Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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Hello Star Wars fans! Joined the site today, have been rping since 2012.

A few questions about creating my character: First of all, what are the CIS ranks? Second, are the A-series Assassin Droids in Star Wars Legends allowed on here? Third, if they were, would the CIS likely have access to them? Thanks in advance, being new here I read the CIS info but couldn't find a rank system, it probably is out there somewhere but I can't seem to find it at the moment. I didn't find any information about A-series Assassin Droids in the Factory forums, but being a droid type seen in Legends, maybe they are allowed even if they're not canon per se. But then I could be wrong, so clarification would be nice. Thanks!
WannabeBadBoy WannabeBadBoy

Welcome. The A-series droids are Legends/EU canon, if relatively poorly defined. Unless you go overboard with it I doubt they'd be a problem.
As far as CIS rank structures go, it looks like they're broken down by branch. The Ministry of War has sub-branches with rank structures listed, and the Knights Obsidian (CIS Force-user organization) and Government Roster also have a relative breakdown of the various areas you can be a part of.

For more specific info about the CIS you can probably ask in their Introductions thread or Discord, both the Chaos general server and the CIS-specific server.

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