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Approved Location Hall of the Sun

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"My hall is not of peace nor comfort. Neither the pacifism of Jedi nor the corruption of the Sith will find shelter here. In my hall the Sun burns, and neither shadows nor lies will find solace. There is only the Force, untainted."
  • Intent: To flesh out Sardun's stronghold on Tython.
  • ​Image Credit: x x
  • Canon: /
  • Links: A variant of the Sanctum Assault Tower.
  • Nexus Name: Hall of the Sun
  • Nexus Alignment: Light
  • Location: Tython.
  • Affiliation: Michael Sardun | Band of the Silik
  • Size: Medium
  • Strength: Strong
  • Accessibility: In theory the Hall of the Sun is relatively easy to reach. Its location is not secret, there are no grand armies surrounding it, nor large mountains ranges shielding it. Practically speaking... the Hall is a crux within the Force. A storm of sorts brews around and above it. If your intentions are ill, it might be difficult to focus, to persevere, to continue on towards the Hall. Every step forward beset by doubts and fear. As a Sanctum Assault Tower the location can differ, of course. But as a rule Sardun does not hide and instead pronounces his presence with pride. Only shadows need to hide from the Light.
  • Description: A large stately tower that reaches up towards the sky. Its presence in the Force is like that of a beacon, it burns bright and few can miss it. This is Sardun's personal stronghold. The place where he resides and passes judgement.
  • Force Fear. Those with ill-intent will be swept with sensations of dread and fear.
  • Force Light. The Hall itself is a clean channel of the Lightside. Force Light is much easier to summon within and around the stronghold.
  • Force Valor. To those sworn loyal the Hall imbues them with courage, strength and the force of will to keep on fighting. Their wounds heal cleaner, easier, they are much less likely to break in combat. They become conduits of the Lightside.

[ Maximum ]

  • The Companions.
  • Biometric Security.
  • Auto-turrets network.
  • Internal Shields.
  • Security Feed.
  • Reinforced bulkdoors.

"They draw from our deaths and gain power."
"That is what separates us, Sardun."
"No, it is what makes us weak."
After the brief war fought on Tython Sardun realized that he needed a personal sanctum. A place that he could call home. It made sense to commandeer one of the Sanctum Assault Towers for that purpose. Mobile, capable of being placed exactly where needed, when needed. There was only one problem with it. It was dead. The Force did not flow through it, the Light did not know of it and to Sardun that was unacceptable.

He realized that what the Hall needed was a ritual.

A true victory over the Darkside that would fuel its strength for times to come. From there... the solution presented itself. All that Sardun needed to do was right in front of him. He planted the Tower in the middle of a valley overrun by the followers of the Dark. The battle passed from day to night to day again. It was all-consuming. Every death earned through the burning of the Light. His ring passing judgement alongside him. He channeled it, purifying, and imbuing it into the tower. Shaping its state within the Force, until it was more than just a contraption of metal.

Until it could truly serve as his home.

Protected by the webs of the ring the Hall of the Sun is a beacon of light. Not the peaceful kind, not the understanding one. The harsh piercing fire that would cleanse all that came before it for years to come.
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