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Approved Tech Gwyneira Krayt's Cybernetic Leg

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  • Intent: To make Gwyneira Krayt suffer a cybernetic leg.
  • Image Source: Here.
  • Canon Link: N/A.
  • Permissions: Alora Vizsla.
  • Primary Source: Cybernetics.


  • Classification: Leg.
  • Size: Average.
  • Weight: Average.
  • Resistances:
    • Energy: Very High
    • Kinetic: High
    • Lightsabers: Very High
    • EMP/ Ion: Very High
    • Electricity: Very High
    • The Force: Average
    • Disruptor: None
    • Temperature Extremes: Average
    • Sonic: Low
    • Acid: Low
    • Elemental: Average

  • The leg is made of mostly beskar. Beskar plated.
  • Storage compartments in upper leg for odds and ends.
  • Whistling birds on lower leg for when in a pickle!
  • Kneepad Rocket Dart Launcher.
  • Rocket soles.
  • Simple release socket allows for easy, though very painful, detachment of cybernetic limb from the rest of the body.

  • Feels Natural Enough: The leg is connected to nerve endings, allowing for near perfect sync between the leg, brain, and body. The leg also is capable of feeling the same in terms of skin contact as a natural leg.
  • It's Karabasting Mandalorian Metal: The leg is made of beskar, baby! As such, it is naturally resilient to normal lightsabers and blaster bolts.
  • Sturdy: How would you imagine an organic would feel being kicked by a leg of solid metal, beskar at that? Very painful! Furthermore, the kinetic damage tolerance is very high. The leg can take kicking at full strength, having heavy objects dropped on top of it, and never suffers a sprained ankle!
  • Mandalorian Self Defense: The leg comes with emergency whistling birds in the heels and knee rocket darts in the knees for Mandalorian style self defense.
  • Thaaaaanks, It Has Pockets!: The upper legs have two storage compartments capable of holding odds and ends, snacks and rations, or even smaller weapons!
  • Full Blast: The leg's soles has the technology of rocket boots integrated into it. While one leg having this feature is be awkward for flight, the added powered could increase the kinetic energy of kicks and aid in some acrobatics.
  • EMP/ Ion Resistance: The leg is resilient against EMP and Ion attack.
  • Time To Go Swimming: The leg operates just fine underwater.
  • Lightning In My Veins: The leg is resistant against electricity pulses and weapons.
  • Baby It's Cold Outside: The leg has resistance to temperature extremes and the elements.

  • Feels Natural Enough: The leg may be connected to the body and feel skin contact, but there is still something missing in terms of the moving parts within. While the leg can feel national and move smoothly, it is still a learning curve when the leg is inserted the first time, and it still feels just a bit different than the real thing.
  • My Leg!: Against a powerful enough EMP/ Ion source, like a canon or big bomb, the leg can still be disabled.
  • Excruciating To Remove: Easy removable does not mean painless removal. Unless considerable pain stims are injected prior to removal, which takes preparation, the leg hurts intensely upon removal. The nerve endings and tender flesh feel a plethora of negative stimuli when the leg is removed. It might as well have been the real leg chopped off! Obviously, this can pose a problem if removed in combat, where every moment counts.
  • Manual Reloading: Each and every whistling bird missile and rocket dart must be manually reinserted after the weapons are fired, a lengthy procedure. This obviously effects how many times and how speedily it can be used in combat.
  • Rocket Soles: The rocket sole tech makes for awkward flying, even when coupled with the other leg using a rocket boot. It is best used for aid in acrobatic feats, not flying.
  • Fuel: There is only a small amount of fuel for the rocket roles, only allowing for a couple quick bursts of use.
  • It Burns: The leg has low resistance to acid.
  • What A Headache: The leg has low resistances against sonic weaponry.
  • No Disintegrations: The leg has no resistances to disruptors.
  • Use The Force: The leg has no resistances to The Force.

fter months of torture, Gwyneira Krayt was finally saved from her biological father's illegal tests and experiments in that dark lab. It was not without permanent scars, however, for she had lost her leg to those wretched DNA samplings...

Of course, she needed a new one, and quickly. She needed to reassume walking, to get on with her life and run from her trauma. She contacted Alora Vizsla, a fellow Mandalorian engineer, and they worked on Gwyneira's new leg.

The finished result was fine indeed. Made with glorious Mandalorian metal, immune to lightsabers and blasters. Durable, powerful, and resistant to EMP/ Ion attacks and electricity. Functional underwater, the leg was built to simulate the same traits as an actual leg plus more. The leg additionally comes with storage compartments for odds and ends, rations, and even smaller weapons. The leg additionally comes with a defensive measure, in the form of emergency whistling birds stored in the ankle for last ditch efforts. Might as well make this cybernetic a weapon of sorts, right?

Still, this cybernetic is not impervious to all damage. It is built without much resistance against the likes of acid, sonic weaponry, and of course is useless against the Force. Additionally, it could get clogged up with corrosive material if tustling in the sand or swimming in the mug without cover. The worst part of it all, however, it still is a cybernetic. It still reminds her, every time she looks at it or uses one of its features, of what she had been through and what she lost. She is reminded, at its metallic clang, that she cannot get what she lost back. That, that is the worst part of it all...
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T E R R A R I S - C O M M A N D
Factory Judge
Gwyneira Vizsla Gwyneira Vizsla

  • Please link your bio to the Affiliation.
  • And about the resistances, the materials, what you wrote in the sub, those never gives you any Force resistance, so here the average is the none. So I have to ask to modify the Force to Average and please find a different resistance instead of it.
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