Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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[SIZE=11pt]Desmond and [/SIZE][SIZE=11pt]Inferno One[/SIZE][SIZE=11pt] continued flying through the debris field boredly. Giant slabs of durasteel floated listlessly through the void. Ancient bodies frozen in time sailed through the open expanse of space. The scanners aboard the TIE/AD’s meticulously inspected just about each and every piece of slag that floated their way. It was boring and tedious work that Desmond found quite trifling. Des was contemplating going planetside when he suddenly received a comm message from Caalgen himself.[/SIZE]

[SIZE=11pt]It read one word. Danger. Trouble was afoot and when the Empire was so close to reaching their goal. Desmond smiled for the first time since he had been out in this force forsaken field. It was time to play. Desmond yanked on the yoke and his squad followed suit. They were careful to traverse through the rubble, so as to baffle any enemy sensors. Desmond moved to the Imperial mothership and spied a loan craft just in the distance that was certainly not with the Empire. Desmond could just make out the ship launching its own scavenging team. [/SIZE]

[SIZE=11pt]“Shall we go greet our new guest boys?” Desmond asked mischievously in his rich Imperial accent. [/SIZE]

[SIZE=11pt]“Yeah boss. Let's stick it to ‘em!” Came Ghost gleeful response. [/SIZE]

[SIZE=11pt]Desmond and Inferno docked with the Imperial frigate and disembarked from their craft. They meandered through the halls until they reached the armoury. They were already in their standard issue commando armor, but they were lacking their stealth cloaks. They quickly rectified this by equipping the bleak grey hoods. Desmond then went about arming himself. [/SIZE]

[SIZE=11pt]“Close quarters boys. [/SIZE][SIZE=11pt]Scatterguns[/SIZE][SIZE=11pt] and [/SIZE][SIZE=11pt]SMB’s[/SIZE][SIZE=11pt],” Desmond reminded his squad as he locked a clip into his own scattergun and cocked the pump. [/SIZE]

[SIZE=11pt]Once Inferno One was locked and loaded the stealth commandos made their way towards a nearby airlock. The airlock opened with a sucking woosh as air raced out of the room. Desmond and squad rode the pull, letting it carry them a few feet before activating their thrusters. They jetted through the debris field at ludicrous speeds. They used compressed air to propel them, so as to avoid being detected by the light from more conventional jetpacks. Their stealth cloaks were capable of baffling most sensors and they were sure to use them as they floated through space, becoming almost naked to the invisible eye. [/SIZE]

[SIZE=11pt]They reached the section of ship the rogue scavengers had arrived at and prepared to breach. Desmond used the same air compressor he had used to propel himself through space to punch a hole through the ship. He and squad filtered in through the small hole and Desmond took point. [/SIZE]

[member="Kyle Raymus"]

Travis Caalgen

"Director, the 501st has returned with their share of mission assets."

An agent bearing the sigil of the Advanced Weapons Research division walked up behind the white-clad man to deliver this report to him, causing Caalgen to divert his gaze from the void outside to the agent. "Very good, send it all to the shipboard labs to be analyzed, I want the results as they appear." He commanded, turning on the spot and letting his crisp, white duster flutter behind him as he left the bridge. He entered the dark Captain's office and stood before a large holoprojector before kneeling down, lowering his head in respect for unknown reasons that suddenly came to bear.

The room was covered with a sheen of blue as a hologram sprouted from the projector. A man donning regal-looking robes and a mighty moustache stood before the director, staring down at him with his eyes full of expectation. "Your Majesty, the ruse has proven to be a success. Our adversaries sweep the debris field for the teams, all the while our scout vessels have completed their scans of the dreadnought." Travis informed in a confident voice "Our engineers have pieced together the Lusankya's hull, while the datalogs gathered by the 501st provide us insight on deck layouts, as well as several other designs that I believe you will find to your liking."

The Emperor nodded slowly in approval "You have done well, Director Caalgen." Came his booming voice. "And now I assume you wish to commence construction of one of these dreadnoughts?" The monarch wondered, crossing his hands over one another. "Yes, Your Excellency. My division has the resources, the power that we would be dealing with is immeasurable." Travis assured, looking up at the older gentleman.

"See to it that it is done, contact our allies." Kardal proclaimed "Grand Admiral Graf will welcome this addition to his fleet." And with that the hologram of His Imperial Majesty dissipated, leaving Caalgen alone in the dark once again. He stood up from kneeling, straightening his uniform tunic as he did so. The director dialled through several of his contacts on the holoprojector until he found who he wanted.

"This is Director Travis Caalgen of the Advanced Weapons Research division. The Galactic Empire has another contract for your companies. If you accept, the details of which will be sent to you immediately."

[member="Danger Arceneau"] | [member="Alric Kuhn"]
@Travis Caalgen [member="Alric Kuhn"]

[SIZE=11pt]With Danger taking less of a presence with Arceneau Trade, Saffron would be the one that received the Director’s invitation. Arceneau Trade had previously assisted the Galactic Empire with an project that required an immense amount of raw and refined resources. It had been a profitable venture, allowing Arceneau Trade to increase their business with the Empire. [/SIZE]

[SIZE=11pt]If the Director sought another contract, then this could be another step towards affirming Arceneau’s trade presence. [/SIZE]

[SIZE=11pt]Perhaps this would also be a viable way to offer Mara TibX and their Isotope-5 resources. Within a short time, the Director would receive a reply from Saffron, accepting the proposal and inquiring for a personal meeting if possible. [/SIZE]

[SIZE=11pt]If the Director accepted, Saffron would join him at his desire location to discuss the mutually beneficial relationship. [/SIZE]

Alric Kuhn

Handsome K'lor'slug
[member="Travis Caalgen"] | [member="Saffron"]

As before, the representative sent by Vanir Technologies was not to be Alric Kuhn.

The founder of the company had long since set himself aside from the day to day activities of the corporation, instead choosing to hand that over a far more apt mind. The representative sent would be a simple droid, it's name to most would have been Rigor, though to the Empire it would simply be Vanir's representative.

There was no real formality, only a deal to be struck.

In the past Vanir and the Empire had cordial relations, assisting with their previous project. Rigor doubted that anything would differ this time, and there was no suspicon on the part of the droid representative, nor indeed anyone else at the company. The Empire wanted it's ship, and Vanir wanted payment. It was as simple as that, a contract that would result in mutual benefit.

No need to over complicate things.

The droid stood quietly on a small shuttle, its appearance mimicking that of a middle aged man with a beard named Fred.
The men floated through the devastated debris, flashlights searching every crack with their beams of light. They moved silently, for in space, with no medium for sound waves to travel through, a lifeless silence ruled. You wouldn't hear a cannon firing beside you, nevermind the steps of 6 men that just magnetised themselves to the hull of the old legend. The men knew of the Imperials in the sector. The frigate detected the enemy upon entering the system, and they were aware of the enemy already noticing them. The Empire weren't a bunch of ill equipped madmen, no. They were well armed madmen. The men raised their blasters, searching the area with heat sensors. The group walked forth, slowly. Bader raised his hand, and spoke through the intercom.

"Heat signatures, point two five. They are breaking through the hull."

Kyle instantly pushed off, taking a marksman position while getting cover from a bunch of crates. There were plenty of em, since this was what appeared to be the ship's cargo hold. Now they waited. All six men positioned and ready to blast in the direction of the enemy. They had decent cover, and were around 70 metres away from the target. They raised their blasters in anticipation. What next?

[member="Desmond C'artyom"] [member="Travis Caalgen"]

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