to want to pre-plan playing it out with you in IC, then I suggest simply saying "kark them" and doing your own thing, or simply picking a person in the thread that is heading towards your intended objective and joining up with them. In invasions there are agreed terms that each faction has to follow, which are posted in the first post of the OOC thread and generally in the first post of the IC thread as well, and if you find yourself breaking one of those terms you will likely get complaints - which are things you have to follow. Now it certainly isn't your fault as a new writer, if you have been asking what you were supposed to be doing and nobody was assisting you then those who ignored you are to blame. If you have any further questions during invasions, skirmishes, or anything involving an opposition, feel free to send me a PM to ask a question on what to do.

In regards to Prakith, where I assume this is all taking place, the world is a fortress world and most of the knowledge that the republic is working off of is based on location submissions and canon wookiepedia articles rather than just what we've told them. I, honestly, have incredible difficulty finding submissions via search on the site, especially when I don't know what they would be titled, so I ask those in charge of the faction that runs the planet and they generally know. If you find yourself in a similar situation where you need your allies/faction to assist you, I suggest sending whichever person is in charge a PM to ask them personally and they will almost always be guaranteed a response. Tagging and notifications can be buried under the hundreds we get from the invasion, and PMs have their own separate notifications that would resolve that.
Best Advice i can give is to Read about 3 posts of the same objective and then just focus on posting to aid an ally or attack an NPC. If no players engage you in PVP its ok. Gotta just focus on one thing or at least i do. When i read all the info about weapons and crap i get discouraged and dont post.


Active Member
[member="Kezeroth the Malevolent"] wasint even the PVP so much it's that NOBODY seemed to be going to any single one or with no uniform goal sets I couldn't grasp what was happening. Also attempts to follow peoples posting was getting me no where.

Stephanie Swail


Well done for speaking up your thoughts and concerns, that's how you learn and progress. And as for your first invasion, well done again for getting stuck in!

A certain writer and now RPJ who's been here longer than you hasn't even had the courage and confidence to participate in an invasion yet....(ME!).... so good on you for getting your hands dirty.

God knows this thread will probably help me too as an invasion n00b when I ever get the nerve to do one. :)

Stephanie Swail

[member="Seraphina Shel'tah"]


I think I'm fast losing this myth that Asterion is scary or Sithly at all now.


But I can hurt you if it'll help my cred?

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