Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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Private Heavy Rain


Main Hangar Vengeful Spirit | Orbit over Choal | Jabiim System
Post #1

Aoki-Barran Mira Aoki-Barran Mira

The briefing had just ended, the speartip of the 812th was informed of their task and the pilots were briefed too about the horrendous condition under which they had to perform an assault landing. The planet with its odd climate and weather was a challenge for anyone trying to visit it, even more so for those who intend to land troops there in combat conditions. Afterall a part of the capital was a warzone.

Separatists had claimed a weapons depot and started an insurgency against both the imperial garrison and the imperial citizens. The planet was incorporated quite peacefully into the domain of the Empire, but the roots of nationalism were not entirely disposed of. Jabiimi had a fierce reputation and that showed in the desperate distress call from the local imperial governor. An entire district fallen, fierce figthing in the streets, a weapons depot captured and the major spaceport was under threat as well. It was everything but an easy situation.

Hence why the 812th Legion was here along with their commander. The Vindicators were chosen to bring this world back into compliance. And Irdorax was pleased. They would have to go into fierce urban combat with civilians all around and rebels which were difficult to separate from the former. A challenge, but a welcome one. Fighting in front of imperial citizens was an honour, even though they could get in the way. But preservation of the world and containment of the rebellion were priority. So while cracking down on the separatists with unyielding determination, they were not in a foreign territory.

Steadily the well disciplined stormtroopers made their way into the gunships to prepare for the landing into the contested city . . . .



Heavy rain pounded against the bunker's frame. Keeping watch at the entrance, the young imperial knight heard the sounds of civilians crying, coughing, and chattering behind her. These civilians, brought to their knees by their own people. The rebellion, or moreso terrorism, that had swept this planet was hurting their people more than saving them. Claims of freedom and nationalism, only backed by bombings in public places, hostile takeovers of military property, and the brutal open warfare that brought grave danger to innocents. Mira had been able to understand even the Chiss' reasons for rebellion. But when the Empire had treated both the Chiss and Choal so well... There was no excuse.

Aoki Mira had happened to be on the planet when this all started. Since it started, she had been aiding the local guard in their efforts. The initial defense, followed by retreat. And protecting the people. As Mira continued to sense for danger outside, a captain of the guard approached from the crowd.

"Knight Aoki."

Mira turned and politely bowed, "Yes, captain?"

The captain nodded, "Would you be able to sweep the area again? We are planning on moving the civilians to another location, but if the rebels are out there..."

"Of course." Mira nodded, "I will be back shortly."

Mira tightened her heavy robes, heavy over her armor, and pulled the hood over her head. She pulled her straw kasa over her head as well. The half Atrisian turned and lifted a hand to the ladder. As she began to climb, the captain called, "And Knight Aoki!"

Aoki turned her head and looked down.

"Stay safe. For the Empire!"

The guard saluted. With one hand, Mira saluted back.


Swift and soft steps passed like a breeze. The hooded woman slipped into a battered town square. She skidded to a halt, a puddle splashing. Standing in the middle, she could sense the dark figures in the corner. The enemy was here. Why were they not attacking? Then, she heard it. The sound of young weeping. She adjusted her kasa and looked into a corner lit by a lamp. There... was a little girl.

Mira's face was stoic as ever. Inside, however, she was burning. They use a captured child to set up an ambush!? What wretched terrorists they are!

"Mumma!" The child cried out upon seeing Mira, "Mumma! Help!!"

Mira's heart broke. She was aware that approaching the child would trigger the trap - and possibly hurt the child as well. She paused, lowering herself to the ground. She understood that she looked scary. She had her mask firmly over her face, and the mask carried the image of an Atrisian monster legend. Her hair was covered by a hood, and a looming hat was hung over her head. As she bent down, she silently tugged at the lightsaber hidden under her belt. She called to the child.

"You are safe now!"

The repulsers in her boots activated as she outstretched her hand. Several shots from her wrists blaster fired as she used Force Speed to fly forward. The blaster bolts disabled the explosives above the girl's head. A pure, white blade activated as she cut the chain holding the child down as she grabbed her. She turned and darted forward again. It was just as she fled that blaster fire rained down as hard as the rain. She used the lightsaber to defend the child as she fled.

The kasa was left behind. Shredded by the blaster fire. Meanwhile, one of the soldiers spoke up. "S-Sir! From above is-"

-As she slowed back to human speed, Mira panted. She swiftly slid behind a wall. She child wailed in her arms. It was then that gunfire resounded behind her. Sensing that the blasterfire was not related to her or the child, she peered out from behind. Ascending to the ground in assault was an Imperial legion. She pulled the child away from the blaster fire. She yanked her mask and hood off, revealing her green skin and gentle face. Bandages still hid the scars on the side of her face, but she offered a soft smile.

"I am Aoki Mira, Imperial Knight. I am here to rescue you."

She sensed danger. She dropped her mask, activating her lightsaber and deflecting a blaster bolt back to one of the rebels. As the rebel fell, she deactivated the lightsaber and placed it on her hip. The child clung to her, clearly trusting her now. As Mira clipped her mask to her hip as well, the soaked knight stood up. Child in her arms, she smiled, "Do you have a name?"

The child sniffled, hiding herself in Mira's cloak. The half Mirialan frowned and took up her lightsaber again. She activated the blade and activated her comlink, "Imperial Forces, this is Imperial Knight Aoki Mira. I have been stranded here since the rebellion has started. I am helping the guard. I trust you are here to strike down the terrorists?"

She she spoke, the girl cried on. On guard, holding a frightened and bawling child, and in danger. Aoki was not in a good position. At least allies were here now...


Imperius Anathema Imperius Anathema



Streets | Choal | Jabiim System
Post #2

Aoki-Barran Mira Aoki-Barran Mira

The drop to the ground was everything but stomach friendly. And everyone except for Irdorax felt it, but as his stomach was turned into little more than mush a few years back, he just felt what his troopers were feeling. The gunships had to basically drop through the upper atmosphere due to the weather conditions and disturbances and activate their engines quite low to the ground. It was literally a combat drop this time.

From the ground forces engaged they were told to land at the secondary starport and around, miles away from the combat zone, but the commander was refusing and directed his ships directly to the edge of the contested area. They would not have the possibility to land heavy equipment except when they would risk the Star Destroyer, but the officers around Irdorax rated the situation to be fixable with only their infantry.

Once close to the ground, the gunships guns were howling, the chain blasters firing at the locations where hostile bolts were incoming. While one or two, per square or street, were staying in the air for fire support under the harsh conditions, the rest was landing to let the Stormtroopers out. Rain whipping onto the helmets of the soldiers as they left the bowels of their transports.

One of the gunships landed just a few dozen meters away from Aoki-Barran Mira Aoki-Barran Mira , the dark armored Stormtroopers running out and seemingly ignoring her as they proceeded to secure the perimeter rather than bother to talk to her. They could talk once they were secured and safe. They had a ruthless proficiency to them, even for Stormtroopers, gunning down any opposition without wasting any shots, rushing from cover to cover, laying covering fire and directly advancing on what was perceived as the enemy held territory.

If the Force wanted it, or if it was random chance, nobody would ever answer such questions because they didn´t really matter for the grand picture of things. Irdorax left the same gunship close to the other imperial knight. He stepped through the rain, water splashing which had gathered on the concrete surface, steadily, calmly approaching her.

"Knight Mira, I assume?" His voice was deep, not menacingly deep, but storyteller deep. It was distorted by the enclosure of his black helmet. The gaze staring at her, but his thoughts were with what she carried. One child. There hundreds if not thousands of people to be rescued and she stood alone with a single imperial citizen outside of cover.

"I am Knight-Commander Pedrakhan, the 812th is deploying to end this chaos. Will you join us?"



As Aoki huddled with the child, the stormtroopers rapidly took control of the situation. She sensed a powerful presence and turned, watching as a looking Imperial Knight in black, cybernetic armor approached her. As she spoke, Mira was well able to hide the disapproval she felt inside. "Knight Mira." In Atrisian culture, it was a sign of respect to address warriors by their surnames on duty. By calling her Mira, Knight-Commander Pedrakhan was showing disrespect and indignation. Of course, he likely did not understand this, as he was not Atrisian himself. Perhaps, it was unintentional. At least, that was what she thought... until he addressed himself by his own surname.

Was he blatantly spitting on her? Metaphorically speaking.

Still, despite it all, her face remained in that same stoic, coolheaded expression. A sort of poker face. An aura of calmness. She stood up, still holding the child. Her robe and armor beneath were muddy from the brutal rainfall muddying the ground. She nodded, standing straight even while holding the toddler. The little girl was burying her head in the knight's neck. Obviously, she was terrified of the looming cyborg before them. Mira continued to gently hug her, giving her the best comfort she could.

So the Empire had sent aid to this wartorn planet at last. It was something she knew had been coming, despite the wait. Was it the Force that guided Mira to Pedrakhan? It was in the best interest of everyone that Mira join; though she was not willing to leave the guard cold and in the dark either. Especially considering she was holding a child she needed to take back. Mira cleared her throat.

"Knight Commander Pedrakhan, it is an honor. I am indeed Knight Aoki Mira." She was respectful and militant, not showing an inch of the annoyances she felt. She offered the Knight Commander a proper bow, "It only appears right to join your efforts. Yet, I am currently operating with the local guard of the planet. They have been on the defensive, protecting citizens when able. Would it be within your efforts to communicate with them? If not, would you allow me to update them on the situation before joining your ranks?"


Imperius Anathema Imperius Anathema


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