Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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Hello Everybody!

How's things? I'm new to this site, but not new to RPing. I've written on several different sites around the interwebs, not all of them star wars, and am interested in getting a taste of your little corner of the galaxy. Expanding my horizons, as it were.

I'd also like to make a little more of this thread than simply a place that takes up space on the boards, and tell you a bit about my intended character and ask if any of you might have ideas of who to talk to to get started along his path or maybe a link or two to places I can go to find those people myself.

I have yet to read the timeline (though I have looked over the rules), so his bio is still a work in progress, but the gist of it is that he's a force-sensitive spacer who found a holocron and started learning about the force, and now he wants to join the jedi and fight for something more than loot. The bio link should be under my profile pic in just a moment.
Excellent choice of avatar, Sir! I commend you!

In addition to the question posed in my preceding post, I should also mention that I tend to write better in the thick of things. Anybody know of any particularly actiony stories that might be looking for a newcomer?

Welcome to Hell. This is what we do all day:


But really, welcome.


Disney's Princess

Welcome to the board. Ask questions, explore the forums, and enjoy yourself while you're here. You got this! :D

Started school this year, so that takes up a fair portion of my time, but All my SL's on JvS are crawling along and I heard this place was full of action and adventure so I decided to give it a shot. So far so good!
That's definitely true for my experiences, the SL's are quick and people are pretty welcoming. Maybe we'll cross paths out there in the wide open. If you have any questions about getting acclimated, there are a few of us from JvS kicking around who can help you get squared away.


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