Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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Graw ek'Thun


NAME: Graw ek’thun
FACTION: Black Sun
RANK: Enforcer
SPECIES: Karkarodon
AGE: 80
SEX: Male
HEIGHT: 7’6”
WEIGHT: 400lbs
EYES: Black
HAIR: None
SKIN: Blueish Grey with a white patch on chest and under throat
AFFILIATIONS: Black Sun, Clan Sharratt, Eclipse Consortium
Languages: Chiss, Mando'a, Galactic Basic


STRENGTHS AND WEAKNESSES (Required: 2 Weaknesses Minimum):


  • Skilled Surgeon – Graw is a very skilled surgeon, he learned the craft at Biotech and honed his skills on the job in various street hospitals and warfronts. Able to deftly move his hands with great dexterity to spite their size. Certified to operate on multiple species across the galaxy from his time at Biotech.
  • High Intelligence – Graw is an apex predator and has the intelligence to match
  • Ferocious Hand to Hand combatant (Tooth and Claw) – Graw is best in close when it comes to fighting, likes to mix it up.


  • Massive - Standing at over 7 and a half feet tall, this makes life difficult for Graw. It is hard for him to fit into ships, doors, passageways, etc.
  • Poor Shot – Graw isn’t the best at firearms, thus he tends towards hand to hand or wide spray weaponry.



Graw is very no nonsense and isn’t impressed with flash or flamboyance. He is an avid listener and patient to the extreme. He is a planner, a strategist, who does not jump to conclusions and is meticulous in detail. He has the instincts of someone brought up on the edge of survival, making him frugal with his resources and very suspicious of strangers. He generally assumes the worst and hopes for the best. It is not easy to gain his trust but once gained, it is very easy to lose. He has a soft spot for children and women but can be very businesslike in his dealings involving both. Exposure to the Underworld life from birth has made him wise to the ways of the street and toughened his psyche to the more unsavory parts of life.


Graw is a Karkarodon, so a shark-man of sorts. He is bluish grey in color and has a mottled pattern on his head that would be consistent with a Mako shark. He has a large mouth with multiple rows of sharp teeth and webbed hands and feet. His fingers are long and dexterous, allowing for his surgical prowess. He is very muscular and has a well-muscled physique. His skin is crisscrossed with multiple scars and old wounds that exhibit his battle prowess for all to see. He stands over seven and a half feet in height and weighs around 400 lbs. True to his shark ancestors, he is hairless and has extremely smooth skin where it is not covered with scars.


Graw was born into the Steel Reef tribe of Karkari. At roughly the age of 6 or 7, Graw really has little idea when his birthday really is, he started to act as a runner for the employees and clients of a local brothel. Where males might be stopped by the authorities, young children seemingly at play would escape their notice. He started to get a few credits here and there and learned the value of money. He had a small stash that he knew his mother took from on occasion but he didn’t mind, she could have taken it all. Graw had true love for his mother and although she would deny it, she loved him as well. She had come from a tough upbringing and felt she would do him no favors by coddling him. So she was aloof and he pretended it didn’t matter, the perfect happy home.

Graw spent most of his time either in the brothel or on the streets. He learned which areas he could go into and which would mean either slavery or death. He was not the fastest on his webbed feet but he quickly learned he could make up for quickness with area knowledge. He would spend days walking areas of the city and finding the small side passages and cut throughs that might mean life or death to a small child. He always carried a small red ball with him that he would pull out and bounce against a wall at a moments notice should someone take too much attention as to his watching or wanderings.

Once he hit roughly 8 years old, one of the males that was a frequent visitor to his mother came and told him that it was time for his apprenticeship. Graw knew the Mando custom and asked the man if he was his father. The punch that followed broke two of his teeth and blackened his eye, he quickly decided not to ask that question again. The man’s name was Sulla and Graw would discover he was a member of Clan Sharratt. As he had taken Graw as his apprentice, Graw was accepted into the clan as well.

Graw worked hard for Sulla and in exchange, Sulla taught Graw how to be a man and a Mandalorian. He taught him the “Resol’nare” or the “Six Actions” that all true Mandalorians live by. Eventually, once he had earned it, Sulla helped Graw make his first suit of armor. It was really just a patchwork of some old sets that Sulla used for testing his new projects with but it was the world to Graw. He worked hard on the armor and eventually got it repaired to the level where it would be useful again.

Sulla was a boxer and his favored weapon was the carbine. He preferred to get up close to his enemies and as he put it “smell what their last meal was on their breath”. Graw was given a hand me down carbine and blaster to learn with. He and Sulla took trips out of the city to hunt small game and practice their marksmanship. Graw was a good student and did well both with marksmanship and stalking.

During his time with Sulla, Graw maintained his contact with his friends in the Underworld. They were happy with this progress and knew Sulla’s reputation. Sulla discovered Graw’s affiliations and did not discourage them. As he told Graw, “It’s important to have friends, they may not bail you out of jail but they will be sitting on the seat beside you to plan the break out.” However this did cause Sulla to add something to their training regimen. Sulla started to work with Graw on urban warfare such as room clearing and tracking in an urban setting. He taught him how to tail someone and how to spot a tail. He taught him how to slice doors and use a shaped charge. Again Graw was a good pupil and met his mentor’s expectations in everything he did.

At roughly 13, Graw was released from his service to Sulla as per the apprenticeship contract. Growing up he showed an aptitude for medicine and Sulla got him trained as a medtech straight out of apprenticeship. He obtained an internship at Biotech and eventually a spot in their cybertech division specializing in artificial limbs, enhancements and organs. However, Graw could not sit still in one place very long, call it the apex predator in his DNA. Eventually he got in an argument with a colleague and things went down hill as one might predict when the Karkarodon half of the argument bites the head off of the other half. Luckily for Graw he was able to claim self-defense as the Mon Calamari that was the other end of the argument, had pulled a blaster on him.

To spite the self-defense plea, Graw still spent almost a year in prison while awaiting trial. During that time he hooked up with various unsavory types who worked for the Black Sun organization. He started just as hired muscle to protect their shot callers in the prison but eventually, with his medical skills and intelligence, he was eventually given the rites of initiation and upon surviving, became a full member of the organization. The branch of the Black Sun that he found himself working for was the Eclipse Consortium. Upon getting out of jail, he started working for the Consortium in Hutt space, basing himself out of Nar Shaddah.

On Nar Shaddah, Graw started his own smuggling business where he ran bootleg body parts both organic and mechanical. He made a name for himself as an earner and as dependable muscle for operations that required such. It never hurt that his medical skills also came in handy in an Underworld operation where going to legit doctors caused too many questions to be asked. His street doc skills and training continued to do him credit as he opened a legit cybertech store in Nar Shaddah. Of course it was a front for his real job of running body parts for various species but on the outside it was completely legit and run by one of his clutch mates that he had reconnected with after prison.

Years went by and eventually Graw worked his way up to Enforcer and got a break as a bodyguard to Malicar, the leader of the Eclipse Consortium. He is Malicar's newest bodyguard but he has experience outside the bodyguard biz. Malicar allows him to keep his business going back on Nar Shaddah and rotates his guards so they aren't required to be by his side 24-7. Graw doesn't mind the bodyguard gig, it has its moments but it just straight up boring most of the time.

SHIP: None currently.

EQUIPMENT: Medkit, Holo Communicator, Wrist and Earpiece Communicators, Datapad, Vibroknife, EM-6 Raider Shotgun, Beskar'gam, EM-2 Pegasus blaster pistol



In - Progress:

Root of the Problem | Black Sun Dominion of Orondia / Varl

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