Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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Heart of Stone


Admiral of the Ghost Fleet
The engineers looking at her gave a nod of their heads while they were moving with her. "Understood admiral we will get started as soon as we can making more of the polymer." They were nodded off and Sala'dine walked through seeing soe of the other parts of it. "Admiral we have news, that ship is communicating with us and giving some information about it. Seems the jedi who found it gave it a name and it is asking for a hyperdrive it can install." She looked at it and raised an eyebrow as it thought about the ship itself picking a name and she was curious about it but first she had to wonder. "Alright, give it one of the spare hyperdrives we have so that it can travel with us."


Admiral of the Ghost Fleet
She was seeing more of it, with the ship getting a hyperdrive to travel they would be able to take it and the ones around who would be handling things for all of them. "What is the ship calling itself?" She was curious and had a thought wondering about well if their ships with the battle computers thought of things. She was curious if they dream of electric sheep. She was going over it and looking on some of the things to provide a few more ideas. "The ship is designating itself as OriRel since the two who found it were jedi knights Orihime Ike and Sorel Crieff." She heard the name while walking in the facility and fought to keep from laughing. It was going to be hard to explain to their parents.


Admiral of the Ghost Fleet
Alright so she had gotten her small laugh at the expense of the jedi themselves but she was liking the look of it. Prepared so that they would be able to work on more of it and walking through the facility. "Well now whatelse do we have here that we will be able to work with?" she was looking at the drone that was coming down to work with her and they were providing a couple of things. One of the drones that had been here and experimented with was a probe droid that had been given a stygium cloaking device and reflec coating to let it follow them cloaked then when they were directing it until she was prepared. "These drones are looking good and we will be able to work for us in the field."


Admiral of the Ghost Fleet
There were so many things here that she was wanting to work on, so many things that she was hoping to see and be able to use if it went well enough for them. A smirk on her face as she looked tight lipped and prepared with the others rolling a few thoughts over in her mind. "What else do you have to show me before we finish up getting all of these things loaded?" She was curious as the engineer with her was sticking around and brought up a data. "Well we have loaded the majority but there is a few things, a specialized saber that is more a cross between a traditional lightfoil and the darkblade. The energy beam is flat and focused so you can still use crystals but it is designed for less traditional jedi."


Admiral of the Ghost Fleet
"Oh." She said it while looking at them with a small look on her face before she was moving with him. Getting presented with it and the design was very nice. "Would se be able to properly outfit and develop it with many of the things from Sasori?" She was curious as they had a good amount of crystals and materials you could use in it including the synth mesh with some she was going to go alusteel to make the hilt of it really shiny. Have it look sterile and then to create many of the things until they provided a few more chances. "Possibly admiral, we should be able to upgrade and redevelop it your liking and specifications. The field of what we want to be able to do is very focused and small after all and this is still a prototype here.... so it is very fixable."


Admiral of the Ghost Fleet
Well that was good to hear, she liked the idea if it went well that she would be able to have a lightfoil type piece of equipment for herself. While she might not be wading into battle it was important for some of the other things. Namely it was important in the long run so that she would be able to defend herself should anything make it onto the bridge of the ships then she would be looking for ways to really see it. She was going over to the prototype that they had been developing but had it put together for her. The sleek hilt as she gripped it with a nod of her head as well as the look she could have from it. Finding this wasn't exactly a surprise as she knew they were working on things in some places and at least one of these saber types had been stolen by the mandalorians.


Admiral of the Ghost Fleet
Hmm she would have to look into that as well and see if there was any news it might serve a purpose to return it if they could to the mandalorians themselves should it be recovered but she was not to invested in it as they continued into the facility. Checking the stygium on the monitors and the crystals themselves that provided large empty rooms and the mines around them. Sala'dine could see where they were displaying the changes done to the mines here with different droids that would be handling the excavation of it and searching across the rest of the planet itself. She would go to the construction station to see what they would be able to do and bring into this.


Admiral of the Ghost Fleet
The time passed, several hours while everythign was getting finished and loaded up to allow the jedi teams with her and the engineers themselves to set everythign up. With all of the stygium the Admiral would have enough hopefully going towards the transport to take her back up to the ship itself as the small fleet were here. The different ships in place around all of them as the transports were heading out towards one of the largest ship there when she saw the massive omni class landing on it. They were leaving and jumping off towards the station itself until she saw the glow of hyperspace arriving toward the bridge itself and she had below it her chamber for private meals.


Admiral of the Ghost Fleet
Sala'dine was waiting in there as the food was prepared by one fo the biots, she might prefer having human's or normal crew but in a pinch and well for things like this where it seemed everyone had triplicate loyalties to several governments in the galaxy and shared all of the information. The biots were at least not going to talk and spill about private meetings and secret projects. If anything they showed they could work tirelessly while appearing mostly human save the velalloy frame and nerves. The rest was all grown until you got under the surface. Once the food arrived on the table she was bringing up more information about the overhauls that would be going on as well as on the project itself.


Admiral of the Ghost Fleet
She was enjoying the food and with the plans in place could see where the engineers were working on the ship itself to start getting them a number of improvements. Namely on the weapons as the testing of it had gone over better then she had expected. They would just need to well work on parts of it. "Alright, once we finish with these reactor upgrades we will go into getting the weapons set up properly to function. I want long range and heavy hitting batteries to be developed so we can have them going almost like deck cannons. The old modell for broadsiding was well simple but effective with an ion cannon and mass driver side by side. She was guessing they could go for something similar here with ion and turbolasers next to each other.


Admiral of the Ghost Fleet
The meal was serving a purpose as well, even with this new clone body she was able to work with it and provide herself with a lot of new and improved ideas when it came to weapons. She was wanting to fortify their guns to improve upon the designs. There was after all a benefit to mass drivers and she knew with octets they could improve upon the better designs to use them. Caster rounds were energy, plasma, ion wrapped around a slug so that you got the benefits of both and if they could use those on ships then it could give her a few ideas. The better the guns and weapons the better the defense of systems could be. She was also looking at using the crystals to augment the weapons much like the older imperials did.


Admiral of the Ghost Fleet
Working with some of the old Imperials she knew might still be around. There was also the chance that the Firebirds were still around as they weren't exactly a group but an ideal and a purpose within the ranks of the order. She might be able to bring some of them in to help out and provide a whole lot of information about a few of the other things that they would be able to do. Sala'dine was looking to turn a few things over when she finished the meal and they were approaching the first of the stations. This far out from the main core of the silver jedi they tired to keep things focused and at the ready before she was moving with a grin on her face now. "Wonderful."


Admiral of the Ghost Fleet
The massive station was there for all of them to see from the bridge but here in the private galley it was even more fun.. The low lights and atmosphere of it making the big crucible class welcomed when even this ship that was built like a tank and one of the largest watships she had seen short of the rare few when they pushed around the smaller things. They were docking now and she moved to go and meet it, on the bottom of the station she could see one of the massive Saratai and Triage classes that were docked to provide support where it was needed as well as some of the last vestiges of work until they were getting onto the station. The engineers and droids were be coming here.


Admiral of the Ghost Fleet
They were getting more of it setup for all of them to work on as the engineers she could see were getting sorted before moving around. Sala'dine was going to a room that had been prepared for her on the massive station and aside from having a few moments to herself it was all going to be an overhaul of at their best four days. Which meant the Admiral would stay busy going over the details and plans of how they were going to be assaulting and going into this base itself. She would be in the air and the forces on the ground would be painting targets for her to bombard as needed to make it through. With more pinpoint precision of course as they were using strike lasers to focus fire.


Admiral of the Ghost Fleet
She was looking over the old IMperial base itself and there had been a lot of research conducted there so that would be a benefit. That she could take the time to plan this out and work to go after whatever pirate vessels are set up around it. The weapons of the omni would be looking for that overhaul with the new power systems which meant they would have improved upon shields and weapons with energy outputs. Add in the crystal augmentation and the admiral was looking to decimate them with overwhelming firepower while interdictors and pulse mass mines were set to keep the others from leaving or calling in reinforcements. "Alright, I think we have a plan here."


Admiral of the Ghost Fleet
"Understood admiral." She was sticking with it and giving the others here a chance to think of other takes or what they might need to do. The next few days while they were working on the overhauls gave her a bunch of pieces to work with. Sala'dine stuck around until she was awake and running around the station. The biots were here running around as she looked over at all of the things they had given to her. The admiral was sticking around here in the work out attire so that she would be able to go around the massive station. It was circular and massive with variable gravity so she had been able to stay fit and ready for anything that could pose a problem.


Admiral of the Ghost Fleet
Getting back to the ship once the overhauls were completed though she saw something else that had come to be a welcomed site. The massive bulk and armored form of the heralds. Their testing was still going on for the armor as the different upgrades they went through were copleted. The project to make them was done... now it was all about the project to make them some fo the ultimate soldiers in the galaxy and she was looking at the biomechanical layer of their armor that shifted and she had seen in tests could become weapons for themselves. That was the other cool thing, they had this massive suit of armor few in the galaxy could and would be able to compete with.


Admiral of the Ghost Fleet
Admiral was wanting to see more of it whens he went to the bridge of the ship seeing the command chair and it had been deep cleaned from top to bottom with a chance for her to look upon the bridge as the crew were coming back in and she spoke. "Alright, all of you get on your stations and lets start this up. I want us to be within the operational zone as soon as possible to surprise them understood?" She got nods and yes from the bridge before they were speaking on the internal ships com channel for all of them to hear including the reinforcements of rangers and Haralds that would be coming with them for the ground assault on the base plus the fleet battle in orbit.


Admiral of the Ghost Fleet
She was going into the command chair as one of the biots brought her the drink for herself and she set it in the cupholder. Bringing up all of the screesn for them to travel around as well as all of the other things they had set up. "Perfect, power levels are reading a seven hundred percent over what we were previously producing. They might not be able to run at higher then one hundred in actuality but they were near ten times the output and energy of what they had before. A fitting thing that they would easily be able to use to handle all fo the ship systems and within a number of the different ships they coud provide higher then average ship speeds and outputs for weapons and shielding.


Admiral of the Ghost Fleet
A small smirk was on her face while she was moving around, her hands going everywhere that they were needed so they could direct the ship into hyperspace. The tractor and pressor beams were operational and the hyperspace tractor beams that would allow them to snatch others within the pocket dimension for traveling. It gave a small moment of satisfaction as the battle weapons and systems were online and armed. Early monitoring station reports were showing the planet itself had ships in orbit and given their entry vector here they would be coming out right on top of them. "Once we drop out of hyperspace I want everyone on red alert. We will smash them before they know what hit them and get to the pirate base."

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