Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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LFG Help getting back into rp here

So, I may be coming back but only barely. I won't be running the range of characters I was before. I got super busy IRL, and among other things, was just driven out of a desire to write. But I've been wanting for at least something. At the moment, I want to just use side characters. Ones that don't effect or get effected heavily by the events of the overall galaxy. All three of these do have a binding idea of curiosity. And should be easy enough to work with in theory.

Poker: an old commando droid who I probably need to just make a 'roamer' or something. I guess he could reasonably be a bounty hunter or mercenary. A curious and capable bx commando droid of old. Who, as the name may imply, likes to poke things. And is relatively friendly.

Val the powermind: One character, multiple hosts. It's a droid mind technically that has, at present, a cybernetic mutant quarren. And a human sorceres. Mostly fascinated by exploration with little interest in the morals behind their actions.

Worrarg: He needs some updates as some things have changed that aren't listed in his bio. And I doubt the people he was with for awhile are still doing things there or maybe even remember ooc lol, if they're active. Likely, I'd have him have begun to learn some skills. Namely to hide to nfu's at least. And perhaps some basic tk. And have just stowed away traveling somewhere. Worrarg is perfectly willing to defend himself, and much like Val isn't super particular about the morals.

Hoping to find something to do while I try and catch up. Conveniently, Worrarg could easily be behind on current events as could poker. And Val could have gotten distracted. So not too worried about that I'm lost for a bit.

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