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Hazel Zanteres

Hazel Zanteres

The Angel/Devil on your Shoulder
"The Angel on your Shoulder"


Full Name: Hazel Aveline Zanteres
Nickname: Haze - Hazelnut - Zee - Zella
Alias: The Healing Angel - The War Doctor - The Merciful Medic
Titles: Doctor Zanteres
Species: Human (Hapan)
Homeworld: Hapes
Faction(s): The Order of the Sacred Lotus
Rank(s): Healer
Master(s): None
Force Sensitive: Yes
Force Alignment: Lawful Neutral



Gender: Female
Age: 37
Height: 5’8”
Weight: 147lbs
Complexion: Fair
Eye Color: Light Blue
Hair Color: Blonde
Portrayed By: Mercy
Voice Sample:

Appearance Details:

It should come to no one’s surprise that Hazel’s Hapan blood has blessed her, as it does for any of her people. From top to bottom she is the epitome of a Hapan woman. A heart shaped face, a pair of blue eyes; the color somewhere between a clear morning sky and sapphires. Of which are crowned by a pair of neat and tidy eyebrows. Her lips are shaped to perfection, the shade an equally perfect match. Formed into something so very enticing and delicate. And a top of all this is her hair, smooth and silky that if allowed to flow, settles comfortably past her shoulders. Its color changes to the light, from a golden mane when inside, to the palest of blondes under sunlight.

And her body is of equal measure, a merit to her ancestry. It bears a natural figure; voluptuous and perfectly sculpted from head to toe. From her modest bust, to her shapely legs, she had once been the centre of attention as a young adult. And whilst beneath the layers that has not changed, years of experience have hardened it with muscle, lingering visibly underneath toned skin.

A shame then, that she conceals it all away. Hiding it behind her job. Layers of long sleeves, sweaters, trousers and coats. Even her face bears a mask; blue eyes often framed with glasses. Hair held up in a unkempt bun or tail. And is often seen with a furrowed brow and thinned lips, marring her angelic features. She hides herself in public; while working. Even amongst friends she dares not show. The only place she feels free and comfortable, is with herself; alone.

Her profession it may be, but the truth is it's nothing more than an excuse.

|| Psychological Profile ||

Current Emotional Status: Anxious & Troubled
Positive Emotional Keywords: Caring - Merciful - Persistent - Dedicated
Negative Emotional Keywords: Envious - Lonely - Self-Doubt - Timid

Personality Breakdown:

To her patients, superiors and colleagues, Hazel is a professional woman with years of experience in her field. She holds herself to a high standard and is very to the point when it comes to her job. Though Hazel always ensures she’s a warm and gentle presence to those under her care. The complete opposite to when she’s on the battlefield, as a medic. Where she is only cold and stern, not letting anyone getting in the way of doing her job. And while her time on battlefields have steeled her resolve, rarely ever flinching when presented with something grotesque. There are those moments, every now and then, where something will manage to slip through the cracks of her armor and attempt to nest itself.

Dedication to her oath as a healer and scientist is what drives Hazel. But don’t let it go unsaid that it’s not also a front. Because beneath it all is a fragile soul, someone who shuns herself away from sociality. An incident now more than two decades old has left its scars on her, not physical; but emotional. Somewhere in her is that same young woman, who at a crucial moment of her growth was suddenly so overwhelmed and very nearly buckled under the pressure. And while she was saved from such a fate, it has never truly left her.

It has nestled itself, festering away at her insecurities. Of which gradually over the years have shaped the type of person Hazel is. A workaholic who has sheltered herself within it, never really taking the time to just be social. Not many friends, just the job at hand.

|| Orientations ||

Marital Status: Taken by [member="Cinder Rose"]
Sexual Conduct: Pansexual
Sin(s): Envy
Virtue(s): Charity & Temperance
Languages: Galactic Basic - Hapan
Occupation: Doctor/Medic (Independant)
Residence: Monastery | Sanctuary

|| Strengths ||

Healer Extraordinaire: For the majority of her life Hazel has dedicated herself to learning the medical arts, both the traditional methods and through the Force. She has learned almost every avenue there is for treatment, capable of adapting to the situation at hand. Provided there are the necessary supplies within reach. Due to her specialisation with Force Healing, Hazel has a high proficiency with it, but the lack of any constitution training means it's relegated mainly for dire situations, as it cannot be used for extended periods of time before it begins to cause a drain on Hazel.

Battleworn: Hazel’s time going from one battlefield to another has dulled her to the horrors that accompany it. As a medic she has seen what the damage can do to a person, from minor wounds to guts being spilt. This has resulted in the formation of a steely resolve whenever confronted with similar situations.

Dedicated: The path of both a healer and a scientist means Hazel has come to know the term of patience and dedication very well. This has had a side effect of bleeding into other aspects of her life. Such as being dedicated to a cause, to seeing to the defence and health of her friends and loved ones.

|| Weaknesses ||

Pacifist: While this may not be a weakness to others, for Hazel her pacifism has gotten her in trouble on several occasions. As a cause-and-effect of her time as a Battle Medic, and her doctor’s oath to never intentionally harm another soul; patient or otherwise. And on several instances in the past, Hazel has been called out as being hypocritical; for having had to take the lives of her more critically conditioned patients, when no other solution was available.

Spectator, not a Fighter: Despite Hazel’s years of being on the battlefields of war, she has never been trained in how to properly fight. Always just skirting around the actual conflict and caring for the wounded, any instances of fighting were always tackled by those around her. Even when she became a neutral party, she would avoid it absolutely, only either setting foot to save someone.

Act I
From Riches to Rags
Hazel was born into the Zanteres family, whom had a sizable amount of political pull within the Hapes Consortium. Evelyn, Hazel’s grandmother was still very much keeping their family relevant within the political sphere. Something that had been carried on by the eldest daughter of each generation. Aveline; Evelyn’s daughter and Hazel’s mother, refused this position when it had come for her to take on the duty. This had caused a rift to form between the two, so much so that Evelyn was close to pushing for her daughter’s disownment. Oddly enough, it had been an outsider that would be the catalyst that saved Aveline from that fate.

Jeremiah Riggs, a Corellian human, and a ‘merchant’ who had landed on Hapes in need of repairs and fuel. Right out of the gate he was received with scorn and suspicion, both for his outsider status and because he was male. It was Aveline who would eventually help him and offer him her home. Though Jeremiah opted to just use his ship instead, after discovering that Evelyn would bring hell upon him if he ever set foot in the Zanteres Household

Despite all that and throughout his month stay on Hapes, the pair became smitten with one another and eventually spent an intimate night together, in which Hazel was conceived. When Evelyn had discovered her daughter’s pregnancy, she hadn’t been pissed. Instead she tried to reason with her, claiming that Jeremiah would not care for the child, and would be gone from Hapes the moment he could. However, Aveline saw through her mother’s words, realising she only wanted her to stay so she could eventually use her child.

In spite of her, Aveline made plans with Jeremiah; pretending to agree with her mother all the while biding her time until Jeremiah’s ship was fixed. When it was, she was gone within the day. Leaving behind her family and not looking back.

Some months after Aveline’s departure, the stress of the whole situation on Evelyn had paid the ultimate toll.

Act II
From Place to Place, To a New Home

The months proceeding Hazel’s birth had been a trying time for the pair. For the earliest months Evelyn was capable of joining Jeremiah on his smuggling adventures, despite his protests of it being too dangerous. But her beauty and charm had quickly become a valuable asset that he didn’t have before. Their partnership had pulled them closer; thick as thieves and had begun building up a reputation around certain circles in the galaxy.

It was when her condition visually grew, that the tension began to mount. Jeremiah had been the first to insist on her staying on the ship, which Evelyn had stubbornly refused. But if there was anyone who could crack through it, it was Jeremiah. Though the smuggler would be damned if he was going to have her actually give birth on the ship. So instead, he set plans in motion, gathered what fortune he had accumulated over the years and settled his family on his home planet; Corellia.

Opting to live in a modest abode; some distance away from the major cities, the expecting parents waited for their newborn to finally arrive. And a healthy baby girl was born not long after; Hazel Aveline Zanteres.

The Trials of Growth

The vast majority of Hazel’s childhood was nothing special. She grew up like any other child with caring parents, living in a warm home. Hazel was quite the charmer when she was younger, managing to befriend everyone around her, whether it be other children or adults. She quickly became the talk of the town as her parents gradually integrated themselves into the society they had settled in to.

She was a fast learner, as evident by how easily and quickly she took to learning. It certainly helped that once Hazel had grown up some, her parents had began pursuing their career paths. Aveline deciding to become a doctor, while Jeremiah; rather surprisingly, aimed to become a scientist. Meaning she was constantly surrounding by reading material, of which her child’s wonder led her to reading whenever her parents weren’t looking, even though none if it ever made sense to her at that age.

Hazel’s academic record was exemplary, achieving mostly top marks and those that weren’t had only been missed by short margins. Right up into her days at the Academy, she had adopted inspirations from both her parents, opting to follow the paths of both doctor and scientist when given the choice. Though those years weren’t without their complications, especially the teenage years.

As puberty had begun to occur, her Hapan genes decided to kick in all in one fell swoop. Suddenly she had all this new kind of attention from her peers, male and female alike. For the longest time she had focused on her learning; a bookworm as they called her, but then in the span of days she was bombarded by more attention, the type she had envied other girls of having. It had been quick to overwhelm her and Hazel found herself falling into a spiralling loop of experimentation. It had taken some intervention from her mother to finally snap Hazel out of it, and just like how quick it had hit; she had instantly became jilted to the whole thing.

Life as it was, didn’t treat Hazel too fairly after that. In fact immediately after she had a taste of the real world, beyond the safety of her school, parents and friends.

Hazel was seventeen, setting off on a field trip; with her fellow students, to a state of art facility off planet. At some point during their journey they had been intercepted, and subsequently boarded. They were raiders of some sort, randomly picking on whomever they came across. It wasn’t until they had specifically separated the men and women, then slapped collars around their necks that it became truly apparent. They were slavers.

While she had denied it for the longest time, but Hazel had gotten off lucky. The moment they had been brought before the slavers’ master; a Hutt, she had become the prize. The crime boss had immediately been entranced; by her beauty and her body. She felt like she was going to be sick, not just because she had become some fat slug’s trophy. But also because she could do nothing, absolutely nothing as she watched day after day as her fellow students were sold to other equally as despicable people.

Fortunately however, she had a certain parent with numerous connections within the smuggling world. As soon as Jeremiah had received word of his daughter’s disappearance he had immediately began a search. When it became clear it had been a Hutt who had captured her, he used his old contacts to locate his base of operations and ‘leak’ it to the Galactic Republic for them to raid. About nearly two weeks into her capture, Hazel was rescued when a Republic strike team had stormed the Hutt’s base.

After that event, something had settled into Hazel’s mind that would define her for years to come. The desire to take action, not sit around and do nothing.

Act IV
The Doctor and the Angel

By the age of eighteen, Hazel had graduated from the academy and had immediately been brought under the care of Galactic Republic. Apparently someone had been impressed with her, so much so that said someone within their Medical & Science Branch wanted to sponsor her towards getting her degrees. After having it all laid out before her, Hazel was quick to accept the offer.

Shortly after starting though she had garnered the attention of the Jedi. One day she had been approached by a Master asking if she wanted to learn the ways of the Force. Which to Hazel, came as a surprise that she was even sensitive to it. Ultimately though she had initially denied the offer, citing she’d be too busy with her studies to dedicate her time to being a Jedi. As a counter offer the Master had broached the topic of learning the Healing Arts only. Pressing forth the notion that it would aid her in the coming years. After working out her reluctance and a stable balance between it and her university studies, she accepted.

The subsequent years passed by as Hazel successfully graduated with the degrees such set out for, and learned from the Jedi Healers. But before she could really settle herself into working, war had inevitably broken out and Hazel wasn’t one for just sitting around anymore. She volunteered into the military’s Medical Corp and settled herself in for many long, grueling years across many battlefields.

During this period of her life, she had acquired a couple alias. The first of which had been 'The Healing Angel', one that had come to fruition from the more hushed murmurs and whispers amongst the troops. It had begun after Hazel had started making her name for herself, moving across battlefields to bring aid to her fallen allies. Several tall tales and exaggerated rumors had spread about Hazel. The most popular had been a passing anecdote of how a soldier had described her as an angel, gliding across active battlefields, using her very beauty to stun the enemy into inaction and allow her to reach the wounded.

The other, had been 'The War Doctor'. For, no matter what, if she could be, Hazel would be at every field of battle. Once her duties had been fulfilled in one place, she immediately went to the next. No matter what rumors or fairy tales that followed her, there was no doubt about one thing. Hazel was dedicated to the cause, to the Republic and her oath as a healer.

There was only one event that caused her a great upheaval, as it had for so many across the galaxy. The Netherworld. And while she thankfully had not being pulled into it, she did have family and friends on Corellia. She had dropped everything, rushing to her home fearing that her parents were lost. However, by some miracle they had been both be off world with their respective work when the planet had cracked. Though they had still lost their home and their friends.

In the wake of it though, it gave Hazel time to look on things, what she had done over the years and how she had been doing it. She came upon the realisation that she wasn’t truly dedicating herself as a healer. That throughout the years she had only focused on one side, the Republic. She had passed by wounded; enemy soldiers yes, but wounded nonetheless. That thought haunted her for many nights, so much so that she temporarily withdrew from the military basing her reasons for wanting to focus in the scientific field for now.

It was a few months before the Galactic Republic would fall, that Hazel had received a message. Someone, an anonymous neutral party had a proposal they wanted her to hear. She was about to flatout refuse to listen, until they brought up the fact it would help her become a ‘true’ healer. It had intrigued her, enough so that she agreed to at least listen to the proposal in full. Ultimately what it involved, was allowing Hazel to return to her duties as a battle medic, but this time would be allowed to provide aid to both sides. What struck her as odd however, is that she couldn’t begin for another few months. When the time had passed, and the Republic collapsed, Hazel couldn’t help but wonder just who it was who had contacted her.

Nonetheless, Hazel was eventually back on the battlefields, this time as neutral party to the current conflict. Not long after, she ended up with her third alias: 'The Merciful Angel.'

Act V
Same Purpose, Different Colors

If there was one thing that had become extremely difficult for Hazel, was the communication. When she was part of the Republic, she’d be quickly informed of the next conflict as soon as possible. But now, because her patrons required their anonymity she had to rely on other means to try and keep up with the latest news. For the most part the HoloNet was used, alongside some more niche news outlets.

Things started to look up however. As after cleaning up from the latest battlefield she had been helping at, she had been approached by someone. That person being [member="Bethany Kismet"]. Hazel had asked if the woman was in need of healing, why else would she have been approaching her. The woman waved her off with a smile, and had asked if they could go somewhere to speak. A brief walk to her ship, and a chat later and the Jedi Master had laid out her plans and intent for the Sacred Lotus; an order dedicated to peace and providing aid to all. And she had come to ask her if she would like to become part of it.

Hazel voiced her agreement, but remained skeptical. Though Kismet was eventually able to convince her, pointing out Monastery’s central point of origin, and that it would be providing her with a stable place to live in compared to her ship. Without any further objections to it, Hazel accepted, and after spending some time to settle a few affairs, had found herself setting foot on Monastery.
Little did she know just she’d find there...

Hazel Zanteres

The Angel/Devil on your Shoulder
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