Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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Heart of Stone


Admiral of the Ghost Fleet
The arrival on the planet itself before she moved over to see all of it prepared. The mine had a great deal of reports in the manifest so that they would be able to use it. Inventory of the information giving them a lot to work with here that would be used for the stygium polymer itself as well as what was retrieved from the others like Sorel and orihime should easily increase the production values. She rolled her shoulders standing up prepared to work on more of the things. "Admiral welcome to Kelsier, we have been working on more of the things in the mine itself so that you would be able to see." Sala'dine was walking and once the doors opened of the ship showing the snow covered landscape.


Admiral of the Ghost Fleet
She could feel none of it but was walking towards the main entrance they had uncovered to get down to the facility. Here it was mostly desolate and there was the cradles for the transports that they would be able to see providing droids with a number of areas. Here in the snow she would be unable to find much else but heading down the small lift they had set up she could see the snow and ice turn into metal and sterile environments. They had power from geothermal vents that were giving them what they needed to be active but they had brought a number of generators for themselves here. To check it all over before she tapped the screen of her tactical pad to get new information about what they were doing.


Admiral of the Ghost Fleet
The facility itself gave her more to work with until they were sitting there at the one bank of computer screens to show off different parts. "Admiral we have some news, the hanger has been cleared and secured, there was a small patrol that came inot the system without markings or a transponder. We moved the patrol ships to intercept but they bugged out. We will continue to watch and see if they return or anyone else appears but so far there is not a lot of movement in the system. The omni class has been getting worked on for ourselves with a few more things. We shall work to provide some of the system with flowers and defensive areas so that the silver jedi can come here when it is time."


Admiral of the Ghost Fleet
Sala'dine sat down at the main desk and on the banks of screens around the room wrapping behind her as she turned in the seat she could see everything. It was a great place to go and coordinate before she tapped the datapad seeing it when it brought up the mines for her. There were cameras in there to better give them some ideas she was guessing and in case of problems. These were jedi after all and unlike imperials they did care about their workers. So it made sense to her when she saw the large room that had been used to stockpile the stygium itself while she was pointing there. "We have managed to get into this room correct, I don't see any movement or is it so filled and vast that we just haven't seen it actually shift just yet."


Admiral of the Ghost Fleet
"We have not gottent o it admiral." He was moving with a nod of his head showing her anothe rscreen. "We need to first get through these rooms here where they are storing equipment and crystals as well as some other things they have found here and maybe made." Equipment that could work to help mining or ways to work around. It was testing droids like their mining droids until she was prepared looking towards more of it. "Alright then, continue what we are doing and we shall be working to turn over more of it for ourselves. I have a few ideas of what we can use all of that crystal and droids for and I want them on the ship when we have the time."


Admiral of the Ghost Fleet
She was setting up for more of it, walking over towards the doors now as they were working to get into the rooms. If there were plenty of things here then she would be more then happy to work on it. "What else do we have working on things?" She was curious seeing them before they moved forward to present a few of the things down here. Sala'dine was going through the halls and seeing the different labs for themselves or the barracks where they were setting up. She could see the beds until they wanted to present a couple of the other things. She wanted to set up around the planet itself and have some stations for themselves. "How are the defensive stations looking?"


Admiral of the Ghost Fleet
She got some looks from them but they were looking at her with a small look. "Initial tests for it are going well and the work we have being put inot getting the defense stations as well as a number of other ships. I know you have given a number of different designs to use and push us all forward for the different situations. With the Omni hopefully it will deploy into a system and push itself out wen we really want to work on and develop it. As far as the secret projects go we should be able to outmatch many of the others." He was giving a small nod of his head before Sala'dine clasped her hands behind her back watching everything that they were doing.


Admiral of the Ghost Fleet
"Good, then continue and show me more of the facility." she was looking at it, the lab work that was going on as she stood there made her uniform gleam and almost pulse with the force itself where they would be able to work things out. She knew the jedi facility had some other things as she stood there prepared to over se it and entering the lab where they had been laying some of the things out. Picked up one of the boxes to see and open it. "Hmm their filing system is crude but I suppose when it came down to it, they knew what was where and doubtfull they had many staff changes." Her fingers were going over the pages of information that was there as it all came up and interesting.


Admiral of the Ghost Fleet
She was looking over at many of the things themselves the most interesting of which she was able to see until she held it up. "Now this is something we might be able to use." She was looking at it and it was much like the organoform circuits, something for ships that would be crystalline in design for the ships to better interface human and machine for the purposes of space travel. If it worked out well enough like in some of the other ships like fighters and research notes. She knew there were several who had developed new technologies but she also knew the jedi themselves worked hard on a number of their things to grow and make proper crystals for use.


Admiral of the Ghost Fleet
Sala'dine was looking at more of the things until she was ready, prepared for herself to see some fo the other things and if they could make these organic crystal circuits come as a thing to use in ships for the jedi but also as a way if they could manage them correctly to use that synthweave that she had in her outfit. They could make it so the silver jedi's ships rejected and made darksiders who were on them sick to be around. She was looking at some fo the other things to see the crates and equipment until she was moving over with some of the equipment they had developed. Small things, less impressive things but it was not exactly well grand more practical.


Admiral of the Ghost Fleet
She got a few better looks at equipment they had made that was larger and not able to be in the crates that were provided. She looked over it seeing a speeder that was being set up for the jedi to use and with the crystal cannons that they would be able to charge. Much like the force light gun she had on her hip that used the force connection she felt the set up was much the same and she knew from Imperial training and technology how best to use kyber crystals to augment the weapons of their ships and equipment. She would be able to see what they would be able to do with it and hoped for the crystals to start being used ore as the better the jedi themselves the more they would have unique equipment.


Admiral of the Ghost Fleet
Sala'dine actually had time here as she was recovering the equipment after all and like a kid in a cady shop... well you did have to try and see if things were dangerous or worked at all or were a byproduct of some nefarious research. She straddled and got on the speeder with a look at it as the speeder was not a slim version that was almost a glass cannon that could be damaged and explode before she touched it and nothing happened. The whole speeder though while she was sitting there presented a very nice display of the power going into it. Not too heavy, not to armed just right for a jedi to move around with and attack or defend but also get out of there quickly.


Admiral of the Ghost Fleet
She was liking the feeling of it and the compartment it looked like from the reports they were trying to experiment with dimensional shifting that the jedi themselves were developing. Based on a force technique a jedi master used in his cupboards to create more space if they could do it then it could prove an effective way to store and have equipment in an area and on a ship. It would work she thought but this was a large application on the side of a speeder for storage until they needed the different things for themselves. Sala'dine was prepared getting off of it when she provided a few new methods to use for different things. "Lets get the rest of the equipment out of here and loaded up on the ship."


Admiral of the Ghost Fleet
She got nods from them while they were providing information about some fo the other pieces of equipment they had been working on. A walker that was designed and using it, smaller tanks and jedi craft on the ground to get around or transport and protect people. Theories about what they might be able to do with crystals and new methods for force detection as opposed to the old methods of just sensing it. Really as Sala'dine looked it seemed these jedi tried to think of everyting they might need or that might make things easier for them and then what might be used against them and ways to counter it or ways to handle dangerous situations.


Admiral of the Ghost Fleet
SHe had heard many things and she knew some of the purists preferred the idea of the jedi not using anything... except all of the advanced technology they had and trained people or themselves to repair if it was damaged. She found it strange how people seemed to think and some jedi seemed to think they didn't rely on technology when they did just as much as the force the difference was they didn't channel the force into something to meditate on. The admiral was walking around as she saw the rooms with equipment that were being packed up and documented for the others to see and work with. She knew they would have more while projections of the min ship the jedi had been working with were coming up.


Admiral of the Ghost Fleet
The hanger when they arrived at it was massive and she could see why they were working with it. It was brighter then it had been before as she saw it here. The lifts going down into the mines were an important thing to have access to. The smaller ships were all loaded away in the Omni class in orbit as it was overhead. The massive hanger doors had been defrosted and opened as the ship sat there. Its mechno-organic hull was gleaming and she could feel the force energy when he hand was close to it. They weren't certain of many things but the ship responded and could even talk when it was interacting with other people. Specifically jedi themselves where she could see they were giving it and working on it to get it flight ready.


Admiral of the Ghost Fleet
The ship itself she knew was able to fly, it was jumping to hyperspace that was a little questionable in many ways and all of the thing they might have to work with. She backed away from the ship while it was communicating with them that she was prepared and ready but a little scared about leaving the planet. Sala'dine dind't blame her as being on a world by yourself for a few thousand years might do a few things if the chance to leave or move around came up. The hanger doors being opened so she could feel the sun for the first time in cycles had been a shock to her system almost when the ship was lifting up to present itself over the planet and the hanger bay they were in. She could see it dwarfed by the omni.


Admiral of the Ghost Fleet
The ship was going up and being replace as the large cargo transports that were a third of its size were giving her what she wanted. The mining droids and containers loaded up while they were moving in. She could make out a few of the things backing up and holding a hand over her eyes when she was squinting as the empty cargo bays opened with the modular sections. She could see one of the massive carriers that had been brought in being prepared and hovering above them all before it could be set up and into the hanger bay. They were starting to load the stygium themselves and work on showing off the polymer so that the jedi themselves would be able to move around.


Admiral of the Ghost Fleet
She was seeing them start to unload the different crystals and loading it into the one cargo transport, another was getting more of the technology and then it would have whatever else they might be able to find as the Admiral saw more of it. The testing of their abilities here as above in the sky she could see the reflective mirrors of the flowers above the planet. like beautiful little things they had managed to set up with it able to use the light coming from the sun to create a defensive array here over the planet for them. Against pirates or anyone who might come here to go after crystals or hide out they would have the risk of running into the eight fleet itself that had joined them and were setting up sentry lines.


Admiral of the Ghost Fleet
She could see more of the fleet around them before turning things over in her mind. They were bringing out the crystals which would go for the stygium polymer adding a layer of sensor blocking protection to the different ships. She knew her stealth patrol destroyers were working for many fo the things. She wanted to make a small collection of stealth frigates as well to go with all of it and she had liked the reason before it was taken away and sold from the black suns. now changing hands as much as some of the other ships. Preparing a few things for herself though she had a small grin on her face while they were moving around and she held some of it. "Make sure this goes to good use and get us more of the polymer."

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