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Hask Jen-Maxis


Snappy Boi
Factory Judge

credit to artist:

NAME: Hask Jen-Maxis
FACTION: Mandalorian | Clan Maxis

RANK: Clan Maxis field commander

SPECIES: Sith Pureblood

AGE: 70 galactic standard years

SEX: Male

HEIGHT: 6'5"

WEIGHT: 130kg

EYES: Gold

HAIR: Black

SKIN: Dark Red



STRENGTHS AND WEAKNESSES (Required: 2 Weaknesses Minimum) :

As a Pureblood, Hask Jen is pretty strong, much stronger than the average human and will most certainly be able to give Trandoshans a run for their money.
Despite his massive 'regular Pureblood size' he is still quite agile. His training in the Force allow him to temporarily boos his strength and speed in a fight to enhance his battle prowess.
While not a genius, he's tactically pretty smart and can improvise rather adeptly.
He is pretty relaxed, kind, difficult to anger and treats others with respect, going against his species' stereotype
He is an honourable, proud warrior. He prefers dealing with enemies face to face and fighting up close and personal.
Pretty decent pilot and can handle himself with a blaster, though he excels in hand-to-hand and lightsabre combat, with a liking for Form V.
Has a pretty dark sense of humour, but has a tendency to laugh over almost anything.
Follows orders given to him to the best of his abilities, often stopping at nothing to reach a goal

He hates killing innocents, but if push comes to shove he won't lose any sleep over a few lives lost.
Though hard to anger, once angry he can stay like that for a while, making him very unpleasant to work with on a bad day.
Though he's an honourable warrior, he has no problem stealing stuff or doing other questionable activities.
Although he is smarter than most people, his common sense can fail him completely sometimes, making him look like a massive idiot in the process.
His peaceful, kind nature is sometimes extremely difficult for him to hold up and sometimes it slips completely, showing to others his true, violent Pureblood nature.
When fighting his violent side takes over, causing him to give in to his rage and become a bloodthirsty, dangerous animal. While he can get out of this mindset alone, it can be difficult especially in combat.
He can sometimes have trouble following orders when he does not agree with them. This 'insubordination' of his has gotten him into trouble in the past.
While always looking for a peaceful alternative to any situation, he always has a deep, dark yearning for war and subconsciously hopes that things will escalate into a fight.

He is quite tall and well built, though his appearance is pretty average for his species. Protrusions and ridges are visible all over his body, the most notable being the bony spurs on his chin and brow, and ridges along his forehead, cheeks, neck and chest. He has silver rings pierced through his ears and bridge of his nose(a common tradition of his people), though he can either take them off or swap them out for more flashy ones depending on the occasion. Pitch black hair hangs down along the back of his head, stopping right before his neck.

Being a Sith Pureblood, Hask Jen was born into the sith lifestyle. He began showing force sensitivity at a very young age and was shipped off to the Sith Academy on Korriban for training not long afterwards. He did not have a very cheerful childhood, constantly fighting with others over food, disagreements and just about everything. This caused him to notice the injustices and pointlessness of constantly fighting over everything and the errors of the Sith Empire. During his years of training, however, this mindset was beaten, broken and thrown out of him.

It was only later in his life, as a proud, loyal warrior of the Dark Side when he picked up this very strange, fair and just mindset after witnessing the horrors of war and seeing the atrocities committed by him and The Empire. While he still followed his orders, he began asking more and more questions over the reasoning behind his orders and voicing his ideas and opinions over his missions to his superiors. He became torn between the ways of his People and his sense of right and wrong

It went on like this for years, every achievement and promotion he received was met with its fair share of frowns and disdain. At the young age of 50, he decided that he had enough. He slaughtered a group of sith that were pushing him around, climbed into a ship and blasted away from the evil Empire and his people's simple minded, violent ways. That same year, in a cantina on Tatooine, he met the warrior Rayne Maxis. After threatening to kill each other, sharing a few drinks and killing a Tusken Raider raiding party(with them both saving each other's lives) their friendship was formed. After years of fighting alongside each other and their friendship growing, she decided to let him into clan Maxis. In her eyes he proved his loyalty, honour and battle prowess, earning him the position of Field Commander of her still young clan and reporting only to her and her lover, Brianna Maxis.

After living as a Mandalorian he could speak their language alongside a multitude of others, he made a spot for himself in their clan and honed his fighting skills. This is where we find him. At the still young age of 70(basically mid 20's for a Pureblood), bearing the name Maxis alongside his own, wearing the Mandalorian ways with pride and honour, and loyal to a fault to his friends, Alors and commanding officers.

Nebula-Class Corvette with a crew of 75 troops to aid him in his duties and keep his ship running smoothly. Still far from optimal number, though...

2x MT-14 heavy blaster pistol (2 extra mags each)
His personal Beskar'gam
2x his personal lightsabers with a magnetic lock in the pommels to join together mid-fight

None yet





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