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Approved Tech Hammer of the All Father

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Intent: To create a Tool to Manipulate the Force
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Name: Hammer of the All Father
Manufacturer: Jaster Awaud
Affiliation: Title - Chosen from Many
Modularity: No
Production: Unique
Material: Large Force Crystal Core, Titanium Casing, Phrik Hammer Face


Classification: Force Imbued Hammer
Size: 1 ft long
Weight: 100 lbs


-- The Hammer of the All Father was Crafted after Jaster Awaud received vision from the Guiding Hand and the Winds of Celestial Wisdom. It is a large Force Crystal created into a tool of creation instead of a weapon of destruction. The Hammer takes the combined force from around and empowers or creates new items. It is the symbol of the All Fathers balance were nothing is created from nothing and something can not destroy something. A balance must be maintained and a path provided yet taken. The symbol of the Guiding Hand, an entity from then he called the All Father symbolized is his Hammer.


  • Strong exterior that can be used to strike difficult items and form them to the creators will

  • Strong Connection to the Force and act like a magnet to the Force Around it


  • Not a combat weapon, if stricken it can shatter

  • Force Users not Chosen can not use its power

  • Non-Resistant to Force Nullifying

  • Heavy, requires robotic extensions to carry

  • A tool of creations, not destruction

-- The Hammer was created by the Wandering Fool, a man chosen by the Guiding Hand and the Winds of Past Wisdom. Guided throughout the galaxy and shown the wonders of the world around him, he was shown a path only he could take. From planet to planet he meet many people and taught many interpretations of the Force. However, none felt like a true meaning of the Force. From one world to the next his questions were answered and yet more questions spouted from them. For many time passed the Wanderer was called a Fool by many who thought him a legend. With many stating their sightings of him, none could support it as many did not notice his nearly invisible presence in person and in the Force.

-- With nothing but continued questions he wandered further than ever before. He wound up on the planet of Weik where he found himself connected closer to both sides of the Force that many had spoken of. The balance of the two as they continuously fought over was prevalent here in a balance unbeknownst to many.

-- It was there that he felt the strongest connection to the Guiding Hand, an entity he had heard when he first started this journey. He showed himself as an imposing father figure, with a long graying heard and a robe of half dark and half brown. Telling the Wanderer to meditate and connect with the force. The Journeyman meditated, entering a state of being that was between the living world and the afterlife of the Neatherworld. It was a balance that took nearly a month to properly balance with. In a state of constant terror and a state of living in purity, but between these worlds the Wanderer was able to extract elements of the Limbo between worlds using his soul as a conduit. Siphoning the living force in its most chaotic natural state before it could be manipulated by elements of purity or corruption, he fastened them together with elements around him and with him. With this month long meditation hard at work he was able to form a solid chunk of Natural Force Crystal, within contained chaotic energy. Within it was a part of his soul as containing a volatile level of unmodified natural Force Energy.

-- With the creation of an untouched Mystical Force contained by a shell of his soul the Wanderer he was told to create a tool of creation. With nothing to go on and never creating something of this scale before, Chosen from Many created a Hammer and Anvil from the force around him. Taking parts of his Cybernetic Skin a sacrificial offering to his creation he spent another month atop a mountain where the forces of Light and Dark energy clashed constantly. In a form of Moving Meditation he focused on each time that the planet sized nexus clashed in conflict. With each clash he struck the crystal, imbuing the destruction of creation with each blow.

-- On the 31st Morning after the 30th Night, the Wanderer held up his creation. A hammer forged from the non-stop beating of the forged tool. As he held it at the top of this peak a hand reached out and grasped the hammer. When the hand disappeared a new inscription was formed. Letter of an unfamiliar language yet glowed as he held it, they would forever be known as the symbols of the Chosen from Many.

Runi Verin

Two pounds shy of a bomb.
[member="Jaster Awaud"]

This submission has been granted a Second Chance. Please make the necessary amendments and tag me directly when you would like this to be moved to active judgement.

Runi Verin

Two pounds shy of a bomb.
[member="Jaster Awaud"]

Jaster Awaud said:
Material: Large Force Crystal Core, Titanium Casing, Phrik Hammer Face
Please can you hyperlink these materials and their relevant wookieepedia page.

Jaster Awaud said:
Protected by the All Father, unworthy can not use its power.
I'm guessing this is a force related mcguffin, so I wouldn't mind including a little tag about it being neutralised via force-nullification.

Otherwise good to go.

Runi Verin

Two pounds shy of a bomb.
[member="Jaster Awaud"]

Force nullification usually arises from Ysalamiri bubbles, Void Stone (to a limited degree) and a few other assorted sources. Basically when exposed to such a field/ability, the force imbued effects would be cancelled out and render the item a very well crafted, but ultimately mundane version of what it could be. Removing it from this field or range of this ability would restore it to normal, however.
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