Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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Healing, the path that leads deeper into the light.

As kixi waited for Master Whitelight to finish attending to her patient, a young boy who apparently had injured himself trying to impress some young girls, Kixi would observe the Jedi Master at work. The way she repaired the boy's torn ligaments, skin, closed the wound, it all impressed and fascinated Kixi. I so wanna know how to do that. Kixi thought to herself.

Maya was quick with any formalities and decided to get right into the thick of things by asking Kixi to demonstrate what she already knew, rather than talk about it. This mentality was something Kixi immediately liked about Maya, as that was very much her style too. A quick basic demonstration would be easy. Coci had already tought her some basic stuff, such as rejoin a broken stick together again, and mend a small cut, things in which Kixi was able to carry out without too many difficulties.

Now she decide that she would show that she could do both in one go. Kixi formed a small fist with her right hand and gently placed it on the side of her lower cheek bone. She could feel it touching her jaw. Then with a quick precise movement, she punched herself causing a minor fracture to her own jaw, and also some small cuts to her fist as well as a result. Kixi would immediately shut her eyes soon after. Concentrating on the Force using her left hand which she placed over her jaw, she began to twist the cells that made up bone, muscle, ligaments and tissue in her mouth. Slowly she moved every broken or fractured cell back to how they were before she had hit herself. The broken bones would re-mend themselves, as would all the tissue etc that formed her jaw and mouth, fully mending her jaw. Smiling, she then placed her left hand on the cuts on her right knuckles, and concentrating the Force on that spot only, mended the cut skin too. Her demonstration was complete. Yet she breathed heavily. The task although a success had taken a lot of energy out of her. She hoped that with a lot more training that she would eventually be able to do basic stuff like that with ease, plus a lot, lot more.

"That is about all I know Master, as you can see it has taken a lot out of me. However not only would I like to be able to do that with ease, I would like to be able to heal more serious injuries, viruses and diseases too. I want to be able to help people so less people can suffer. I want to be able to contribute to make that difference Master."

[member="Maya Whitelight"], [member="Coci Heavenshield"]
She returned the embrace of her friend before stepping back so Kixi could introduce herself. While they spoke, Coci went to speak to the young man in the bed Maya had just treated. She urged him to take care, and like Maya gave a stern warning about girls, not only for his good but theirs. Having not had experience with teenage children, Coci was learning fast with what Théo was going through. She had all that and this to look forward to. A sigh left her lips before she returned to the two Jedi.

Just in time to see Kixi hit herself in the face. Coci facepalmed .. behind Maya's back.

The demonstration was very expressive, however Maya might question Coci's methods of training in healing. Coci gave Kixi a 'do as I say, not as I do' look .. but it was all to late. "I taught Kixi what I know, which is enough to get by in a bad situation, but that is my limit. She wants to learn more, and what she wants is beyond my reach. So here we are my friend. Come to the best".
[member="Kixi Rajki"] | [member="Maya Whitelight"]
Trying not to be all shock what she just did to her face. Wanting nothing more then to shake her head back and forth. Watching she did, feeling Coci right behind her. After all she did ask what she knew that wanted to show her. Guessing next time she would have to choose her words better then she did. Or was it all Coci doing, she would get to that later.

"I I think Coci we need to talk later," giving her one of her looks for now she would be teaching this one. Even so she could see how spend Kixi was after that little demo. Even so she couldn't help but smile at her gentle and loving. "Kixi the more you use this power the better you will become but every healer has their point of being drain and have to refuel to speak. Its at that time I use and rely on my herbs to keep the balance going."

As she reach over to pick up a purple looking leave putting it in her palm as did so it started to glow, "This is full of the life force, once you know how to bond with it can be your helper." Even so she let herself put it down for now. "I make it into a paste to use on those that aren't as hurt. I seen many battles I know what lays on the field as the aftermath so I can aid all that needs it, getting the help to critical wounded. "

Talking so more before she felt that she was rested enjoy to help the next one that came through the door. There it was it seem that there was an accident with the blades again. "Before we begin, I first asked them where they all hurt to then I see with my own eyes, then comes the flowing out with the force for me to get a better idea of the person. Yes we can use those tools over there it aids a lot but for now we are doing this the old fashion way. "

"What do you see she hurt at." the patient is a younglings maybe not the age of 9 year with green skin. After which she followed the question with. "What do you feel is the best way to heal her?"

[member="Coci Heavenshield"] [member="Kixi Rajki"]​
Kixi immediately saw the look of shock on both Maya's and Coci's face after Kixi broke her own jaw and then mended it again. She also got the hint that Maya somewhat thought that it had been Coci's idea to have Kixi do such a nasty thing to herself.

"Oh no no no."

Kixi would quickly say putting both her hands out as she spoke.

"That wasn't Coci's idea at all. She didn't put me up to it. She taught me to mend that form of injury with tree branches. That was solely my idea. That is to break my own jaw. Besides I'm a fairly straight to the point person anyway. It was no big deal, and I'm a bit of a sucker when it comes to copping a bit of a beating. Really it was nothing."

Kixi would end off with a smile, although she could sense that neither Jedi Master really approved of such extreme and harsh demonstrations. Especially to one's self.

"But I guess next time I best not do that to myself again."

Kixi would reassure both Jedi Masters. As both Maya and Kixi were conversing, another young patient was brought in. A very young girl, probably around 9 years old with deep severing cuts across her body, undoubtedly caused by a bladed weapon of some sort.

"Master, she has clearly hurt herself with some sharp bladed weapon. The cuts are not cauterised. Can't be from an energy blade such as a lightsabre. Blood is coming out. Must be a steel or physical blade. The wounds can be closed using the Force. If the wound is closed, all tissues etc will be mended and the bleeding will stop too. I think it can be done the same way I fixed my jaw, and then closed up the same way I closed the small cuts on my knuckles. Yet I struggled to or exerted much energy to mend such small wounds. Those on the girl are much larger Master. I feel I'm on the right track with my suggestion, however surely there has got to be a more efficient way to implement it?"

[member="Maya Whitelight"], [member="Coci Heavenshield"]
She had to laugh, the look on Maya's face was priceless yet she knew Maya would find her later. "It is alright Kixi, I am sure Master Whitelight will understand", she hoped.

At this point someone had been brought the medical bay injured. The staff immediately went to work and so did Maya. A professional through and through and one of the only people Coci has met that cares beyond the normal. The true mark of a person of such a calling. "I shall leave you both now, I must get back to my duties. Kixi I leave you with Master Whitelight, you will learn much from her and more then you anticipated I warrant".

She bid them both goodbye, with a bow and turned to leave them to their fine work.
[member="Kixi Rajki"] | [member="Maya Whitelight"]
Maya before answering her question, she bowed towards [member="Coci Heavenshield"] Then turning towards Kixi again. Smiling at her this time. "Very good you are learning that not everything has to have a hard path. We can do this a couple of ways that is to first healer like you did your jaw yes would be one way, another way would be with batca patches, then there is this last way, I will show you some of my healing aids on a battle field." as she pulled a tube of glowing of yellowish, feeling through the force anyone could feel the life with in. As she did so she put a few drops on the wound.

"Now these are alive micro organisms that are from the force itself, that leave with in the leaves of the tree of life. Then are my aids so I can save your force as you can see healing can drain the force. " as she closed her eyes before speaking again to her.

"Close your eyes and feel them go deep with in the wound, as they are bounded with me and my own force. Coming now to see what must be done I will be their guild." not knowing if this was getting through to her or not after all she hope she had explain clearly enough to this one.

[member="Coci Heavenshield"] [member="Kixi Rajki"]​
Kixi listened attentively as Master Whitelight explained the living micro organisms and how they lived in the Force. It most impressed Kixi. She had never seen anything like it. All she had ever known was of the reverse. Deadly micro organisms that had the reverse effect, created by those who wished to spread terror and fear by destroying life rather than preserve it.

Maya would then allow these healing micro organisms onto the patient's wound and shut her eyes. At the same time she would invite Kixi to do the same, as Maya would while connected with the micro organisms through the Force, guide them and have them mend the wound. Kixi knew how to Force meld her aura with someone else already. Stretching out she felt Maya's life force and effortlessly joined. And then she would do nothing else, except observe first hand how Maya was directing the Force sensitive organisms through the patient's wound, and mend it effortlessly.

Most impressive. Were the words that passed through her head as she silently observed Maya focus the organisms, and then wouldn't utter a single word for until Maya was either done, or would instruct her to do something.

[member="Maya Whitelight"]
Even as she could feel her present with in her, as she showed her as much as she could to the fact that there was so much more to show, but the wound was being mended together very nicely. Finding herself only to see that there wasn't much more then to open her eyes at the one that they just brought in. Finding herself know kissing the patient forehead.

There still need to rest, to let the rest work deep with in your wounds.

There was a deeper understanding to the fact she know turn to her as if to know that she was nothing but amazed by what had taken place. To the fact that she needed to so something more forth coming. Letting everything be explain, as she looked at her. Even then there still another way to do such a healing that is with a batca and what not but one is always out int he field might not have that at their finger tips.

[member="Kixi Rajki"]
Once Maya was done, Kixi broke her connection to her. Maya would then give the patient a kiss on the forehead before advising the patient to rest, and finally turn back to Kixi.

"That method is most useful. It uses far less energy and those micro organisms would be easy to carry around. Just like our lightsabres. If we need to retrieve then for battle we simply unhook them from our belts and turn them on. These micro organisms could be kept in small containers attached to say a utility belt, and then accessed as needed. Clearly a bacta tank cannot be."

Kixi's facial expression was still ecstatic. She had never seen anything like this until now.

"You hardly exerted any energy in using those micro organisms. That means using them will allow healing, plus still allow for plenty of energy to do other things, things that could prove ever so vital in a battle. I would like to try this Master?"

[member="Maya Carrick"]
Listening to this one speak so wisely to what she had just witnessed this only brought a little smile upon her lips. Anything greater then that would be prideful. Even so as she looked at him, this one really did have a lot promotional there waiting to be relieved and then shaped to a great healer. As in her own lifetime one healer can't make a different but if one training others healers that will one day take her own spots as the head she needed to guild them.

"Yes, we can't always have a tank, but if we can stop the wound bleeding, until one can get them to a medical ship, to be treated then one is saving a life." as she took on a smile of her own.

As she let herself get one of the tubes. "I don't always use these but only if needed right way. As these come from the force itself, and the bonding can take years, but we can start small, and work little at the the time. First I want you to just hold the tube in your hand and reach out to micro, they are a live they have the force let you feel all this but also to bond with them to give them that trust to where they need to do their job. "

[member="Kixi Rajki"]
Maya would handover a tube to,Kixi. The tube contained that very same micro organisms that lived in the Force the Kixi had only just whitenessed Maya use on a patient. The same organisms she was able to direct to the patient's wound and then have them heal him. A very efficient means it was, as her own Force reserves could be put to use elsewhere, while the organisms then did all the work.

As instructed, Kixi took the tube from Master Carrick and held it firmly in her hand. She then closed her eyes and concentrated as she made a bond with the living organisms from inside the same tube. Kixi would almost take a step back as what she felt at first was strong and almost overwhelming. As she focussed more she was then able to concentrate. The organisms were alive and their healing power could be felt. All one had to do was direct them to wherever needed mending, and the work would get done. Of course it wasn't all that simple as one still needed to make that bond through the Force with the micro organisms first.

Master, I can feel them. The feeling is sensational, the power these tiny things can do is phenomenal!"

[member="Maya Carrick"]
[member="Kixi Rajki"]

Smiling at her as she felt what was coming off her as if then came her hand upon her own shoulder. "yes they are that but they must be respect and be giving the due as much as this is one life we are saving another life with them, that bonding them to each other after one given their life the other may raise again. Its a circle that is created in the force, my dear child." kissing her cheek, with the though that she would learn much from her from the coming lesson she would give her. Not only in the class rooms but also out in the galaxy if she choose to follow her. For now she would watch her work on the next few patients answer question if need it to be.
Kixi would open her eyes once she had felt finished connecting with the micro organisms in the tube she was holding. Maya would then give Kixi some advise regarding them. Respect them like the lives of the very people they are being used to heal. All life created within the Force is a circle that keeps repeating itself. Abusing or destroying it only will disrupt that process with consequences. Maya would then set out to assist more patients, with Kixi following her, assisting her and eventually doing the healing on her own. Much Kixi would learn from Maya as she would come back day by day to heal the wounded, stronger and stronger she would become in the healing arts.

[member="Maya Carrick"]

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