Hailey Sosis

Image Source: http://th07.devianta...0ah-d3djnjf.jpg
Intent: To give harley force protective armour, with major lightsaber resistance. Though everything else really hurts
Development Thread:
Getting the coat
Getting the hide posts 266-269
Making the armour
Getting Cortosis
Manufacturer: Enigma
Model: Harley Hide Armour
Affiliation: Harley
Modularity: No
Material: Terentateks hide, Cortosis
Classification: Anti Force, and Anti Lightsaber
Weight: 11kg
Quality: 5
Special Features: Is resistant to the force, and turns lightsabers off
weak against any other type of attack.
This high-end article of hide armour is made from the hide of one of the galaxy's greatest predators, the terentatek. With the assistance of enigma, Rave Merrill's alchemical was reversed engineered, and reagents have allowed enigma leatherworkers to preserve and amplify the elements of terentatek hide which make the creature so deadly.
Terentateks are fully immune to the force as such offers full immunity to the force, apart from notable exceptions
- Mentalism/illusion
- Force push/crush (partial resistance)
- Force-enhanced strength
- Telekinetically thrown objects
- Anything which targets the head, hands, or other exposed areas
- Other exceptions as reasonable
She had the alchemised durasteel removed, and had cortosis rings inserted instead through out. As a result any lightsaber hitting her know will short out, though she will still receive burns from it. Also it is know a little more vulnerable to, blasters and sharp objects, and bludgeoning attacks. As the cortosis is more brittle, and will brake quicker under these types of attacks.
Primary Source:[SIZE=12.2222px] [/SIZE]http://starwarsrp.ne...the-cater-coat/
[member="Seren Ordavo"] [member="Ashin Varanin"]