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Approved Starship Guardian-class Sentry Gun

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In Umbris Potestas Est

Intent: To develop the galaxy's first sentry gun
Development Thread: N/A
Manufacturer: Subach-Innes
Model: Defense Platform(Think a really scaled down Golan)
Affiliation: Independent
Modularity: Yes
Production: Mass-Produced
Material: Duranium(hull and frame)
Description: While space stations have adequate defenses against warships up to Star Destroyer class, a majority of them are exceptionally vulnerable to assault by fighters and bombers. It was because of this that Subach-Innes developed the Guardian-class sentry gun, a dedicated anti-fighter platform designed to be deployed near shipyards, cargo facilities, and trade-based space stations. Completely automated and armed with a relatively high amount of laser cannons for its size, the Guardian carries a reasonably strong cast duranium hull and a bomber-grade shield system, giving it decent protection for its size. Despite its anti-fighter capabilities, the Guardian is not designed for use against any enemy warship short of a weak corvette. If a group of destroyers gets close enough to be in range, the Guardian is almost certainly toast.
Classification: Defense Platform
Role: Sentry Gun
Height: 20m
Width: 60m
Length: 60m
Power Core Generator/Reactor: Subach-Innes "Mega-Mir" Hypermatter Annihilation Reactor
Hyperdrive Rating: N/A
Minimum Crew: N/A(droid-controlled)
Optimal Crew: N/A(droid-controlled)
Armaments: 8 twin laser turrets(4 dorsal, 4 ventral), 2 quad heavy laser turrets(1 dorsal, 1 ventral)
Hangar: N/A
Non-Combative Attachments: Sensor system, droid brain, shield system
Cargo Capacity: N/A
Consumables: N/A
Sublight Speed and Maneuverability: N/A
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