Zavzen Sae'ryx
A Modern Je'daii Ranger

Image Source: Bioware/EA/Lucas Arts (SWTOR)
Intent: To create an AI that could help Zavzen pilot his ship due to lack of space for any crew. Also to help Zavzen as an NPC assistant on personal Dev Threads and other Threads.
Development Thread: (Please Note that this is done as a blog not a thread and that Xavzen is my Writer account)
Manufacturer: Zavzen
Model: Artificial Intelligence
Affiliation: Zavzen
Modularity: Can be uploaded to other electronic systems
Production: Unique
Material: Wires, Data Storage, Power Core
Strengths: High Speed Processing, Skilled Slicer, Easy Access To A Vast Data Base, Technological Affinity.
Weaknesses: Can be disrupted by a high EMP, Can be destroyed if data banks are destroyed, Can be slowed down/affected by viruses.
Description: HAELI (Higher-Functioning Artificial Emotive Living Intelligence) was created by Zavzen to originally help him pilot his ship, the Eternal Saviour, due to there being no room for a crew and he not being able to pilot a ship very well. Over the time of the project the concept of HAELI evolved until she became something more like an assistant than a pilot. Her roles as an [SIZE=11.9999990463257px]assistant[/SIZE] were: to pilot the ship, to slice through encryptions, to do translations and be a researcher.
Haeli's original systems were made up of random pieces that would do the job needed. This caused many problems when Zavzen was first creating her, leading him to come close to dismissing the project all together at one point. After Haeli was pronounced finished by Zavzen that did not mean that he was done building her. Every time he found a component that would do a better job than the existing one, meaning Haeli is constantly being upgraded and evolving.
That is proven by the fact that when she was first declared as 'alive' by Zavzen she had very minor sentience, it was more lie she was copying it. However, over time she grew, learnt and evolved like a human and became fully sentient. At first she could emulate being alive but would [SIZE=11.9999990463257px]approach[/SIZE] things in a cold and logical manner, despite her potential to feel emotion, due to the fact that she felt that [SIZE=11.9999990463257px]emotion[/SIZE] would hinder logic. Over time her bond with Zavzen grew and she started to explore her feeling in more detail, slowly learning to temper logic with emotion. [SIZE=11.9999990463257px]Ultimately becoming a bit more human a small bit at a time. [/SIZE]
[SIZE=11.9999990463257px]One of the reasons for her slow integration of emotions into her life was due to Zavzen's lack of skill with technology of this level. While he was able to muddle through Halie's creation up to the point he declared her alive (OOC: the end of the dev thread/blog), due to his time as a slave and the drive to learn or die. However after that point there were failures. Zavzen's skill lay in building technology, not so much in programming. Due to this there were long periods of time that Haeli was off-line as Zavzen either updated her or spent time learning from anyone he could. The problem was that Haeli's systems could not cope with the information overload that would come due the emotions and drive to evolve. The problems were eventually fixed when Zavzen joined the Ession Reformation and was able to hire someone to help.[/SIZE]
Haeli is, at her core, just a computer and as such tends to have the same limitations of one, however since she has consciousness she is able to project her mind into electronic systems, like droids, through the use of a Trojan Virus. This enables her to fight, however she never uses the option in such away due to her [SIZE=11.9999990463257px]pacifist[/SIZE] programming, a programming that can only be overpowered by the programming to protect Zavzen and those he considers close (later the command was altered to 'those that he considered close and innocents' after she became fully aware of right and wrong). If she takes control of droids it tends to be to carry out technological repairs on the ship. She mainly project herself from Holoterminals and any other technology that uses a projector. The Trojan Virus mentioned [SIZE=11.9999990463257px]previously[/SIZE]) was added to Zavzen's Holocommunicator as soon as it was developed to allow contact between the two even when he was away from the ship.
Haeli's Sentience and programming comes from different aspects of her past. Zavzen first created Haeli as a VI, uploading all programming and protocols at that stage. He then added software and programs that would grant her sentience. Her sentience is a product of four different aspects: Morals, Emotions, Personality, and Evolution.
The Morals Program was a project Zavzen had worked on while working on the Emotion Program. The Morals Program was lines of code that basically were Zavzen's own morals. He spent time writing down his morals before picking them apart, looking for the basic, primal thought that powered that particular moral, he then converted the information into computer code before doing the same with every moral he had. Over time Haeli started to develop her own morals due to the Evolve Program.
The Evolve Program was protocols that Haeli had to follow. The protocols dictated that Haeli must always search for a way to grow and evolve while keeping to limits set in her Core Programming. That she must find ways to make her own opinions and to edit her programming where possible to update these changes. An example of this was the way her morals changed over time as she learnt more.
The Personality Program was another program that the Evolve Program effected over time. The original Personality Program dictated what her personality would be like and worked alongside the Morals Program to make her react to certain situations in certain ways. Over time the program was redone by Haeli multiple times as she grew and learnt.
The final program was the Emotions Program. This was the most complicated program of the lot. It worked on the concept that the brain is a complicated computer. Using volunteers Zavzen recorded how the brain reacted when specific emotions were felt. He did this by recording brain waves. When he had compiled all of the data he uploaded it all to a single program that was uploaded to Haeli's Core Programming.
All four of these programs were her most important programs and were stored in back-up systems on Ession (after Zavzen joined the Ession Reformation) so as to protect them, alongside her memory banks.
If there is anything wrong with the development thread or submission please message me with it and I will do my best to correct the mistake.