Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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Healing, the path that leads deeper into the light.

Kixi had long sort to be able to heal others. Her past had been a shady one. She had been responsible, even if not directly for atrocities back on her home world against the enemies of the state. Yet inside it had in the end consumed her and shattered her mind. Since Kixi's arrival on Voss, she had gone a long way to reach her goals of becoming a Jedi of the light. Now a Jedi Knight, that would confirm such achievements, yet she still had a long way to go and a long rough rocky road ahead. Now was the time to further her training with the masters. Kixi would seek [member="Coci Heavenshield"], a respected and very highly skilled Jedi Master on Voss.

"Hi there Master Coci. It has been a long time since you and I have seen one another, let alone spoken. I believe the last time was a while back. When my Master George and I had presented baby Nena to you. Since then I have been away on another mission with Master George, in as you have already heard, a failed attempt to rescue Nena's parents. I've been away seeking guidance of a different sort with the Grand Master Corvus Raaf. I'm back now. I feel I can do more in the healing arts. I want to harness this ability to be able to heal people using the Force. I feel it will set me further into the light. Can you teach this to me Master Coci?"
It had been years since Coci had seen Kixi. She remembered the young scared girl that had ventured into the Silver Temple full of anxiety and looking for answers. It seemed she still is searching for them, which is the way of it, the Way of the Jedi. Knowledge is something every Jedi should spend a lifetime seeking and will never end the journey but that is not the point, the point is the road traveled and living a full and just life.

"It is truly good to see you again Kixi", she said with a smile, protocols of rank dropped for a friend. However, Kixi seemed in a hurry, getting straight to the point which is good and leaves no guess work, but Coci wanted to know more about her and her little girl under her charge. "How is the little one, I hope she is growing well and happy?".

"There are many reasons to acquire the skill of healing, and children is one of them. I had not had the skill, well only the basics, but when my children entered my life that all changed. But no matter your reasoning it is a great art to have. I can help you begin the training in healing but bare in mind I am not a master of it you will need to seek master healers for further knowledge in this".
[member="Kixi Rajki"]
As both Coci and Kixi would chat for a little, Coci told Kixi how it was good to see her again given it has been quite a long time. Kixi would hug Coci momentarily as a means to show the master her true appreciation for her warmth and caring.

"Yes the little one Nena, she is growing up fast. I hold a lot of affection for her. Even if we are not of the same species. To me she is like the child I can never have of my own. "

Kixi would then let go of the hug she had with Coci.

"I understand healing is not your expertise Master, yet you still know a lot more about it than I do. I see just how precious life is now. The more I train, the more missions I go on, the more I think of my past before I came to Voss to become a Jedi. The night Master George and I rescued Nena, George told me to run with the child while he fought a battle with a Sith. Yet on my way to the ship, I was waylaid by enemies and and had to put Nena on the ground and fight. Nena was but a tiny baby then. Yet she remembers it vividly. All of it. How I fought off the attackers and fought for her. I see it when I look into her young growing eyes, and she really appreciates it. Yet in a heartbeat things could've turned the wrong way. Nena could've been harmed, Master George could've been harmed at the hands of the Sith he had fought, as could have I. I want to know how to heal for the just in case. It can't do miracles, but in the end it could make a decisive difference."

Kixi had her head down slightly as she spoke. Not because she was ashamed of anything, but it was just the way she would speak when she was deep in concentration, and when the words she spoke came with true feeling and from deep down the heart.

"Master I am ready to take this step. I can begin training as soon as you are also ready to teach me."

[member="Coci Heavenshield"]
It was great to see that Kixi had opened up, more receptive to allowing others around her to get close. Children will do that, they are infectious with love and emotions which lonely serves to remind one that they are beings that live, love and bleed as well. "Now this will require great concentration and a clear and focused mind", like most abilities in the force, but healing is an art and holds more responsibility to others and their lives.

"Let find a quiet place in the gardens and we shall begin". This would be the first part of the lesson, the more detailed training would have to take place within the medical bay by the Temple.

Coci lead Kixi to one of her favourite places in the Silver Gardens. She directed Kixi to the lawn by the gentle running waters from the springs heavy laden with minerals from the earth of Voss. The water from the springs is refreshing and full of goodness, and there is a strong scent to it organic and soothing to the senses.

"Come let us meditate and once we are calm we shall begin".
[member="Kixi Rajki"]
Kixi followed Coci to the Silver Gardens. As they made their way there, Coci would mostly speak as Kixi mostly listened. Once at the Silver Gardens, Kixi would feel a sense of relaxation. The air from the breeze felt refreshing and rejuvinating. Kixi liked the gardens. Infact she liked nature in particular. Growing up in a huge busy mega metropolis was the reason for this. Nature was the perfect means to allow the mind, body and soul to relax and heal itself. Perfect for what Master Coci would be teaching Kixi in the coming exercises.

"I love your choice of location Master. We are yet to begin meditating, yet I already feel the vibe in the air that makes me want to let go and relax. This should go well. I am ready when you are Master."

Kixi would then sit in a meditative position and await Master Coci to do the same and begin.

[member="Coci Heavenshield"]
She settled herself down on the grass and took position. Kixi was nearby and ready, which was good to see as an eager mind learns much faster but can also hinder if in haste. Only time would tell which way that would go. Coci cleared her mind, sent the thoughts that clouded her to the back of the rooms where she keeps them, closing off each 'door' until the main part of her mind was clear of thought. This is very much a practiced art of hers, it is necessary for those that have the skill to not only penetrate the mind of others, but to protect their own especially from attack from those that will seek to control it. But not today.

Her force senses settle around the area allowing her to feel Kixi in the environment and her state of being. And once she is clear of mind they will move to begin. Some time passes, the force around them 'infiltrating' into their bodies given them both the strength of the force, with vigor and power. It is sometimes intoxicating to the body this power and sometimes to be enjoyed and a reminder of just how blessed they are.

"I want you to reach inside yourself, inside your own body and be aware of it. The flow of your blood, as your heart pushes the life fluid around you. Your muscles in a state of relaxation, and deeper into your structure .. sense as much as you can .. and then .. tell me what you feel".
[member="Kixi Rajki"]
As Kixi settled herself down, it didn't take long for her to get into a relaxed meditative state. The entire process of getting into a meditative state was more than familiar to her. In fact it was a given for very much any Jedi Knight or Master. As Kixi would concentrate on her breathing and her state of awareness, Master Coci would then instruct Kixi on what to do next. The exercise would begin now.

As Kixi continued to meditate, Coci's words almost felt like they were inside Kixi's head due to the high level of concentration and focus. Of course it wasn't the actual case, as Coci was only seated next to Kixi and also meditating. Kixi could feel the blood flow through her body, from her arms and hands that were extended out in the meditative position, to her torso, then legs, feet and head. She could feel the centre of where it was all pulsating from too. A gentle and slow heartbeat from her heart. Yet she could slowly feel more than that, as gradually her meditation would immense further. She could feel every muscle in her body, muscles that were now fully relaxed. She could feel the pulsing of her entire nervous system move in all directions within her body, and she could also feel her own soul loosen up and ready to astral project if she further wanted to allow that. Of course for the purpose of the current exercise, the latter wouldn't be necessary and thus she wouldn't allow it.

"Master Coci, I feel like pure energy, or like that energy is all around me. It's actually a pretty weird sensation, yet at the same time a cool one. My aura, I can feel it all around my body, and I feel that I can push it out and extend it outward. It's quite a fascinating feeling I am experiencing right now."

[member="Coci Heavenshield"]
It was heart warming to feel the level of proficiency Kixi had achieved with her training and experience gained over his travels in the galaxy. The once unsure girl had come so far and with her adventure with George, he had proven a good teacher for her and would do so with others as well. "It is, and it never ceases to amaze even after much experience of it".

Although Coci is meditating, she did not do as she had asked Kixi, but simply prepared for the next stage of the lesson. "Use you focus to complete the next task, I will guide you though it but firstly we shall start with the basics and work upward from there".

From her pocket in her robes, Coci produced a small knife and laid it on her lap while she rolled up her sleeve. Taking the knife once more, Coci cut along arm until the skin broke and blood began to issue from the wound. Her face grimaced with the cut, but used the force to keep the pain away. The cut is no longer then a few inches and would be enough for Kixi to heal this minor wound.

"Now, my would is not deep. I want you to focus on my arm just like you did with your own body and search the depths of it, search for the extent of the cut through the force"
[member="Kixi Rajki"]
Kixi by this stage was deep into her meditative state. She could feel her aura around her slowly expanding outward. She could sense all things around her too. From what Coci was saying and doing, to all the living things around her such as the plant life, insectoid life and wild life.

Coci would then produce a small knife and cut at her own flesh. It would be a small cut only, but one that Kixi would attempt to close with the use of the Force.

"There is no try, do or do not."

The classic words softly passed through her thoughts as she extended her aura outwards and towards Coci. Then she would engulf her body with her aura in such a way that the two life forms temporally would be at one with the Force that surrounded them. As this happened, Kixi couldn't just feel her own blood flow through her veins, her own heartbeat, her own muscles and nervous system at work, but also that of Master Coci. As a result, the breach in terms of the small cut on Coci's arm was easily located.

Kixi now concentrated her thoughts, her energy on Coci's cut. The chemistry and fabric that made up all living things. All things living had a natural process of healing. In regards to Coci's cut, her body was already at work healing it. Kixi already feeling Coci's body as if it were a part of hers, located where this was happening and with the guide of the Force began to accelerate the process. Naturally the small cut would heal in around a few days, as Kixi concentrated all of her energies on the small cells at work in Coci's wound, the healing rate began to heal at a much faster rate. The wound would then slowly begin to close. The process that would have naturally taken a few days complete in mere minutes. Kixi could now feel the breach on Coci's arm close. Then suddenly Kixi began gasping for air, she broke the connection as her aura subsided back into her own body. Coming out of the meditative state, Kixi would momentarily grasp both her hands on her own throat as she struggled to breathe. This would last around half a minute before finally her breathing returned to normal. Yet she would still place her hand over her heart to feel it racing.

"Master, I'm not sure what happened there? I believe I closed your wound, but I expanded so much energy that it caused this to happen. And for such a tiny cut. Clearly I have lots of work to do."

Kixi would finish off with a little smile and chuckle.

[member="Coci Heavenshield"]
The force that came from Kixi was extraordinary, the power and energy complete and total and at this rate Kixi would collapse with exhaustion. But the cut was not deep or large so it did not take you long to close the wound. Yet she did the job with precision. "That was excellent", she said inspecting her wound to find not a trace of the cut not even a reddish mark.

Yet Coci took the knife once more, and nicked her skin again. Placing the knife back in her lap, she placed her palm directly over the open wound only a inch or so about it. "Watch", she said as she began to heal herself. "Like any thing, in the force it is controlled used that is to be learned. What you did just now took everything you have to complete a simple task which is totally understandable as you have not attempted this until now". The force pulled through Coci, and down her arm to her palm. The force energy entered her, searching the skin and any small nerves and vessel that she had severed with the cut and she began to knit them.

"I am directing the healing to a localised area, to only concentrate on the cut itself and only use enough energy to do it", in quick time the cut healed over once more. "The procedure is just as you did, but controlled".

"If you try this on yourself, you will be able to feel the force working through you as well as on you. It is a nice sensation .. very warming". She smiled.

[member="Kixi Rajki"]
Kixi listened to Master Coci attentively and then watched how easily she was able to heal or close the wound on a similar cut she then repeated to inflict on herself. She would then ask Kixi to try it, but this time on herself. Kixi would pick up the small knife that Coci had used and would point it at the tattoo marking that covered the underneath of her left eye. This had been inflicted in a scuffle with a Trandoshan warrior a couple of years earlier. Kixi had decided to keep the scar, but cover it with the facial marking to serve as a constant reminder.

"Umm no. I wont touch that. Otherwise I will have to permanently heal the wound."

Kixi then proceeded to make a small cut just under her own wrist. It was small and not very deep. However for the purpose of this exercise, perfect as she knew that she wouldn't be able to heal any wound that was deeper than what she had just inflicted on her self at this stage. This time Kixi would change her approach. Instead of directing all of her energy outward in that it would expand a lot of energy, she would concentrate it on the small cut on her wrist. At first she found it difficult and hard, as her entire aura wanted to engulf her whole body to then initiate the healing. However as demonstrated by the Jedi Master already, for such a small cut it was unnecessary. Kixi like before could feel her every heartbeat, her blood flow through her veins, the currents from her nervous system, the fabric and cells that made up her muscles, skin and bone. Like before she felt the breach in terms of the small cut on her wrist. Instead of engulfing her whole body with energy, this time she focused the Force on the small cut that stood out. And then the wound closed. It wasn't big so the whole process only took seconds to complete. Kixi opened her eyes and looked first at her healed wrist, and then at Coci with a huge smile.

"That worked. And I am not gasping for air this time. Thank you Master. However I will need to know more than just heal little cuts. In reality I will need to be able to apply this for far more serious injuries. Yet this is a good start."

[member="Coci Heavenshield"]
She turned to smile at Kixi. Kixi had done very well indeed which was a direct result of her strong control in the force. She had come such a long way and now a knight has the ability to do great things. "You remember our trip away to train in the Art of Small? .. tell me how you might apply that skill within healing". This skill is a further ability to be able to enhance healing and perform very deep and intricate injuries.

While Kixi might sit and contemplate this and her answer, Coci stood up and worked around the garden to the edge of it. Finding what she seeked, she picked up a couple of thick sticks fallen from a near by tree. Sitting back down next to Kixi, Coci placed one of them on the ground in front of the young girl, the other in front of herself.

"So tell we what your answer is". She said as she snapped the stick in half place the two pieces on the ground again.
[member="Kixi Rajki"]
Sorry for the late reply, holidays got in the way :)
Coci would bring back memories of when Kixi and a group of other Jedi padawans and knights had gone with her on a training trip. A trip Kixi vividly remembered, as it was where she would for the first time encounter her would be future Jedi Master George O Rourke.

Coci asked Kixi if she remembered her showing her the Art of Small and how this could be applied to healing. The Art of Small was not an easy technique to master, yet due to Kixi's science background it had indeed fascinated her. She had infact since that day kept practicing the technique. Of course to date she was only able to apply it onto small objects, but like with all things, such complex techniques would take years to master.

As Coci returned with with a couple of thick sticks, she sat down again placing one of the sticks infront of Kixi and then would ask Kixi if she had found an answer on how the Art of Small could be applied to healing.

"Well Master Coci, I see a the two techniques as not too distinct from one another. With the Art of Small I'm bending the very fabric that makes up the object to the molecular level in its physical form, and doing it by bending the life Force surrounding the object at my will. The Force exist around everything, and more prominent in living things. With a cut on flesh, using a similar concept as in the Art of Small, by bending the life Force around the wound to my will, I should be able to again alter the fabric making up the flesh, and then while manipulating the cells making up the flesh, close the wound."

As Kixi finished giving Master Coci her very elaborative answer, she then would sit there in silence and await her next task.

[member="Coci Heavenshield"]
"Yes with the Art of Small, we can change to structure of any object and create something new, or re-make the same object", Coci picked up the broken stick. "Like this stick, break yours and lets put it back together .. just like you might a broke bone".

Pulling the force to her, Coci centered her focus on the two pieces of stick now laying on the ground before her. Her hands resting in her lap, she reach out through the force to the sticks and moved them together until end to broken end. She focused on the internal structure of the wood, the soft meaty parts still green and began to knit them from the inside out. The fibers came together, twisting and melding form a completion and so Coci would move on to the next lay and so on until finally the dried bark. The pattern of the wood, became seemless and as the bark folded over and matched up, Coci completed the union.

She opened her eyes and wait for Kixi to complete the task.
[member="Kixi Rajki"]
After Coci had finished with her demonstration, it would be Kixi's turn to attempt to replicate it. Kixi would first break her stick into two bits. Then she would attempt to mend the two parts by joining them together again, and do so in a way that they never were severed in the first place. Just how Coci had just demonstrated.

Kixi closed her eyes and concentrated the Force around the two stick parts, and mostly on the broken ends. Like with previous practices with the Art of Small, and like with the healing practices she had only tried moments earlier, Kixi concentrated on the cells that made up the stick's genetic structures. Like with all other times, she began to move them and alter them to her liking. The cells making up the two stick ends were now in motion, as if molten and ready to meld with another object. Kixi then brought the two sticks closer together and allowed the meld to take place. The cells on both ends soon moved into place, after that the two stick ends would soon after become one again. To Kixi's satisfaction as well, expect the obvious strain on her body, that had been taxing on her own resources. Again she huffed and puffed once the task has been completed. Finally her breath would return to normal as Coci waited patiently the whole time.

"Looks like I did it."

Kixi would finally speak inspecting the stick.

"However I'm still struggling with the amount of energy I'm exerting to mend such a small break. This will need to improve if I'm to be able to mend and heal some more serious wounds. However this seems like very good progress so far."

Kixi would then end off her sentence with a little chuckle and a smile.

[member="Coci Heavenshield"]
"The level of energy you will require to heal will come to you in time and practice", she said picking up Kixi's stick to inspected it. "Nice work, and you got to practice your art of small as well".

"With art of small combined with other healing skills you will be able to do much. Naturally depending of the injury as to what you will need to use but yes this is a good start. And I was not prepared to break my leg so you could mend the bone, hence the stick". Now she giggled a little.

"But now I think we need to visit the medical bay. Have you met Master Whitelight before?". Coci stood up preparing to leave the garden. "If not I shall introduce you to her. And maybe when we go to the bay there might be some practice for you there".

Besides there was a chill in the air, Voss had turned season and autumn was upon them. "I have absolutely no experience in healing things like viruses or diseases, that is well beyond my range", she said walking toward the Temple once more to find the medical center.
[member="Kixi Rajki"]
Coci was thus far impressed with Kixi's progress and level of competency. She would further make a joke about not being prepared to have her leg broken and why a stick was used instead, something that Kixi would too counter back with her own joke.

"Of course not Master, otherwise I would be having to carry you back to the medical centre since I'm quite certain that I probably wouldn't yet be capable of mending a broken leg, and since you can't either.......well at least I know how to move things around with the Force. On the bright side you would've gotten a free ride back to the med centre at my own expense."

Kixi them giggled along with Master Coci as they got up and Coci asked if Kixi knew of a master named Whitelight before.

"No Master, I am not familiar with this Master Whitelight, however I will be very keen on meeting her. If she can teach me how to heal viruses and diseases then that is the path I want to learn. Especially the healing of viruses. At a science level I know lots about viruses due to my background. Healing them through the Force would be a great step in advancement for me."

Kixi would finally finish saying and careful not to mention that once upon a time she herself had been a biological weapons scientist. They then slowly made their way back to the temple and eventually found the medical centre.

[member="Coci Heavenshield"]
"Oh I can mend bones, it just takes me some time to do it", she grinned remembering the first and last time she did so. It just happened to be on her husband as a large serpent was gunning for them. Nothing like working under pressure. "The stick was just to give you the idea and also that there is more then one way to 'skin a cat'". Which Coci always believe in life let along in the application of the force and all the various skills.

"Master Whitelight has been with the Silver Jedi for a very long time, she joined when Master E'ron was Grand Master and has been strong with us ever since. She is a very nice woman with an open heart, but she is very serious when it comes to training and healing". She said placing a hand on Kixi's should to guide her through the medical bay. "I believe we will find Master [member="Maya Whitelight"] up ahead". She said nodded forward, Coci could sense the master as she is very strong in the force and her aura is familiar.

They can to the door leading into one of the large wards, there are lines of beds for beings with injuries that are not serious or on the road to recovery. There is a calm influence in the room, the smell of herbs and oil filled the air and on the tables beside each bed are vases filled with all manner of blooms and aromatic herbs. The sensation to the senses was very heady.

Attending one of the patients was Master Whitelight, Coci lead Kixi to the bed and stood waiting until Maya had finished before addressing her. "Master Whitelight, it is good to see you again", she bowed her head to her. "When you have a moment to speak I would like to introduce you to one of our knights of the Order".
[member="Kixi Rajki"]
As Coci lead Kixi through one of the larger wards inside the medical centre, Kixi could feel the pain of beings all around her. Yet at the same time she could feel a much stronger positive vibe in the air surrounding her. The aura of the light side of the Force was ever so strong and present, and it radiated even stronger as Kixi got closer to Master [member="Maya Whitelight"].

Master [member="Coci Heavenshield"] would first wait for Master Whitelight to finishing attending to her patient that lay before them. Then Coci would greet the other Jedi Master before finally introducing Kixi to her. Kixi would smile before placing her right hand just over her stomach area and bowing slightly. That in Kixi's homelands was the formal way to introduce oneself, especially to one more senior, higher ranked or noble.

"I am Knight Kixi Rajki. It is an honour and pleasure to become acquainted with you. I am here to further my training in the healing arts. If you can teach me, I would be honoured to be your student."

Kixi would then straighten herself up again once she had finished introducing herself to the Jedi Master, and would wait for her to then respond.
Finding her eyes closed to the fact that she was finishing up with the one before her. No doubt this one would be more careful when showing off for a bunch of teenage girls. Feeling good about what mending she was doing inside of his torn ligaments she pulled her self out as she let the force then put the skin back into place where the object of desire had went through quickly.

Opening her eyes once more as she looked the young one in the eyes. "Next time you want a girl to see you think before you leap." as she smile at him. Giving him a soft kiss on the forehead before. Watching the kid turn bright red, before she wave for him to go. Leaving herself to chuckle.

Turning to give her full attention towards [member="Coci Heavenshield"] which she smiled brightly at before giving her soft peeks on both cheeks. Finding her eyes now fully here [member="Kixi Rajki"] "Greeings Miss Rajki, as I got informed that you are looking for some advance healer training." as she step up to give her a peek on one of her cheeks "Welcome to a start of larger world of healing." as she couldn't help but take some pride.

"So as Master Hevenshield as told me you know some of the basic, care to show me what you known, up to this point, or at less talk. " as she crossed her fingers in front of her still having some blood on them.

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