Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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Hello, new Kushiban!

Hi everyone!

My roommate and her boyfriend introduced me to SW Chaos and I'm excited to start writing more. I would love to write with anyone and develop Morrigan into a more diverse character. I hope to learn more about my Kushiban and the SW universe in general. I also look forward to making some sketches for this character!


Just another avatar for Cyttorak
[member="Morrigan De Cath"], welcome! Let me know if you ever feel like RPing with a Yuuzhan Vong Sith and we can stir up some trouble together!

Sorel Crieff

Ready are you? What know you of ready?
[member="Morrigan De Cath"]




Well-Known Member
Well, greetings and welcome [member="Morrigan De Cath"] ....have to say the interesting choice of species, not the usual char but just the same whenever you're up for it. Be all willing help yah out and maybe rp with your char whenever......
Welcome, I may just have to revive this character and break him out more. If you plan to join any force using factions I highly recommended the Silver Jedi. We are very new person friendly and are more then willing to help with anything you need. We are close to Kushibah as well.


Morrigan De Cath said:
Hi everyone! My roommate and her boyfriend introduced me to SW Chaos and I'm excited to start writing more. I would love to write with anyone and develop Morrigan into a more diverse character. I hope to learn more about my Kushiban and the SW universe in general. I also look forward to making some sketches for this character!
*waves paw*

Connor Harrison

[member="Morrigan De Cath"] Welcome to Chaos. Enjoy your time here - and have fun; most important.

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