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Source: Grimlens movie
Name: Groning
Designation: Semi-Sentient
Homeworld: Unknown
Language: N/A
Average height of adults: .25
Skin color: Green
Hair color: green
Breathes: Air
Strengths: Prolific, Vicious
Weaknesses: Sun light allergy,
Distinctions: A short, green and nasty species with sharp teeth.
Average Lifespan: 5
Races: NA
Estimated Population: 1,000,000 - 4,000,000
Diet: Omnivores, will eat anything... Literally
Communication: Gutteral growls and grunts, learn basic word association such as yum yum, kill..
Culture: Pack animals
Technology level: Very basic tools
General behavior:
The Gronings are a one of the most hated and despised creatures in all the galaxy, destructive and voracious. Gronings spread like a plague with a very fast maturity and reproduction cycle, able to lay a clutch of 150 to 170 eggs a week and maturing at only two weeks old they can over whelm an outpost very quickly, normally by the time they are noticed a major infestation and considerable credit damage has already been done.
Gronings are naturally curious and destructive creatures who nest inside of electrical equipment, enjoying the warmth that the components give out. They love to chew on wires and other metal as nickel and copper act as an intoxicant for the creatures. Beside the intoxicating effects the Groning's curiosity and apetite lead to some of its more destructive tendancies. Smart enough to use some basic tools a groning will stick a stick or other pointing object into anything that looks like a hole a rodent will be in. This has lead to many Groning deaths and power outtages and explosions then can be counted.
Gronings are very social creatures who spend most of their time with each other, hunting and playing near pranks on one another. When they are hunting they normally hunt anything they can easily catch and kill, plants of all kinds ( Most people find they have a Groning infestation after finding dead Gronings dead around poisonous plants) and when other food sources are scarce bigger, more dangerous game. A pack of Groning can deplete their food sources and strip an area in less then a month due to their breeding habits.
Groning's are also very mischievious creatures and will do anything it thinks will be entertaining. From driving a fork lift through a door, to leaving nasty surprises in boots and clothing. The only good thing about Gronings is that they as a species have a common genetic flaw, they are allergic to sun light. Sun light has the ability to kill them and bright light hurts them and causes them to flee making them a nocturnal threat. Their skin is exceptionally Photosynthetik do the the melanin in their bodies missing genes in their DNA that allows the skin to tan. This has coupled into a severe allergy to sun light with their ability to heal damage caused by UV Rays. This allergy is most likely the result of them evolving under ground or on a dark world. Direct exposure to sunlight instantly causes their skin to begin to peel, blister and bubble and do to their genetic abnormality are unable to heal these wounds. As little as a second of exposure can cause fatal wounds and a high probability of sending the beasts into anaphylactic shock. Bright light though simply causing pain since most sources of artificial light lack the UV rays that permenantly damage the creature.
History: No one knows exactly where the Groning came from, or why it evolved the way that it did but it has had a profound effect on the universe. It ravaged Ithoria before it became known to any other worlds and caused a famine that was only ended when the Ithorians hired mandalorian mercenaries to hunt down and destroy every last one of the creatures, to this day the Great Groning Hunt is not even spoken to children from the shame of great warriors having to exterminate the little pests.
Groning's had their way with Nar Shadda during the Sith Wars, Brought Bespin city to its knees with thousands of credits worth of mechanical damage and caused a wookie clan to pull out their hair in frustration. Groning's normally infest a ship, get carried to a new out post where the food supplies cause rapid breeding and in no time a new infestation has been fostered. This has lead to mandatory inspections of all cargo for eggs and the annoying little varmits.
Currently the largest infestation of Gronings is on the hell moon of D'xun where their numbers have multiplied so high they are causing deforestation as they literally eat everything they can fit into their mouths. The predators of D'xun grow fat and lazy as they feast of the near endless supply of filthy beasts.
Notable Player-Characters: NA
Intent: To create a very annoying nuisance pest that can serve as a catalyst for famines, mass destruction and utter mayhem.