Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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Name: Grey
Age: 27
Race: Human
Affiliation: Mandalorian
Height: 5’10
Weight: 12 stone
Hair colour: black
Eye colour: green
Other facial features: scar across right eye, black goatee.
Force sensitive: no
Occupation: bounty hunter/mercenary
Armour & equipment & weapons:
Grey’s armour plates is constructed from duralloy and parts are made from duraplast he also has a jetpack on his back which is beneficial to him. Grey has a wrist mounted flamethrower and also a wrist mounted missile launcher. He wields a cycler rifle with a suppressor and scope on for long range attacks he also dual wields blaster pistols, he has more weapons on his ship.
Grey was born into a mandalorian tribe he was the first born in his family and at the age of 8 he began his 5 years combat and survival training.At the age of 13 he faced the verd’goten and was then considered an adult in mandalorian society. Life was easy for Grey for a short period of time as when he was 15 his father got into a fight with a large gang and after killing about 6 of the members was shot down dead from behind by their leader word of this got to Grey and his family and he vowed vengeance he would take his family’s mandalorian armor which had been in the family for 2 generations and he repainted it black and gold (black meaning justice and gold vengeance) it took him about a year of tracking down the men who murdered his father but he had finally done it and within an hour of finding them he had wiped them all out during this quest he met a man who became his friend and taught him how to pilot ships. Now Grey had nothing to do but return to his tribe and so he did but within the year and five months he had been gone the tribe was not there this upset Grey he had no tribe to return to and he wanted to find his old tribe and so he embarked on a quest to find the people he called friends and also his family. After months of searching he found the tribe or what was left of his tribe it turned out they left a few months after Grey went to find his father's killers and he was told they were attacked recently and the people who attacked them wiped out half the tribe including Grey’s family. Grey and several of his mandalorian brothers went out to attack the men who wiped out the majority of their tribe 10 went and only 3 returned although they lost a few warriors their mission was a success and they had drove the people away from their tribe. He would repaint his mandalorian armour red, green, and blue (red to honour his parents, green to signify duty, and blue to signify reliability) and became a mercenary/bounty hunter. Another thing about Grey is that his father taught him the ways of the mandalorian metalsmith which had been taught in his family for 7 generations.
Strengths: most of his armour is strong and durable, great marksman, great hand to hand combat, great survival skills.
Weaknesses: if jetpack is damaged it can be fatal for Grey, susceptible to attacks in areas which are not covered by armour, duraplast parts of his armour can be damaged easily.
Grey’s ship: Grey owns a YT-1300f light freighter which he has modified quite a bit he changed the hyperdrive and backup hyperdrive in it, the primary one having a rating of 0.75 rather than the original hyperdrive having a rating of 2.0 and the backup having a rating of 8.0 rather than the original having the rating of 12.0. It is also equipped with: 1 Ax-108 “ground buzzer” surface-defense ground blaster cannon, 1 minelayer (deploys space mines), 2 AG-2G quad laser cannons (both at the bottom of the ship and can be controlled manually or through remote control) and 1 cannon laser on top of the ship (rotates 360 degrees, remote controlled). The ship uses the standard SRB42 sublight standard which he has modified a bit, he has put a SLAM in it to get a brief boost of speed when in flight.

Bounties collected:



(Character is my profile pic, also if you have any points I can improve please do tell)

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