Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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Have at me, people... You know you want to.

So, in case you haven't checked my character list at some point, y'all might know me as Cross, Malachite, Gavin (only recently), Cobalt (also recently), Zatten, or Hijinks....

What do you think of me, and my writing, and my characters? I'd honestly like to know.
Writing: I've always been a fan of your writing. It's effortlessly readable and really, really funny. It reminds me a bit of Douglas Adams. Straightforward, packing a punch, with an edge of humor. Good stuff, my friend!

I would like to see you write more in the third person, but that's more of a personal preference thing. Maybe it's because everyone else on the boards writes in third person, so once I hit your posts, it sort of takes me out out of the story for a second.

As far as your characters go: Zatten is the character that I've written with the most, and is by far my favorite. He's hella entertaining. Honestly, I really like all of the characters of yours that I've threaded with, especially Bond, Cross, and even Rivvy. My only critique character-wise (again not about your writing) is that some of your anime playbys make your characters seem a bit similar to one another. But other than that, awesome characters!
You already know, what I think of you a terrible person

Your characters are unique from the rest of the Chaos river, not sure if you've noticed but I've tried to base a writing style off yours.

Gavin XIII

Sour Candy Sithspawn
[member="Nomad Crimson"] [member="Cryax Bane"]

You two scare me a tiny bit... I really must've gotten better than I thought from being on Chaos this past year.

+ 50 Ego Points to Cross

Raven Hayashi

Raven, the not so wise fox
Celty Ikon said:
I swear, every time I turn around you have a new character while I'm still working on an idea I've had for forever. :p

You've always had characters that are different from the mainstream of the rest of Chaos, and you're awesome for it. They always bring something different to any thread you're in, and it's absolutely great. Props for originality and fun characters that add an element that's hard to find anywhere else.

And you owe me a post on Juwiela.


Alatar Istari

More threads for Hijinks... Otherwise, KEEP MAKING CHARACTERS!!!!!!!!!!!!
Anyway, I realized that most of the people that I consistently used to RP with when I joined are gone O_O

The newer lot have barely seen me, and so might have a hard time critiquing me...

What happened to all of you, lol?

You're the one who wanted to fight Roshki?! 0.0 I should have known! xD

Anyway, I (obviously) enjoy writing with you, from the sense of humour that you throw into everything to the fact that you effortlessly play drunkards and whatnot (scary...). Though, I swear it's like you're trying to compete with Cira or something :p

That being said, it sometimes seems like you make your folks a tad overpowered every now and then. Then again, I like to beat the crap out of my characters so I guess my opinion may be slightly skewered. Other than that, though, you keep everything realistic. Well, as realistic as can be on Chaos. Just sayin'.

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