Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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Hauntruss' Down Time

A low hiss echoed throughout the dark chambers of the Dark Spire, the central home of Inquisitorial Warmaster Darth Hauntruss. Appearing from the repulsor lift Hauntruss dragged herself in exhausted steps into the main hallway that led to her meditation chamber. A heavy sigh slithered from her lips and like iron rain tanked to the floor. You see, being a sinister dealer in death and destruction was indeed a fabulously sexy and vile occupation…but damn the darkside if it wasn’t rough on the mind and body. The usual powerful up right posture of Hauntruss was now a drooping slump. Waving her black gloved fingers the secondary doors opened and Hauntruss stumbled to the changing quarters of her chamber.

Removing her cloak and her dark robes to reveal her black leather bra and Brazilian cut panties, you know the ones – the ones that cut up top so the give a little peak at the cheeks (heh yah you do). Reaching out Hauntruss ducked below some drawers to find her extra comfy pajama bottoms. Of course these were not any ordinary ones. These were the red ones with black star destroyers dotted all over in cute shortened cartoony doodles, with the fuzzy fabric that made it feel like you were slipping on a pair ewoks. But, for some reason she couldn’t find them. Now usually, Hauntruss was a composed and devilishly calm type- you know – the kind that’ll have a really crappy day and say absolutely nothing (never trust the silent ones kids). But, on this occasion, with the stress levels too high old hissey blew a darkside equivalent of gasket.

Angrily ripping her pink leisure bath robe from its coat rack, the one with "#1 Sith Lady" written on the back, given to her by her Death Dragoons for Imperial Mother’s day Hauntruss in irritated and drawn out stomps marched back to the elevator. While in the elevator the lift abruptly stopped at lower level opening to reveal a group of Imperial staff who were on their way to a meeting. Shocked by seeing the Sith lord of dark defilement and Imperial destruction in pink leisure robe and dishevelled hair they froze. Awkward glances were shared by the Imperial staff each cowardly trying to use their eyes to force the other sto speak. Of course Hauntruss having no time for any of this fething nerfherder bullwaste waved the force to close the doors and instead just watched the annoyance disappear between to elevator sliding doors. Sighing once more the dark lady rubbed her eyes and then her temples. Could it get any more irritating?

Why oh yes. The elevator was playing the annoying jingle that previously had lodged itself in her brain like some sith spawn plague during the last Jedi Enclave purge. It was a fickle jingle with an irrelevant beat that made no sense to the larger temp but somehow possessed some memorable melody that would not leave. Another sigh, this one with some added force annoyance. Finally, the doors let out a mechanical shriek as the opened to the floor she had first intended to arrive at. The laundry floor. Greeting her as she walked in was stormtrooper Maurice, in his laundromat apron and hat. With a forced polite tone Huantruss approached Maurice.

“Maurice.” Hauntruss barked. “Did you finish my laundry as I instructed- BEFORE – I returned from the Jedi culling operations?” Maurice, a drop out who had initially wanted to be the next Commander Cody- replied with a sassy, “No honey.” Hauntruss could feel the urge to kill boiling. “What.” She questioned. “Listen honey.” Maurice preached, “Those pajamas are made of the fabric that needs tender care and love – you feel me? It takes time.” Hauntruss glared with unknown rage building so much that her right eye spasmed at the unintelligible answer.

“Maurice.” Hauntruss began again, this time with an out of place serenity washing over her words, “You know that thing when I watch you try and dance to Cantina music in some strange hip and butt throbbing motion.” Maurice tilted his head, “Yah, it’s called Twi’erking. Why?” Hauntruss raised her hands and as she did the force snapped in a malevolent grasp that crushed Maurice’s throat rendering him silent. Gasping and wildly gesturing to be free, Hauntruss continued, “I imagine it will be difficult if I crushed your legs and arms. Do you…feel…me?” Maurice mustered all the air left in his lungs to squeeze a short, “yah….ugh…guh…I feel yah.”

To Be Continued....
OOC: Feel Free to post your reactions and comments in this thread.
In a distant part of the galaxy, a young Zorren sat shirtless on her bed. She was currently working on writing a rap for her newest underground album, titled "Bathrobe Brigade Blues". It was to be a very emotional playlist about the failings of the Jedi Order, the Sith, and the other whiny space wizards. Luckily none of her fanbase knew she too was a forcie.
That would significantly reduce sales.

Halfway through writing a sweet line ("Well, will you look at the clock, it's half past space dock o'clock, them Jedi 'bout to get out their-") she felt a shudder that forced her hand to twitch. The pen flew across the paper, ruining what she had written so far. If only she had used a data pad instead of an actual notebook... The Zorren let loose a long list of expletives. What had happened?!?

"Hey, Nyx, you alright?" Her roommate, who was also shirtless, asked.

"I'm fine, Sharron. I just... felt a great disturbance in the force..."

"What do you mean?"

"Somewhere, out in the depths of the universe, a man is loosing his ability to dance... he will never shake that lumpy ass again."

"... Wouldn't the force be happy then?"

"The force is a frakking perv, Sharron. Gods, I thought you knew that."

The room got quiet for a few moments. Then the Zeltron frowned, deciding to ask a question that had been on her mind for a while.

"When are you going to put your shirt back on?"
"I'm oddly okay with that."
As it was, the force was not the only perverted thing in the galaxy.
Nyx went back to writing her rap, starting from the beginning...
{I laughed at this. So hard. I had to join in on the fun somehow!}

"Ahem. Check one, two. One. Two." Hauntruss coughed as she proded the Star Destroyer assembly room microphone. Sat before her, in countless rows were the Stormtrooper Legions of the Imperial Inquisition all clad in identical white armor. It was like staring at a see of coconut flavoured popsicles. "I'd like to thank everyone for coming in today. I know we all here at the One Sith Imperial Inquisition have a busy schedules."

"Those Jedi wont kill themselves eh? Ah, heh..heh..heh." Hauntruss joked as she was met with crushing silence. "I" Hauntruss growled as she tightened her black gloved fist. The Storm troopers flinched in fear and all broke into their own carefully crafted fake laugh. Smiling Hauntruss continued her speech. "Well with the pleasantries now dispensed I now hereby declare the Monthly Employee of the Month Award Ceremony begun."

Hauntruss removing the microphone began to pace the stage. "I am very proud to announce that this Month's Employee of the Month is....Storm Trooper 324.789-BSD85...Gary." She announced as the storm troopers broke into applause. As a faceless armour strode up to stand next to Darth Hauntruss. Gary was a quiet man, from a quiet world. He had joined the Imperial Storm Trooper Legions after mistaking a Military Employment sheet for a Pantolomin Cruise Sweep Stakes. "Now Gary here has already clocked in 15 kills and from what I hear around the Star Destroyer is he even inconvenienced a Jedi by stepping on his robe." The Storm Troopers all gasped in unison.

"Most impressive." Hauntruss said as she clapped. "Well Gary for being such an upstanding Imperial Trooper, I am giving you and your family a all expenses paid trip to Dis'Ney Land Theme Parks on Coruscant. Let's all give Gary a round of appluase." Suddenly a black 3PO droid approached Hauntruss from behind to whisper something into her ear.

"What do you mean we destroyed Dis'Ney Land?" Hauntruss barked in supressed anger. "I am sorry master, but you had the Inquisition purge it for being "Jedi Happiness Propaganda." informed X-3PO Hauntruss' torture protocol droid.

Hauntruss rubbed her eyes. "Fine I'll fix this." she muttered. Clapping and smiling she turned back to Gary. As she did, she discretely used the force to choke Gary to death. Gary clung at his throat. "OH- OH GOD Gary! Gary what is it!" Hauntruss cried in faked worry. Meanwhile Gary rolled onto the floor and began to jitter in convulsions. "OH no! He's having an allergic reaction - or something!" Then Gary stopped moving. Solemnly standing up, Hauntruss bowed her head. "How tragic." Turning her head to X-3PO and moving her lips so no one saw her speak. "Have his family removed too and for force's sake build another Dis'Ney Land. And call it Sithland this time."

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