Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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Private Guns, Guns...Did I Say Guns

Candez Stoon felt that business was booming. At least in his terms, it was. His crew was working well, getting shipments out. He even hired some extra hands now and then. Sure, th ey were pirates. Sure, they stole from him or stabbed him in the back. Once in a literal sense in fact. The Duros spun in his chair, with this on his mind.

He searched through old contacts, and found one that took his interest. Interesting...with a light smile, Candez set up a communication link. If they were still out there....well, who knows.

"Mean? Dunno if this is still your contact, maybe you aren't around much no more...but listen, I got a business deal I thought you might like. Know a place we can meet?" Stoon asked over the comms, and waited there.

Kami Meran Kami Meran
Candez did a bit of a spin in his chair as he listened. He had a place to go now. An old friend as well... "Will do, see you then" Candez gave in response. He got the coordinates to his pilot before simply sitting back in his chair for the wait.

Kami Meran Kami Meran
Candez had the Salty Mynok make landing procedures down to the designated location. There she was, his first real employer. He came out, with two of his crew. The Mon Cal and Kel Dor. Once he reached her, he smirked to her. "Still small....good to see you."

Kami Meran Kami Meran

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