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[GUIDE] Credit Island

Ceto | Salacia Consolidated HQ | [member="Magdalena Lethe"]

Looking outside his office windows, the ocean glittered in the short distance, a teal swath bordering the cosmopolitan island city. Below its depths, underwater cities littered the ocean floor, housing many more inhabitants than one would assume. Ceto had an array of various species beyond human, a melting pot between humanoid and more aquatic races that could be found throughout the 'verse. Given the varied technologies and operations Salacia Consolidated was involved with it was an ideal place to set up shop.

Word had reached him that CETO and [member="Darcy Sixsmith"] were meeting with a leader of GUIDE to invest. Judah had found the organization to be interesting. It seemed to turn his semi-vagrant cousin [member="Isaiah Dashiell"] into a semi-respectable human being. Or....thats what he heard last. There was a bit of a distance between the Dashiell cousins ever since Judah had to bust his cousin from jail. Good credits down the drain, but his Pa would have haunted him for ages if he didn't help out Izzy. Despite the turnaround from Izzy, Judah remained uncertain about GUIDE. Some in the galaxy rumored that they had more dark intentions then what lay on the surface.

Turning from the windows, Judah left the office, sticking a shaggy head outside the door. His secretary was at her desk outside, typing away in her own little world. He would have to set up an appointment with the GUIDE leader, drag her away from Mr.Sixsmith over at CETO.

"See you if you can't set up an appointment with a Miss Lethe. I'm sure you know someone at CETO, so you might have to use your connections in order to actually get the time of day. Tell her I'm interested in learning more about her organization."
CETO Headquarters
Presidential Office

Following a tour of the Kinooine factory facilities, in an effort to solidify a future interest hold Darcy Sixsmith brought the young GUIDE CEO and her entourage back to HQ for a tour of the orbital shipyard ring and, of course, a healthy Cetoian meal. Despite a minor social faux pas on his part wherein they served seafood and, come to find out, Miss Lethe was a tad allergic, the President of CETO took the stumble in stride as best he could.

"I hope your new meal is to your liking, Miss Lethe," Darcy offered pleasantly over his own plate of fresh-caught seabass, "terribly sorry for the mixup. I should have inquired as to your tastes. When you live on a world of oceans, fish is often the only option."

"I'm sorry to interrupt," a primly dressed Ceto local stepped into the office, datapad in hand, "Mr. Sixsmith there is a message here from planetside. Ahm, Salacia."

Darcy had just lifted a precisely cut square morsel to his mouth and paused as the datapad was slid onto the table next to his plate, "Salacia? What could it be..."

"It seems they are interested in taking Miss Lethe off your hands."

"Well well," Darcy smiled, putting fork to plate to peruse the missive, "you're quite popular, Miss Lethe."

[member="Judah Dashiell"]
[member="Magdalena Lethe"]
"Oh, really, it's fine," Magda said for what she felt was the tenth time in the last twenty minutes, feeling her own professional facade slip from this entire meal debacle. She blushed as she cut into the medium-rare bantha steak, pondering just how much of a delicacy it must be considered - land meat on an ocean world. The import taxes must be astronomical.

"It's very good, thank you for accommodating me. I don't suppose a seafood allergy is very common out here...bantha meat even less so...." a sigh, but the young woman was grateful for the interruption. She perked with curiosity as her name came up along with that of Salacia.


Oh, my. "Salacia Consolidated?" Another one of the big guns of the galaxy. Nearly up there with ATC and Saeva, to be sure. For some reason she didn't remember it was HQ'd off of Ceto. She knew that, didn't she? This was a curious turn of events, even if a bit awkward for Mr. Sixsmith, she felt. Though GUIDE was the one needing the investors, it almost felt as though they were vying with each other for her attention. A good thing, perhaps? Only so long as they didn't interfere with one another.

It was why she had turned down the Republic on their first investment offer.

"He...they....want to see me?"
"It would appear as much. How fortuitous for you. What is it they say? Fish in a barrel?" Sixsmith chuckled as he plucked the datapad from the table to tap out a reply to Dashiell, "I daresay Mr. Dashiell is far more closely involved with the planetary leadership than I. He's more historied with the Ceto people. Might even be able to get you an audience with them. You could get your Relay Beacons installed yet, Miss Lethe. What shall I tell him?"

"I would be delighted to meet him," Magda replied brightly.

Mr. Dashiell,

Miss Lethe would be pleased to meet with you at the conclusion of our meeting here at the driveyards. I shall send her your way after lunch.

Darcy Sixsmith
President of CETO

PS: If you expect to entertain her for the evening be sure to hold the seafood.
[member="Darcy Sixsmith"] | [member="Magdalena Lethe"]

Having left his office, Judah was eating lunch at some run down beach side shack with his young son, [member="Makai Dashiell"] .Huge chunks of lobster meat filled the buttered roll to the brim. Even though his dress shirt sleeves had been rolled back to the elbow, his tie tucked into the shirt, there was still a huge mess. Some of it dripped onto the picnic table, or onto the white grains of sand that lay at his feet. Reaching with his free hand, Judah stole several napkins from his sons supply.

"Hey, not fair!" Iced-azure eyes tried to glower at him, in the same fashion as his mother. It wasn't working.

"What were you saving them for anyway? Help your old man out."

Nudging Makai across the way with his foot in a playful manner, just as his comm chimed with a message. Wiping his hands off as best as one possibly could in the situation, Judah dug the comm out of his pocket. It was surprising to see a message from Mr.Sixsmith himself. The pair had never really been in direct contact, perhaps a passing on Ceto itself. Maybe some of their workers mingled, it was difficult to say.

Mr. Sixsmith,

I appreciate your reply and apologize if it seems I am trying to drag Miss Lethe away from your presence. There is no rush, merely relay I would like to speak to her when it is convenient for all parties involved. Thank you for the heads up on the seafood, difficult but not an impossible request to fulfill.

J. Dashiell

It didn't seem Miss Lethe would be the type content with a backyard barbecue at his home. Especially if Sixsmith was wining and dining her. Probably brought out the bantha steak to impress her. Fowl was relatively easy to obtain, as birds were smaller and could be grown on the islands that dotted the planet. banthas or nerfs were found, unless flown in on ice.

"Looks like I might have my work cut out for me buddy. Might not make it back in time to watch Doctor What tonight, might want to record it."
OOC - Thanks for being patient! This past week has been really busy.

Magda was relieved to be in the transport that would take her planetside to the Salacia Consolidated HQ. Not to be rid of Mr. Sixsmith's presence, no, the man had been a wonderful host, but to have a moment of peace and quiet where she didn't have to think so much.

Don't miss the forest for the trees, Magpie, or the galaxy for the stars.

Her father was such a wise man. Magda sat slumped against the armrest of her seat staring out the window, the pristine halo of Ceto filling the bright blue of her eyes. It was a beautiful planet - like a gem lost in the wilds of space. She wondered what it was like to live there. Was it peaceful? Seemed like it, though her understanding of the planet's history told her that isolation was equally as dangerous as it was advantageous. The GUIDE Founder remembered reading of the Moross Crusade and the threat of the Vong Horde several years ago, before the Happening, before Netherworld. She wondered how these things had impacted Ceto and its people.

The ride wasn't long enough. Just as she felt she was growing comfortable and might even catch a few winks--the transport landed.

With a sigh she stood, gathered her bags and stepped down the ramp thinking how nice a backyard barbecue would have been over more offices and pomp.

[member="Judah Dashiell"]
[member="Magdalena Lethe"] would touchdown at landing pad at Salacia Consolidated HQ. Judah's keen eyes caught the logo on the side of shuttle, the one of CETO Industries. Gaze turned to his second in command, a middle-aged Mon Calamarian named Chalu. Judah had nothing against the company, they both were in different sectors of business after all. Ceto had more than enough room for two titans to peacefully continue their work, corporate warfare wasn't a necessity as it was in some sectors of the 'verse.

Despite it being just the early afternoon, Judah had already put in a long day. Typically he would have 'clocked out' by now and headed home but clients didn't run on some customized schedule. Given the early start to his day, he had already shed the suit jacket and tie, sleeves were already rolled up to the elbows on his dress shirt. It wasn't how he liked to receive such important guests but hopefully the woman would overlook his casual appearance.

As she emerged from the ramp, bags in hand, Judah moved into action. Hand extended towards the bag in an offer of carrying the items for her.

"Welcome Miss Lethe. A pleasure to have you at Salacia Consolidated. Can I carry those for you?"

Shaggy head inclined towards the bag, just in case of some culture barrier about the extended hand. Judah had enough miss steps in the past years building the company to know just because someone looked human didn't mean the culture was universal.

"I'm Judah Dashiell, the sentient to my left is Chalu, second in command of our operations."
Blue eyes took in the appearance of the man purportedly running Salacia Consolidated. Several things might be gleaned from the casual affair of his wardrobe, but Magda wasn't as much of the stickler for appropriate dress as her ancestors might've liked. She greeted him with a smile and a glance to the bag he offered to take.

"Oh, thank you, but I'm alright," and I'd rather spare you the embarrassment of trying to carry it, she thought to herself. Not even the great Jedi Marshall [member="Aela Talith"] had been able to lift it, but not due in part to her own shortcomings. This particular bag was special, so much that Judah's relative [member="Isaiah Dashiell"] would have attested to. It had survived unthinkable odds on Mandalore.

"Thanks," she said again with a wispy smile, brushing brown hair behind her ear, "it's a pleasure to meet you Mr. Dashiell, and you Mr. Chalu. Thank you so much for inviting me here. Mr. Sixsmith had nothing but good things to say about Salacia and Ceto."

[member="Judah Dashiell"]
[member="Magdalena Lethe"]

"Please Miss Lethe, call me Judah." He was never very keen on the formalities, especially if a large investment was to be made. In his mind it was an effort to make the other a little more at ease, to see what their motives were all about. Rumors had drifted to him that GUIDE was an organization that had its sight set on darker, more sinister plans than galactic information trade. Strictly rumors of course, but ones well worth looking into. Throwing credits at dark siders was a terrible PR move, giving his penchant for aligning with more neutral and meritable territories throughout the 'verse.

"Did he? We've only see one another in passing, CETO and Salacia don't often cross paths given our separate industries. He's right about the planet though, its quite a place to live."

A slight pause as ocean-blue eyes regarded their guest.

"I'm sure you have had a busy trip this far, did you care to take a break and start our talks later this evening? Unless you are on a schedule that cannot be altered of course."
Magda would be lying if she said those ocean-blue eyes weren't making her blush a little. The young woman gave a wane smile, looking away and gently clearing her throat. The resemblance between this man and the younger [member="Isaiah Dashiell"] was uncanny, though she wasn't exactly sure just how the two were related. Izzy tended to talk in circles and Magda was certain that was how he kept all the girls ignorant to his slovenly ways. To think she'd harbored a crush on the guy for the first month he worked for her.

There came a heavy sigh, Magda shifted the weight of her bags about.

"If it's not too much trouble to you, Mr. Dashiell, I think a breather would be best. I've been in a state of star-lag for the last five days and, frankly, I don't even know if I'm coming or going anymore. I'm fairly certain I've mixed three shades of blue in my suit today and I can't wait to put on some jeans and a t-shirt."

No matter how professional she professed to be, Magda was still just a 17 year old girl.

[member="Judah Dashiell"]
[member="Magdalena Lethe"]

"Makes sense. Travelling for business can be incredibly exhausting. Its not as glamorous as everyone thinks it is."

Slowly they would make their way to the edge of the landing pad. Chalu walked a distance behind the pair, talking quietly into his personal comm. The man had been working with Judah long enough to know what was coming next, full accommodations for their guest. Having done so much business on Ceto, it was easy to get a room at such a short notice, especially when one was paying a premium rate. Hotels tended to pay attention a company issued credcard was put on the tab for all expenses.

"I hope you don't mind us being so forward and making accommodations. The Grand Empress Hotel, located right on the waterfront of the Sulis Ocean. Its quite a beautiful location. You'll have access to a private speeder and driver at all hours, anything you wish to have merely charge it to the room."

"I hope it will be up to your liking." Judah reached into a pocket and produced two business cards, one with his information and the second with the Mon Calamarian's . Home addresses had been written on the back, along with private comm numbers. "Should you need to contact us in a quicker manner."
"Oh..." she wasn't sure if it was the word hotel or the grandiose gesture made, but Magda was beginning to feel the weight of her fatigue now more than ever, "oh thank you very much, that wasn't necessary at all. I-"

If [member="Gabriel Lethe"] were with her he'd tell her to shut up, smile, and accept this business gift. He was seldom right on many things but he wasn't always wrong.

She smiled warmly, appreciatively, "thank you," Magda said again, taking the cards.


Later that evening, after a reprise for a shower and some rest, Magda took out the card from her jacket pocket and turned it over in her hands. What she was about to do seemed terribly unorthodox in her mind. Out of all the meetings she'd held thus far, never had she pushed for a casual event. The need to impress was a strong one, but for some reason or another - perhaps intuition - she felt that a pompous affair wasn't as necessary here as much as good, earnest exchange. Magda pulled out her comm and dialed [member="Judah Dashiell"]'s number in.

It toned in.




"Hello, Mr. Dash- ahm, Judah? This is Magdalena. I was wondering," a deep sigh, her blue eyes traipsed in a roll across the wide open windowpanes that gave her a grand view of the ocean from where she sat on the edge of her king-sized bed in her hotel suite, " you suppose we could skip the proprietary fancy dinner talk? I don't think I can stomach another plate of rich gourmet food tonight."

"...I could really just go for a burger."
Feet propped up, Judah lounged on the back patio as his young son played in the pool. The sun was hanging low in the sky, casting a brilliant orange color across the landscape. Datapad rested in his lap as he focused on work before calling it quits for the night. Messages always seemed to be pressing but after a certain cut off time he preferred to make dinner and focus more on Makai. It was more important now that he was a single father.

Comm buzzed and he was surprised hear from [member="Magdalena Lethe"] .The girl was asking to skip over the fancy business dinner and dive straight into burgers. He had stopped typing, a little surprised. Silence stretched for a brief moment before he responded.

"I would be more than welcome to skip the fancy dinner." Another pause, he looked to Makai diving into the pool. "Remember the business card I gave you? Have the driver bring you to my house. I can throw something on the grill and we can sit poolside."

"I don't think it gets any less fancy than that....well, at least not around here."
"You have a pool?" for whatever reason, Magda felt a frown tug at her face. A pool on an oceanic world? Well, she supposed perhaps everyone needed a break from the salty waters. With a light sniff and a twinge in her eyes she nodded into her comm, "That's perfect. I'll be over soon."

By the time Magda hung up she realized she was crying and for the first time in what felt like months she became aware of the ungainly weight of homesickness settling in. Ceto reminded her of Borleias and her family vacation home, far out in the middle of the beautiful tropical ocean on an island in the middle of nowhere. The sound of waves and the salt on the air tugged at heartstrings and pulled up memories she'd not revisited in some time.

Brow knitting, expression twisting as she bit back her tears, Magda fished out the card from her other pocket and fumbled to dial up the Assistant. Big warm tears stained the card in her hand as she sat waiting for him to answer.

"H-hullo? Yes, this is Magda," another sniffle, "Magdalena Lethe...."


She'd managed to dry her eyes and make herself presentable by the time his home came into view. Magda thanked the driver and stepped out into the warm evening air, wiping her hands one last time over puffy red eyes. The drive over had been filled with a short conversation with [member="Gabriel Lethe"] which consisted more of her sniffling into the phone and him being, strangely enough, sympathetic to her feelings. Usually he teased her but Mags wondered if he wasn't feeling it too. Maybe not to the same degree, but some days she could see that he was sad.

They both deeply missed their family.

The driver had instructed for her to walk around to the back and so she did, coming up to a gated fence and fumbling with the latch for a moment before letting herself in. She stopped after a few steps to take in the view of the man and his child enjoying their evening.

"Hi," she waved meekly at Makai, barely managing a smile before looking to Judah, "is he...your son?"

[member="Judah Dashiell"]
"We look forward to seeing you"


By the time the latch would jiggle signaling the arrival of one [member="Magdalena Lethe"] ,Judah had done a bit of legwork in the hosting area of his evening. The grill had been started and Makai had been sent upstairs to make himself presentable for the dinner. He had never really entertained an 'outside' client so to speak at his home. Normally that was reserved for those who already were doing business with Salacia. Self-taught in business, Judah was already well versed in the fact such an act was too informal, seen as too cheap. Or too lazy. Either way it was typically an act he did for well established and close contacts, such a Firemane Industries or Arceneau Trade.

[member="Makai Dashiell"] stood at his side as dinner sizzled on the grill, iced azure eyes watching the coals until their guest arrived. The girl seemed a little out of place, but Judah would feel the same if he had just entered a relative strangers backyard. Makai waved back, looking up at his Dad for a bit of guidance. Probably best not to go running over in enthusiastic greeting, so he waved back instead.

"Yes, one and only." Judah ruffled the boys similar curls. "Welcome to our home. Please make yourself comfortable. Anything to drink? Makai can go ahead and get what you need."
Magda paused at the gate, blue eyes casting about while her hands clasped themselves at her front. This ... this was nice. There was a sense of warmth, of comfort that radiated from the place that just begged the feeling of home. It was a feeling she'd grown to sorely miss. Frowning as she thought on this, her gaze turned back to the man at the grill with his young son - a boy that couldn't be more than a handful of years old. His wave brought a smile to her face, as did the manner in which [member="Judah Dashiell"] tousled the child's hair.

Suddenly she felt much more comfortable.

"Do you have lemonade?" seemed a shot in the dark, but she'd found it in stranger places. Space ports out in the middle of nowhere, for instance. "Water is also fine." A slow meander brought her past some small shrubs and garden over to the patio area where Judah grilled and a picnic table sat with a stack of plates and silverware waiting to be divvied out. Magda moved to stand beside it, her eyes once more passing around.

"You don't have a dog," she said rather suddenly and quietly. There were, so far as she could tell, no signs in the yard of a pet mutt unless Judah was particularly keen about picking up after it, "I like that."

Magda smiled as she watched Makai go and fetch the drinks, "I have a younger brother his age," her eyes lingered in the doorway where the boy disappeared through, a frown threatening by the tension growing on her brow, "I haven't seen him in a long time."
[member="Magdalena Lethe"]

"No, but we do have lemons. Makai can bring you some ice water and lemons....Not quite the same but I know some folks who prefer to put 'em in their glass."

The young boy retreated into the house, walking straight into the kitchen to grab the ice water pitcher and the lemons. Miss Lethe seemed mildly surprised he didn't have any pets, particularly a dog. They did have a pet of sorts, Makai had a few fish in a tank in his room, a baby shower gift from the Kerrigan-Alcori family. Beyond the little fish there wasn't any other odd pets to speak of.

"No pets. Sadly we don't have enough time for them. Travel quite a bit so it wouldn't be fair. Maybe when Makai is older and knows responsibility. Otherwise I'd be the one to take care of it. Not something I'm interested in just yet."

A slight nod as he turned to the grill, flipping the nerf burgers and readjusting a few on the grill as they continued to cook. Sometimes it was easy to forget the founder of GUIDE was a young woman.

"Surely GUIDE can spare you for a week or two? Give you a chance to see your brother, spend a bit of time with your family."
"That's perfect," to the fresh lemons. She moved to take a seat at the picnic table, reflexively setting the dishes as she did so. Two plates on one side, and one for her on the other. Silverware after. Cups next. Just like at home. Magda felt her chest tighten and gently cleared her throat to listen to the man speak of pets.

"Never had pets myself," the smell of the food on the grill made her stomach gurgle and she looked back to [member="Judah Dashiell"] as he mentioned taking time off. Her smile wilted. Brow furrowed.

"I wish I could," Magda's expression drooped momentarily, "unfortunately it's just not...possible."

Makai appeared with ice water and lemons; Magda was happy for the distraction.

"Thank you," her smile returned and she moved to hold out her glass for him to pour the water, "this is great, do you want water too?" she asked the boy, "And lemon?"
Judah gently shook his head as he watched [member="Magdalena Lethe"] set the patio table. Makai could have easily done the job, the boy did it nearly every day. Yet the simple act said quite a bit to him. It was rare to see someone of her status do such a small and menial task.

It was all he needed to know going into business with the girl was the right decision.

"I understand."

Makai bounded out with a pitcher of ice water in one hand and a tray of cut up lemons in another. Slices slightly uneven, it was clear the half-Galan had done the task himself with a degree of concentration. Lemons went on the table, needing both hands to pour the water.

"No, no lemons" He made a slight face then remembered his manners. "Thanks though."

A slight pause until curiosity got the best of him.

"So what are you and Dad doing? Something cool?"
"Oh good," Magda took a second lemon for herself while holding Makai's glass steady so he could pour, "more lemons for me." Smirking, she squeezed one lemon wedge into her water and dropped in the peel then bit into the second wedge, eyes crinkling from the taste. Her smirk grew into a genuine smile as she watched the young boy, blue gaze flickering back to his father momentarily.

"The coolest of things, like ten times cooler than the most cool thing you can imagine," she chewed with a playful expression, "at least that's the goal. First we have to do boring things to make sure the cool things are possible. Talk and stuff. You know, balance is essential."

"Also whatever you're making smells delicious. I should have brought something for desert."

[member="Judah Dashiell"]

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