Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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"Who's gonna tell us no?"

"Who indeed?" Alicio smirked secretively. Sure, he hadn't actually planned to sneak out- it would be an issue of national security were the palace guards unaware of where they entire royal family had disappeared to. He'd been more worried for if there were still people outside, and whether they would ruin the family outing.

He supposed there was only one way to find out.

August looked over at Amani as she made the announcement. "Where we going, Mommy?"

Alicio's rambunctious smile only strengthened, as his words took on a sing-songy lilt. "You'll have to wait and see~."

"I don't like waiting." Auggie scrunched his eyebrows, but he seemed intrigued nonetheless.

"It will be a lot of fun, I swear."


It was just how he remembered it.

The sky was darkening by the time the family made it to Sanctuary City. Tall, elegant architecture gave way to the city outskirts. A familiar wide, domed building glimmered with the fading sun, bringing a warm, nostalgic feeling to Alicio's chest. The faded, mournful cries of unknown things within would be a mystery to the children... but to him, it was music.

Stepping out of the speeder, Alicio pressed against Amani, letting his fingers entwine around hers. All the while, he watched the children, gauging their reaction to the strange building, and the even stranger sounds coming from within.

- Amani Serys Amani Serys -

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