Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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Happy Landings

Lenna had thought she might as well go out to the galactic rim and bid on a contract to haul garbage - that was how bad she needed the money.

Living with your head down wasn't exactly the way to make a living. But it was something. Lenna took another sip of her Dressellian beer. With no money in the bank, it was the only drink that she could afford nowadays; the first sip was always the worst, but after your third? You could pretty much count on your taste buds being burned off. Penury loomed before her and she felt the near-undeniable craving for credits to which she was especially susceptible in times of financial distress. Lenna whiled away a few more minutes, sipping at the beer and catching the eye of a man who'd taken residence at table 121.

"Happy Landings," he toasted, and Lenna raised her glass in response to the old spacers greeting. He eyed her speculatively. "Long time out?"

She made an indifferent face, not sure why he was interested. "No homeport for me. Just a ship. It's simpler that way."

Lenna drained her goblet. "Refill?"

His amused face appealed to her, and it didn't make much sense to continue the conversation through intervening chairs and tables. Lenna took her goblet and joined him at table 121. "You're in need of a job," he ventured while refilling her glass. "It's obvious, you know." he went on, filling her goblet nearly to the brim. "You looked as if you were ready to jump any spacer that might emerge through the foliage. I know, I'm good at reading expressions."

She could feel a redness gather on her cheeks, and glanced around for support troops, deputies, accomplices, or whatever, but nobody else in the lounge - that she could see - was paying any particular attention to their table. Naturally, Lenna would be suspicious, but if this guy had some work for her... what choice did she have? With exaggerated sweetness, Lenna answered, "I'm hanging on your every word sweetheart."

--- A few hours later ---

Hutts. She should have known it was going to come down to Hutts. Approaching the dias of [member=Popo], Lenna laid down her blasters and took a few steps back. "Your excellency.... I'm here on business, and I hear you need a professional? Well, I'm your gal."


I'm Sexy and I Know It
Upon the dais was a desk. The desk was a massive, huge, wooden monstrosity. Behind the desk was an even bigger monstrosity. Popo. He wore his Lorda armor, made of beskar, and was shifting files around his desk, much like always. He looked up at the woman who'd come to see him and gave the Hutt equivalent of a raised eyebrow.

"This depends," Popo stated, his voice deep and resonating. "What is it you can do for me?"

[member="Lenna Praxon"]
"I can haul cargo for you, I have a decent pilot and I've got a fair shot." Lenna paused, her tone become a little more curt, "No slaves." If she was dropped then and there, she'd just keep looking for more work. She might get desperate, but never desperate enough to do something against her moral standings. "I'll haul just about anything for you, your excellency. But not slaves." Lenna chewed a little anxiously on the inside of her lip, waiting for the part where they usually tried to bait her. She'd stand her ground if need be.


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