Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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Hello? (I never know what to write on titles!)

Hello! In search for Star Wars RPGs, I stumbled on this one. So, let me introduce myself.

I'm from Brazil, used to play a SW RPG in an old forum(before I even watched anything about SW), which closed a few years ago. I watched most of the movies on the last weekends(Episodes IV, V, VI, I and half of the II) and though: "WHOA, I must play an RPG on this universe again!"

I can pretty much handle myself in english, but I'm not that good. Not a pro yet. Here I want to play, have fun and practice my english, so please, if I make any grammar (or forum/RPG rule) mistake, feel oblidged to correct! I've played one english RPG before, but it died before my character could do anything,

Also, I have a few questions. Can I ask here? Well, I used to play on RPGs(including this SW one) with levels, points, controlled progression, everything written and controlled by a GM, which also was needed in every adventure, with every player. There's no level/point system here and it's not needed to have a GM "narrating"(don't know the exact verb, hehehe) the RP, right?

Is the progression of the character all by the player itself? Including money, posessions, power, etc? I've read a few threads on the tutorials area, but I'm still confused.

And finally: In order to play, do I need another player? Or can I go solo? Following what I understood, there are no GMs on the RP threads narrating the players' adventures.

Hi and welcome to Chaos! :)

Well, we have the rank progression which you can read more about here, but other than that, you're pretty much allowed to handle these things however you wish. Just keep it logical and don't do anything OP.

You can have solo threads, which seems to be a rising trend, but typically just RP with any other member you want to and have fun! No GMs or anything required. Although there are a few threads which have GMs, but in that case, it'll be specified somewhere in the thread itself. ;)
Hey there! Welcome to Chaos. ^_^

No, we don't have any experience points or skills or anything to that effect. There is, however, a rank system for Force users. If you're playing an NFU, it's of no consequence to you. There are also limitations on some kinds of items, which you can find in the Factory at the bottom of the main page.

We don't keep track of credits, though members tend to respect one's achievements more when they're earned, rather than assumed. If you want people to accept that you're a multi-billionaire, it helps to do some threads to become a multi-billionaire.

This is an RP board, which means that most of your threads are going to be with someone else. Private threads between two people are just s popular as large, multi-writer threads involving characters from three to the dozens. Solo threads are allowed, but that's a helluva boring way to do it when. There are hundreds of people on this site. XD
Welcome to Chaos!

PM me if you think you have anymore questions and if you ever want to RP, just PM me!

If you're looking for a faction, I may have one that interests you, so again, just PM me! ;D

[member="Ellya"] [member="Fabula Caromed"]

Thank you very much! Soon I'll create my character. Even thinking about drawing him or something.

[member="Kira Fenn"]

Thanks! Will PM you very soon. Read about your faction and character, and liked both a lot.

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