Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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Well, let's see here. The Sith have been waging unholy war (that they seem to be doing really well at, actually) after showing up in the midst of Republic territory. Crime rings have sprung up all over, and one of the galaxy's most staunch institutions of order is in shambles. So, y'know. Business as usual.

Also, next month, we're going to Hell.


I'll give you a general "World Report" of what's going on with the Major Factions.

The One Sith and The Republic are continuing their long-waged war. Currently the One Sith have snatched victory after victory. However, recently The Republic under new leadership in their navy have begun to launch a counter-attack.

The Primeval is preparing for its invasion of Helska in its new war with the Shadow Dynasty.

ACA is currently being recalled unless they're able to spark up some new activity to keep the faction alive. Basically if they do get recalled, they get to decide how their faction inevitably falls.

A familiar enemy of the Galaxy is returning and seeks revenge or something, people on worlds are beginning to disappear (this is all for the Netherworld event)

Otherwise i think most of the factions have been quiet, The Red Ravens actually just had to put down a rebellion against their criminal syndicate on Makeb which resulted in the death of their former leader.

Stephanie Swail


Welcome to the Chaos - enjoy your time here and just shout if we can help you at all.

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