Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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Hasjo Hallu

"Your courage is commendable, but it merely masks your incomprehension and naivety. Your pretentious facade will not falter my resolve."
- Darth Vidar, to Darth Ares

General Characteristics
  • Name: Hasjo Hallu
  • Title: Darth Vidar (Resurrection)
  • Pronunciation: Has-joe Ha-loo (Hasjo Hallu) - Darth Vie-dah (Darth Vidar)
  • Title Meaning: Vidar is translated as Silent One
  • Theme Song: Deception
Personal Characteristics
  • Birth Place: Glee Anselm
  • Manner of Birth: Natural
  • Age at Death: 41
  • Death Place: Hapes
  • Resting Place: Glee Anselm
  • Manner of Death: Death by fatal fall
  • Last Words: "Let's fight like men" - Upon confronting his assassin
  • Primary Objective: Galactic Order
  • Secondary Objectives: Further intensive training as Exotic Weapons Master
  • Priorities: Loyalty
  • Motivation: Achieving a united Galactic body, providing peace and order
  • Accomplishments: General, Exotic Weapons Master, Jedi Master, Silver Order Councilman, Sith Lord
  • Greatest Achievement: Exotic Weapons Master
  • Failures: Letting down [member="Parmi Miemant"]
  • Biggest Failure: Defeated during the Sacking of Coruscant
  • Self-Confidence: He is confident, but not arrogant. He knows his limits.
  • Traumas: During the Sacking of Coruscant, Hasjo was shot four times with incendiary slugs and became engulfed in fire.
  • Fondest Memory: Training on Ossus as a Padawan
  • Worst Memory: Lit aflame during Sacking of Coruscant
  • Accessories: Necklace with large golden disc
  • Dress Style: Black trousers with knee-high leather boots accompanied by a brown woollen cloak. Two leather straps cross his chest, holding his assortment of weapons at his waist.
  • Equipment: Cortosis Lightsaber Pike, San-Ni Staff, Lightwhip, Longhandle Lightsaber, Lightsaber
  • Most Prized Possession: Cortosis Lightsaber Pike
  • Most Valuable Possession: Hasjo Hallu's Holocron
Intrapersonal Connections
  • Immediate Family: Eaden Hallu (Uncle - Deceased)
  • Close Relatives: Zinn Hallu (Cousin - Alive)
  • Acquaintances:
  • Allegiance: One Sith
  • Enemies: The Galactic Republic, The Jedi Order, The Silver Jedi Order
  • Friends:
  • Inspirations: Darth Mierin
  • Rivals: Darth Ares
  • Subordinates: Massassi Guard, Sith Acolytes
  • Signature Move: Su
  • Specialty: Shii-Cho
  • Special Attack: Cho Mok
  • Strengths: Swordsman, Force User
  • Weaknesses: Stubborn, Firearms
  • Threat Level: Severe
Physical Characteristics
  • Species: Nautolan (Birth), Sith Pureblood (Resurrection)
  • Nationality: Coruscanti
  • Skin Color: Green (Birth), Crimson (Resurrection)
  • Height: 5' 10"
  • Weight: 85kg
  • Hair Colour: Dark brown
  • Hair Style: Undercut
Part 1: Childhood
Hasjo Hallu was born and raised on the ecumenopolis known as Coruscant. From the moment he was born, he was raised by his Uncle Hassao Hallu. Hassao was a museum librarian that recorded archives of times long past. He was four when he was discovered to be force-sensitive. He was immediately taken away from Hassao's care. Though it would be proven that Hasjo just did not contain the ability to control the force as easily as others, giving himself harsh ridicule for his shortcomings. Though he would find out to his amusement that he was much better at whacking people with a wooden stick than the other kids. At the age of ten, Hasjo successfully passed his initiate trials. He would spend the next ten years honing his skills in the Temple at Coruscant. For these years, he would remain masterless.

Part 2: Training
Hasjo remained Masterless and thus would regularly be sent to Ossus for training. It was here he met Vash Hal'Brok and Carona Totsari, fellow padawans. The young Nautolan at age eighteen would often find himself alone and the black sheep. Few appreciated him and so he became a recluse among the Order. He would train alone unless specifically instructed too by a Knight or Master. It was alongside Vash Hal'Brok that he encountered his first true combat experience against a Sith Lord and Sith Acolyte. A ship had crashed on the planet, and with Vash by Hasjo's side, they had defied the Sith alone. It was through their fearlessness and loyalty that they saved the life of a smuggler. Were one to question why Hasjo had saved a criminal, he would explain that "All life is sacred." Though they were outmatched, and Hasjo had suffered psychologically at the hands of the Sith. A Jedi Master had come to their rescue with a platoon of Republic Troopers, swiftly turning the tide of battle.

Part 3: Apprentice
At the Ossus Jedi Academy, after many failings with other Knights and Masters with false promises, he finally found a loyal Master. This one had not discarded him after saying they would apprentice him. Master Sochi Ru of the Jedi Order had seen something in him, and so she had taken him on board. After an entire day of exhausting training regimes, he had proven to be quite the padawan to her. She brought him under her wing and so their journey together started. It was around this time that a man came forth to Hasjo and revealed to him that he was attempting to rebel against the Republic. Through cloak-and-dagger tactics, Hasjo had betrayed the identity of the rebellions leader to the Jedi Council, and the favour of his Master.

Part 4: Kidnapped
As Hasjo departed the Jedi Temple on Coruscant late at night, under the cover of rain. A squadron of Yuuzhan Vong awaited for him. With devices that concealed them from sight, the Vong had framed Hasjo with the murder of an innocent woman and proceeded to knock him unconscious with a series of devastating blows. When he finally awoke, he was far from home and under the enslavement of Supreme Overlord Dredge of the Horde. He was forced to fight for his life in a series of gladiatorial fights for the amusement of the planet he was on. Meanwhile back home, his friends strived to solve the mysterious disappearance of Hasjo and destroy the accusations made against him. After a month in captivity, Hasjo had managed to escape. Barely clinging onto life, he flew a starfighter back onto the fringes of Republic space where the Navy of the Galactic Republic found his distress beacon and rescued him.

Part 5: Peacekeeper
Hasjo Hallu went on to join the Republic Navy and Coruscant Security Force. As a military man, he performed routine border patrols and maintained the safety of the Republic. He became a well known activist for the Jedi Starfighter Corps both in the Jedi Council and the Senate. As a law enforcer of the CSF, he made it his duty to track down criminals that were beyond the management of the CSF and bring them to justice. More than one a fight had escalated and exploded into the streets of the underworld where Hasjo was forced to fight to survive. His most latest activity in the CSF had been the bust on a slave ring that was occurring in the underworld. Along with fellow Padawan Asaak Tey, they had freed many slaves.

Part 6: Combat
Hasjo was becoming well known for his unorthodox form of training. He would train in live combat rather than under the guidance of a Master. Whether his Master, Sochi Ru, was beside him or far away, he became engaged in various disputes across the galaxy with criminals, Dark Jedi and Sith alike. While he faced many great defeats, he was honing his skills. On the planet of Yavin 4 he defeated the Dark Jedi Tye Kelly. In the streets of Coruscant he defied a powerful Sith known as Astrian Callus. Succumbing to serious wounds he was left unconscious on the street. Lucky to be alive. During a political crisis Hasjo was one of three Jedi to engage with a squad of droid assassins. Hasjo received a near-fatal wound by their leader; Erebus. He was struck in his chest, through one of his six hearts. Were it not for the fact he had six hearts, he would have died that day. Hasjo has learned through these errors and come out on top, greater than ever.

Part 7: Knighthood
At the age of twenty-six, Hasjo was Knighted as a member of the Silver Jedi Order. He had recently abandoned his post as Commander of the Jalor Fleet with great concern. Though under the guidance of his Master, he had released the emotions that played upon his mind. He had found his new home where he would continue to grow and be the protector of the weak. Vowing his life as a servant of the Galaxy. Now as a Knight of the Silver Jedi Order, he continues to track down criminals no matter where they hide. He continues to train alongside his friends such as Asaak and Sirak. With his skills greatly honed, he does his duty to the people. Though Hasjo's greatest weakness remains. He will not kill unless absolutely and unquestionably necessary, for all life is sacred.

Unlike other Jedi, Hasjo did not go through traditional Jedi Trials in front of a council to become a Knight. Rather he had done his trials whilst in service to the Order, doing as he thought best.

At age eighteen Hasjo undertook the Trial of Courage when he faced a Sith Lord and Sith Acolyte, refusing to back down. It was his first of five trials.
Likewise that same day he had done the Trial of Insight. He had been poisoned with powerful Force powers by the Sith that threatened to succumb him to his deepest fears. Only through steeling his resolve had he successfully repelled the attack.
At age twenty, years later he would fight the one known as Tye Kelly on Yavin 4, successfully defeating him had pushed him through his Trial of Skill.
Age twenty-three, during a battle with an assassin droid in Coruscant, Hasjo was near-fatally wounded by Erebus, and thus completed his Trial of Flesh.
Age twenty-six, the Trial of Spirit was last for Hasjo to complete. He had to meditate deep within himself. Battling his doubt, fears and anger. Quelling the powerful forces that were his inner emotions.

Part 8: Duels
With the recently acquired rank of Knight, Hasjo began to further scour the Galaxy. With training under his belt, and further permission by the Council. Hasjo was given reign to track down criminals and bring them to justice so that the Council may deal with them appropriately, or hand them over to local authorities. Throughout this transitional period, Hasjo began to stake a name for himself as an expert swordsman. His skill in the lightsaber had others overlook his severe disadvantages in the Force. He began to aspire to something, a self-imposed quest. He seeked out to Master all Seven Forms. To become a Battlemaster. It would take time, patience and a great deal of struggle and work. But one day he would achieve it, or otherwise die trying. Though this quest did not consume him, for his duty in life was to maintain peace. With every successive duel, whether won or lost, he learnt from his victories and his losses.

Part 9: Injury
Hasjo cleaved a path across the galaxy with victory after victory. He was becoming notorious as a Sith Hunter. His versatility in combat gave him a superior upper hand against many opponents. Though upon Orto Plutonia, he was ambushed and ultimately defeated by two Sith. Dragged back to the New Order, he was tortured and interrogated. Upon his escape, he barely made it back to Voss with his life. After the installation of his cybernetic left hand, and grieving over the loss of his head-tresses. He was transferred to Coruscant during an invasion. It was there he held the front lines at the Jedi Temple steps. He was ultimately gunned down by incendiary slugs. He was immediately medically evacuated and forced to live in a bacta tank to simply stay alive.

Part 10: Master
Hasjo had proven his worth to the galaxy, and the Jedi. He was raised to the rank of Master, irregardless if he had yet to train a padawan. His skill, determination, loyalty and hard work had paid off. He was now among the best, but yet he still did not feel welcome. There was something that bugged him. He was trapped inside his mobile life support suit and would be for the remainder of his life. He wished for an ending to his suffering but it would never come until he would find his eternal sleep. Until then, he would always be the outcast.

Hasjo owns an old Delta-7 Aethersprite-class light interceptor that was onboard a Republic Capital Warship. He uses an R9 series astromech called R9-LH, an orange-coloured android. His Delta-7 likewise has a orange / yellow paint job.
Length: 8 meters
Width: 3.92 meters
Height: 1.44 meters
Maximum Speed (Deflector Shields Online): 12,000 km/h
Hyperdrive Rating: Class 1.0 with Booster Ring
Armament: 4 Quad-pulse laser cannons


.■■■■■ Novice
.■■■■■■ Apprentice
.■■■■■■■■ Adept
.■■■■■■■■■■■ Proficient
.■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■ Master

Art of Movement

Force Bellow






Shien / Djem So



Lightsaber Pike

San-Ni Staff


WARNING: HEAVILY OUTDATED - Due to excessive amounts of threads, this section will no longer be updated.

Padawan Series

Breaking out of Coruscant Prison - When criminals organise a prison break, Hasjo and a handful of security are the only ones to stand in their way.
Diner - Hasjo re-visits an old diner from his youth.
A Ball for All - Even Padawans need time for fun, and where else but a Ball?
Interesting night at the Cantina - When two thugs begin to clash, Hasjo is forced to step in to keep the peace.
Learning First Hand - Hasjo witnesses an unidentified ship crash on Yavin 4, it is now up to him and two other Jedi to defend against a Sith attack.
An Antique Droid - Hasjo goes in search of a new droid to accompany himself and his astromech; R9-LH.
A Murder in the Coruscant Underground - Hasjo seeks to become a Jedi Peacekeeper, and finds himself embroiled in an investigation.
Coruscant Cantina - Hasjo enjoys a late-night snack at a cantina in Cosrucant, with a few less-than-friendly patrons.
Willing to Die - Hasjo tracks down a wanted criminal on Tatooine with the help of his new droids.
Poolside Cantina - Hasjo spends a relaxing evening underwater in a pool.

Two Heads are better than One - Hasjo and Vash begin their training on Ossus, and stumble across two Sith.
Eating in the Corner - Hasjo makes an unlikely friendship in Carona, a mute girl who he had defended from bullies.
Meditation in the Room of a Thousand Fountains - A peculiar man visits the Jedi Temple, with a unique question.
District Oddities - Alongside his old friend Nattov, and a rogue named Dash, the three of them are the only ones in the way of preventing a terrorist attack on the senate.
I Love Games! - Kidnapped from the Jedi Temple, Hasjo awakes to find he has now become a slave for Supreme Overlord Dredge. He must fight to survive in the arena.
A Warm Welcome - Hasjo awaits the arrival of a new Padawan, accompanying him through the temple as his guide.
Unlikely Duo - Hasjo helps a prisoner escape from pirates.
For Peace - Hasjo has a discussion with a senator who tries to sway him to join a Rebellion
Unorthodox Seclusion - Hasjo flee's the Republic and goes AWOL at the request of his Master, who shrouds him isolation.
I Require Guidance - Hasjo seeks out Master Carn Dista for counselling on thoughts that have plagued his mind.
Fish out of Water - Hasjo sits in Mos Eisley, coming into conversation with an interesting Twi'lek.
Love is blind, good thing is ain't it - Hasjo finds himself on a blind date, no thanks to his friends in the CSF!
Customs at Speeds Unseen - Hasjo hires out a mechanic to create his own personified speeder bike.

[Faction Only]
Fresh off the shuttle at Ossus - Hasjo begins his training at Ossus Academy.
Trouble City Terrors - A young Ryn finds himself in danger, and Hasjo is the only one in time to save him. In the process, meeting a fellow Nautolan, Dom'rius.
The Restoration of Ahto City - After the assault on Ahto, Hasjo offers his amphibian services to the restoration.
Request from a Padawan - Hasjo meets with the Jedi High Council, requesting a rebirth of the Jedi Starfighter Corps.
When Two Padawans Go Missing - Hasjo and Leena have gone missing. Hasjo has been framed. It is up to their friends to discover the truth.
K***F - Hasjo investigates a vandalisation.
No Confidence Vote - Grandmaster Dragonsflame stands before the Jedi Order. Hasjo watches the procession, and gives a fellow Padawan a verbal chiding in the process.
I Seek Your Council, Master - Hasjo reveals to his Master, Sochi Ru, a horrifying revelation.
A Lost Padawan - Hasjo performs his duties as a Jedi Temple Guard Aspirant, coming across an interesting Twi'lek
Code Name: Rangers - Hasjo has just abandoned the Republic and finds himself on the world of Voss.
To the Forest... and Beyond! - Hasjo finds himself compelled to enter a mysterious lake, and explore.
It's a Nightmare - Hasjo goes into the Nightmare Lands on Voss to construct his Lightsaber Pike.

Perhaps the Archives are Incomplete - Assigned on a mission to Tython, alongside Master Gan and Padawan Novoxy, they journey into the ruins of old.
Preventative Measures - When a slave organisation is found to be operating in the Coruscant Underground, Hasjo is assigned to a team of Jedi to stop it.
Chilled to the Bone - Hasjo pilots a Dynamic-Class Freighter for two Jedi Padawans towards Midvinter.

Hazmat Run - Hasjo comes into quarrels with Knight Windu.
Dominion of Etti IV - Hasjo finds himself in a heated dogfight above Etti IV.
Cry Havok - Hasjo comes to the aid of Knight Windu.
Chain Gang - Hasjo boards a prison ship, attempting to prevent a riot.

[Dev. Thread]
Organising the Military - Hasjo beseeches of the Senate to reform the Jedi Starfighter Corps.

The Way of the Krayt Dragon - Hasjo begins tutelage under Master Sochi Ru, becoming her new apprentice.

The Cry of Blades - When Hasjo discovers a man to be interrogating an innocent civilian, two forces collide.
An Exotic Weapon - Hasjo and Sirak begin training together in hopes of becoming Jedi Temple Guards.
Oh No, Not This Again - Hasjo and a Sith confront one another in the Coruscant Underground

Conspiracy at 500 Rep. - Hasjo is called to 500 Republica with Master Sochi Ru and fellow Padawan Asaak Tey.
When Fleets Collide - Hasjo finds himself in a clash on the border of Republic space with a Mandalorian Fleet

The Journey Begins - Part 1


A Deadly Battle - Hasjo comes to the rescue of a pinned Republic Platoon with the Sixth Battalion.
Freedom Fighters - Hasjo finds himself embroiled in a duel on Coruscant 1313.
Clutch in the Kitchen - Hasjo and Parmi's first mission together is jeopardised.

It is better to die on your feet than to live on your knees - Hasjo is taken prisoner on Tatooine by the Hutts.
Maybe Find a Praefecti? - Hasjo meets Erek'Ard, a potential apprentice.
Stumbling Upon A Twi'lek - Hasjo meets a young force-sensitive Twi'Lek on Naboo.
Master & Acolyte, torturing a Jedi, together! - Hasjo is taken captive by the New Order, and tortured by Krest and Sonkrai.
An Exotic Weapons Expert - Hasjo hosts a demonstration before the Silver council.
An End of a Tyrant - Rasu Gan and Hasjo Hallu track down Supreme Overlord Dredge.
Star Searchers - The Silver Jedi Order receive a transmission, and Hasjo gives his input.
Hunting for that Needle - Hasjo receives a distress beacon from Maya Whitelight.

Clash of Fates - Hasjo goes head to head with Sabrina in the Dune Sea of Tatooine.
Swimming with the Fishes - Hasjo hunts down Darth Veles on the homeworld of the Mon Calamari, only to engage in a vicious underwater duel.
On the Heels of a Fallen Jedi - Hasjo tracks down the Fallen Jedi, Ackthon, on his homeworld of Dac.
She Was Only Nineteen - After the murder of a fellow Jedi Knight, Hasjo seeks out her killer.
The Hunted - Hasjo is hunted by a mysterious Bounty Hunter on Dagobah.
New Fate - Hasjo collides with Darth Ferus on the world of Utapau
The Winter Soldier - Hasjo confronts two Sith on the planet of Orto Plutonia before they have the chance to kill Sukh'Al'Lee.
A Fish Out of Water - Hasjo confronts a Sith Knight in the Outer Rim.
Showdown - A battle explodes on the surface of Utapau between Light and Darkness.
Person of Interest - Hasjo has an assassination attempt on his life.

[Dev. Thread]
A Swim. . . Why not? - Hasjo and Maya Whitelight go for a swim on Voss, to discover why the water is unnaturally dark.

The Unknown - The Silver Jedi Order explores ancient ruins on Voss.
Brought Before the Council - Hasjo brings forth his new potential apprentice to seek their permission to train her.
Welcoming Party - A party is thrown on Voss, and Hasjo finds himself grossly out of his comfort zone.
A New Dawn, A New Life - Hasjo travels to Midvinter in an attempt to track down a Sith in the local system.
The Price of Freedom - Hasjo leads the Kaadu Clan on a mission to free slaves on Geonosis.
In A Bacta Tank - Hasjo recovers in a bacta tank on Voss.
Thirty Pieces Of... - A trading contract is made on Voss.
Ascension - The Sixth Battalion defends an injured Hasjo Hallu.
Better Silver Than Nothing - A unique visitor has come to Voss asking questions.
The Way of the Hawk-Bat - Hasjo is trained by Master Rasu Gan in Form IV: Ataru
The Way of the Ysalamiri - Hasjo trains with a Zabrak on their home world in the way of Form II: Makashi
The Perseverance Form - Hasjo trains a Padawan in the Way of the Krayt-Dragon.
Learning Time - Hasjo teaches his young apprentice.

The Battle of Salamis - Hasjo finds himself outgunned, outnumbered and outmatched. Surrounded on all sides by enemies.
Alpha Base - The base of operations for all campaigns on Chaeronea.
Beyond the Pines - Operation: Uppercut is a go, the Sixth Battalion outnumber the enemy three to one.
Honoured Enemy - An epic story unfolds itself on the edges of the Outer-Rim.
Liberation of 80060050076 - Hasjo participates in a mission with his former Master, Sochi Ru.

No Stone Unturned, No Book Unburned - Hasjo leads an assault on the New Order, attempting to slow their inevitable conquest.

The Republic Shall Fall - When the One Sith invaded Coruscant, Hasjo was one of the first to be on site. He led Fireteam Pool to evacuate the younglings.
Operation Downfall - Hasjo aids in the defence of Carida.

N/A - No longer updated

Lord Ghoul

It's a compliment. You should be a master. It's only due to time on the board that you're not promoted that far, in my opinion.

Shorn Approves.
[member="Hasjo Hallu"] The ocean is blue because water in large quantities reflects blue light, while absorbing other wavelengths.
So why haven't they knighted you yet?
@[member="Tarian Keldau"]


But in answer to your question.
I don't know. No one really took me on as their apprentice. It took me a better half of my month here to find someone, and then when I did my Master was on LOA at the time so we haven't really done much training. So Hasjo has just been doing his service elsewhere, serving in the military and hunting down criminals. Gaining experience from real combat instead of training. No one really notices him

Eleandra H'Avelle

[member="Hasjo Hallu"]

Wow, that's a cool bio. :p I should update Maria's sheet too...

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