Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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Hello, I'm me.

Hello, I am Chi-Makwa but you could also call me Big Bear or just Bear is fine too.

I've been roleplaying for... a good few years, I think it's now been 7 years I've been roleplaying, but I've hard large breaks between when I started and got back into it... so more like 4 or 5 years of active roleplaying. Anyway, I've always been a big fan of Star Wars, but I haven't found many people as into Star Wars as myself just out in the wilds of anywhere else on the internet, I've known of this place for a good year, but I haven't made an account until now because part of me was intimidated for the simple reason that I don't know how much of a nerd for Star Wars I am. I've watched the movies and shows, I've read some of the books and played most of all the games and part of me said, "It's just the surface". But you know... I think I'm beyond the point of "just kind of a fan of Star Wars" as I realize unlike so many other fans of Star Wars, I've read over a dozen Star Wars books and loved each and every one of them...

I realize that made me come off as a snob, that wasn't the tone I was going for. People are just fine being fans of the movies and shows, I just wanted more so I started to read all the books... slowly. Needless to say, I haven't been able to get my Star Wars itch scratched by anyone in the wild yet, so I thought maybe I try a more focused search on a forum of Star Wars fans. Maybe they're as big of a fan of the franchise as I or even more so. I can only hope.
I do have a question that will clear up another point that was keeping me from signing up.

Is this entire forum a public rp? If it is, it puts a damper on who and what I write because I don't want to write something that contradicts what someone else has written the night before while I was asleep. I saw there was a private rp thread but I didn't see a way to look for a specifically for private rps. I'm just more comfortable writing for either a small controlled group or between me and one other person.

Aside from that... yeah, I have a few ideas for characters. A New Repub' Ranger called the "Tech-Girl" who is really more like a space cowgirl with a tech-y side, and a former Imperial Stormtrooper turned Bounty Hunter turned... well that'd ruin the story if I spelled it all out here.
Welcome to Chaos and let me say there is large variety of star wars fans around here from those that know just about everything to those who are just learning the wider world star wars knowledge. We accept and welcome all levels.

As for your question looking for group forum is a great place to start looking for a thread or to start your own threads and get people to join them.

We have everything from the one on one threads to massive battle threads on Chaos something for everyone just about. Also this collaborative writing so story you intend to go one way could be steered in a completely different unexpected direction sometimes.
I do have a question that will clear up another point that was keeping me from signing up.

Is this entire forum a public rp? If it is, it puts a damper on who and what I write because I don't want to write something that contradicts what someone else has written the night before while I was asleep. I saw there was a private rp thread but I didn't see a way to look for a specifically for private rps. I'm just more comfortable writing for either a small controlled group or between me and one other person.

Aside from that... yeah, I have a few ideas for characters. A New Repub' Ranger called the "Tech-Girl" who is really more like a space cowgirl with a tech-y side, and a former Imperial Stormtrooper turned Bounty Hunter turned... well that'd ruin the story if I spelled it all out here.
A better answer to this question, nothing on this site is canon, and everything is canon. In other words, aside from the major faction map (a small distraction to be sure) you can either acknowledge as much or as little of current happenings on the site as you want. You can declare yourself a king of a small nation, or just be a random joe-schmo if you want. For example, I used to write a character that literally didn't know what a Sith was. Like at all. And he considered the whole Jedi/FU thing to be some hokey religion that was filled with a bunch of people who were focused on their faiths (i.e. the Force). If you want to do something and find out the world or whatever in question is written/owned by a certain person or faction it is generally considered good manners to ask first, but you don't have to. Even the Factory and Codex, while fun, are optional bits of the board. As far as Private Roleplay is concerned, you can usually find a dance partner to do that kind of thing either on the board (via DM), or on Discord (check the main discord or faction discords). It is technically against the rules to enter into someone else's private RP, so if you want a little less wild and wacky from randos that's the place to be.
Okay, so I could just craft my whole own AU? Like as an example, I've had an idea for a "trilogy" bouncing around in my head for a good bit, I would be able to write that up without ruffling any feathers?

And thank you all for answering these maybe stupid questions of mine. I just get confused with rules and elicit on the internet.
Okay, so I could just craft my whole own AU? Like as an example, I've had an idea for a "trilogy" bouncing around in my head for a good bit, I would be able to write that up without ruffling any feathers?

Effectively, yes. Even more so if you kept in the private RP forums. You can even put a disclaimer in there that everything was "non-canon" if you really want to make sure you weren't ruffling people's feathers.

For your character ideas, they're definitely not bad, but government/faction history is a bit different from established canon lore in that we're in the far future. The Battle of Yavin (where the first Death Star was destroyed in Episode IV) was nearly a thousand years ago. While there have been New Republics on the board, none are currently in existence. The Galactic Alliance is probably the closest thing to it in terms of actual government, but it's mostly core-centered. The Silver Jedi Concord does have more a rim focus, but it's a lot more decentralized - but I'm only talking about major factions here. There are a bunch of minor factions (which don't hold territory officially) which could be a good fit for her, like the SCAR worlds which almost exclusively focuses on the boonies of the galactic southeast space.

For your stormtrooper character, there have been a bunch of Imperial-style factions on the board - the current big one is the New Imperial Order, but a couple of spin-off factions have existed in the past that might work well too, such as the First Order.

Chi-Makwa Chi-Makwa

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