Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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Hello there

No need for an introduction. I really just want to hop into the RP lol. I'm not trying to be rude or anything, but I have been really searching for a Star Wars RP forum. Does anyone have any helpful tips or anything like that? I am sure I will mess up my bio my first time around lol. I am a pretty experienced RPer. Whether regular and less demanding RP, or an RP with strict rules and regulations. Does this forum have training? How do I achieve stuff? Can I simply create my character how I want, just don't make them OP? Feed me the details. :) I'm sure it will be nice to meet you all. I also love this forum layout. Same layout on this other forum I am on for gaming so it's very comfy for me haha. Loving everything at the moment. I also love the fact that my name is Serpent and my name is green. Hope it never changes.
Serpent said:
No need for an introduction. I really just want to hop into the RP lol. I'm not trying to be rude or anything, but I have been really searching for a Star Wars RP forum. Does anyone have any helpful tips or anything like that? I am sure I will mess up my bio my first time around lol. I am a pretty experienced RPer. Whether regular and less demanding RP, or an RP with strict rules and regulations. Does this forum have training? How do I achieve stuff? Can I simply create my character how I want, just don't make them OP? Feed me the details. :) I'm sure it will be nice to meet you all. I also love this forum layout. Same layout on this other forum I am on for gaming so it's very comfy for me haha. Loving everything at the moment. I also love the fact that my name is Serpent and my name is green. Hope it never changes.
Hello fellow newbie o/ I can't tell you too much since I'm new myself. However in regards to the character creation, you can be basically anything from what I can gather and can be any race you want so long as it isn't one of the very few banned races. Follow the character creation template and you should be good.

You can be a Force sensitive or not, it's entirely up too you. Small caviet though if you create a Force sensitive you'll be at a Acolyte/Padawan status for awhile which you get past by getting a master, master recommends you for promotion, etc.

All in all, from what I can gather and from my limited experience so far it's a pretty free-form RP style. You can do most anything just be reasonable and if in doubt ask one of the staff members. Hope you enjoy your stay and if anything I said was incorrect a staff member or senior member of the boards will be more than quick to correct me I'm sure.

Nice to meet you o/
Ror'jhan Siqsa said:
Hello fellow newbie o/ I can't tell you too much since I'm new myself. However in regards to the character creation, you can be basically anything from what I can gather and can be any race you want so long as it isn't one of the very few banned races. Follow the character creation template and you should be good.

You can be a Force sensitive or not, it's entirely up too you. Small caviet though if you create a Force sensitive you'll be at a Acolyte/Padawan status for awhile which you get past by getting a master, master recommends you for promotion, etc.

All in all, from what I can gather and from my limited experience so far it's a pretty free-form RP style. You can do most anything just be reasonable and if in doubt ask one of the staff members. Hope you enjoy your stay and if anything I said was incorrect a staff member or senior member of the boards will be more than quick to correct me I'm sure.

Nice to meet you o/
Thank you for your greeting and answer. Pretty much gave me all that I'm looking for. I really appreciate it. :)

Hi and welcome to Chaos! Hope you enjoy your stay here, write awesome stories and if you need any more help, don't hesitate to ask!

What [member="Ror'jhan Siqsa"] is practically correct. However, you do not have to properly 'train' your character per se. Just write, do your things, have fun. Head over to Ranks and Promotions Rules to find more details! :)
Other than the "training" that needs to happen for promotion, all actual training on the board is at your personal discretion. Some people knock out huge numbers of training threads to justify their characters having all of their abilities. Others just kind of assume they know everything by default and whip powers outta nowhere. There's no rule against it. No guarantee other writers won't take exception to it, though. Whiiiich is one of the reasons why I've been sticking to my NFU recently. No silly Force nonsense.

Welcome to Chaos! ^_^

Welcome to Chaos. If you have anymore questions or want to RP, PM me! If you're looking for a faction, I can recommend The Shadow Dynasty, it's reviving at the moment and it's a neutral faction. (Accepts light siders, dark siders, and anything in between.) If you want to know more, also PM me ;D. There are plenty of other, great factions though!

I appreciate it you guys. One question: may I freely edit my bio? It seems as if I can but I don't want to do it and then get in trouble for it lol.
Ellya said:

Yes, you can. In fact, you should update your bio whenever there's a need for that. :)
Awesome. :) Thank you a bunch. I've never experience an organized RP that was so free before. Most of the organized RP forums I am on are extremely strict so it will be a nice change of pace for once.

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