Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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Private Gratitude and a Secret

Ever since they had all returned from Ilum, Kara had been trying to catch a moment to talk with Iris. But it seemed the young teenager had become even more of an elusive person to find. Or the more likely answer was that she had just gotten increasingly busy.

Kara couldn’t imagine how hectic things must’ve gotten after the invasion. At least for those that weren’t confined to the medical bay.

But the blonde Padawan was still determined to give Iris her gratitude for what happened on Ilum. If it weren’t for her, she probably wouldn’t still be walking, or alive in general. Although, it wasn’t like Iris made it easy to try and cross paths with her. The teenager seemed to be practically bouncing around the galaxy these days.

If Kara didn’t know any better, one would think Iris was developing a bit of an independent streak these days.

Today however was one of those fortunate timings. Stars aligned and Kara had arrived at the Coruscant Temple at the same time Iris was there. Her original intent was to head for a checkup at the medbay, but had immediately turned around when she caught wind the artistic teenager was there.

Kara made a beeline for the library, the last apparent location the Padawan had been seen entering.

Iris?” She called out into the expansive library. “Are you here?



Zipping around the Galaxy was as fulfilling as she expected it to be. But sometimes heading home was best. Coruscant was, for better or worse, that home. Specifically the temple, of course. Even now she was there to just visit though, glance through the library as she searched for more information that would eventually, hopefully, help her find what she was looking for. She swiped through the datapad in her hands, curled up somewhere between the shelves. On the shelf, no less. Probably not where she should be sitting, but she couldn't wait to read.

At least until she heard her name. She scrambled a little, falling from the shelf before jumping right up to her feet.

"Hello yes I'm not painting this time!"

Kara Jade Kara Jade
Kara raised an eyebrow when she heard the sounds of several things hitting the floor, followed by a pair of boots. The sudden racket made it easy to follow the source, turning a couple corners until she found the young Keshian standing there between the bookshelves.

It’s alright Iris, it’s just me.” She said, realising the teenager likely thought she was one of the Masters.

The blonde Padawan noted a couple books on the floor, likely knocked over by accident when Iris hopped down from her perch. Sometimes Kara was a little envious of Iris' almost cat-like ability to find the oddest spots to lounge in.

‘This time’ would insinuate a previous time. Were you perhaps hiding from Master Noble?” Kara chuckled. “How have you been doing, Iris?



"Wha- Oh. Oh! Hey Kara." The relief was obvious. It wasn't that she was worried about her own Master or anything. The librarian though, she didn't appreciate Iris's habit of just turning anything into a study nook. Especially the shelves. Yeah, no lectures today! "Whaaat no. I've never done that since I came back." Not a lie, at least. And she was quick to change the subject.

"I'm good! Prettyyy good. Been doing a lot of travel lately, heh. What about you? How'r you doing? I never checked up on you after Ilum, but you seemed to be fine at least. Didn't get too hurt, right?"

Kara Jade Kara Jade
The blonde chuckled knowingly, for while Iris certainly hadn’t lied, she knew the artist within her wouldn’t remain bound for long. But then again, if the teenager was indeed moving around the galaxy a lot more. She supposed the Temple walls were safe from her for a time.

Whomever it is that had to clean up after was probably sighing in relief.

I’m doing good, been moving about the galaxy myself actually. Coruscant has become something of a regular port of call lately.” Though Kara didn’t elaborate on why she had been flying about a lot. “Fine now, sure. But it was pretty bad once we got back to the Ilum temple.

Albeit the Padawan had been unconscious for the majority of that time, right up until she had awoken in a bed.

I was thrown into a bacta tank the moment I was at the temple. Apparently I had overreached with the Force, damn near broke every bone in my arms and legs.” In hindsight it was the better of the two options, the other being crushed by a load of rocks. But in an ironic twist, she was glad the Imperials had pulled back after she had blasted herself to freedom. If she had needed to push herself any further, the damage would’ve been done, and irreversible.

Fortunately the bacta and a little R&R healed me right up, and that experience helped open my connection to the Force more.” Kara smiled, looking at Iris. “And it also means I can do this.” The blonde closed the distance between them, pulling the teenager into a hug.

Thank you, for whatever it is you did on Ilum that reached me.” Kara’s words hitched slightly as she spoke, remembering how close she was to dying then. “If it hadn’t, I wouldn’t have made it out of there alive.



Oh. Oh wait she did get hurt? Actually hurt? Broken arms, legs. Nearly killed. Iris just stared in confusion and disbelief. She really should've checked in more on the other Padawan's if she didn't even know this much. The only saving grace was, well. Kara was here. Alive and well. She frowned, just a little, before surging forward to pull Kara into a hug. She was safe. What she did helped. That was enough.

"I'm sorry I didn't do more."

Kara Jade Kara Jade
Barely seconds passed after Kara stepped back from her own hug, that she was suddenly besieged by another. This time it was Iris that had instigated, surging towards and pulling her into an embrace. For a moment Kara was surprised, before quickly wrapping her arms around the teenager and holding her close.

Not putting much thought into the fact one might pick up on the slight bump along her stomach.

Iris…” she began, squeezing the Padawan gently. “You did more than enough, hell if it wasn’t for you and Amani commandeering that vehicle, I doubt many of us would’ve made it out. You were busy, focused on making sure all of us were okay until we got to the temple.” Kara had no personal memories of the time after escaping her potential tomb. Apparently she had damn near collapsed before Silas had caught her. Hauled her over to the transport when it arrived.

Kara pulled away from the hug, but she placed her hands on Iris’ shoulders, looking her in the eyes.

You're a hero to me, Iris.



There was always a need to do more. At least in Iris's mind. The fact Kara needed a trip into a bacta tank was proof enough that not enough had been done on her part. Right? No. No, she trusted what Kara said. Her grip tightened a little in the hug. Well, before she blinked. Iris was, surprisingly, very aware of pregnancy. Colors. Even a child had their own. The bump, the crazy colors around Kara, subtle but there. New life.

New life.

She was only half paying attention to what Kara said, head cocked to the side. "Kara you're pregnant."

Kara Jade Kara Jade
Uh, Iris?” It didn’t take long to notice the young girl had seemingly drifted off. Not saying anything initially, heck she wasn’t even looking at her. Well she technically was, but it wasn’t towards her face.

Kara looked down to see where, and it took a moment for it to click. She was looking at her stomach. Then Iris finally spoke, and Kara realised her mistake.


The blonde cursed to herself, she wasn’t even showing that much yet and somehow she had already messed up. Not like she didn’t want Iris to know, but it was far too early. Although thinking about it, it really shouldn’t have been much of a surprise.

Iris did have a pretty unique ability to sense through the Force.

Yes, that I am.” Kara said, a small smile on her face. “What colours do you see?



"They're.. Bright. There's no.. It's not a color that exists. But they're bright. So bright." Talk about a beauty that couldn't be described. The more Iris focused on those colors, the more she realized just how special they were. Did Valery Noble Valery Noble look like this then, too? .. She did. A fond smile took over Iris's lips as she remembered back. She actually could remember that.

And then the novelty of it all faded. Replaced instead by worry.

"What are you going to do? You're still a Padawan, Kara. Where's the father?"

Kara Jade Kara Jade
Kara smiled as she listened to Iris’ explanation. It was always fascinating to hear what colours the teenager could see, and what she could feel through them. The fact there was no distinct colour per se wasn’t too surprising. It was still the early stages of the pregnancy.

Which was a sentence Kara never thought would be a thing in this part of her life.

She hadn’t expected to be learning how to use the Force. Let alone also becoming a mother.

And despite the uncertainty and concern that followed her these days, Kara felt a swell of happiness and joy in her heart. But then the mood shifted again, as Iris looked at her with a worried expression.

He’s not here.” Kara wanted to facepalm, what a dumb answer that was. Of course Aiden wasn’t here, the situation would be entirely different if he was. “He’s a soldier, was on shore leave when we met. Had to leave shortly after…but once I learned about the pregnancy I’ve been trying to track him down.” The Padawan let out a sigh, “unfortunately it’s been a fruitless endeavour so far.

She didn’t elaborate on the fact she had been actively offworld in said search.

I intend to tell Valery, but not right now. I want to try and see if I can still track the father down. But if I'm unsuccessful…” Kara’s words trailed off, she really didn’t have a plan in mind. Valery was the only person she could think of going to about this. Little did she know that by the time she did, the Jedi Master’s own world would have been turned upside down.

Kara opened her mouth to speak again, but paused and swayed a little as a wave of nausea struck.



Iris blinked slowly. And frowned. She wasn't going to say it, but this definitely solidified her beliefs that Padawans shouldn't be allowed to date. Just knowing where this was likely going to go for Kara and the rest of the Order was.. Yeah, it just solidified the belief. There was no changing it though. Not now. She blinked as she reached out, already using the Force to try and sooth the nausea. Smiled.

Right. That kind of stuff really didn't matter right now.

"Do you want help? You should have help. Not just with the baby, but finding the father. And.. Don't delay telling Valery. She can help, better than most I think."

Kara Jade Kara Jade
For a moment Kara looked bewildered, expecting to brace against the nausea only to instead feel it slowly fade away. It wasn’t an instant solution, but the effect was a godsend in Kara’s mind.

That…is incredibly handy. How’d you do that?” Kara hoped it was just a general Force thing, and not specific to Healers.

Oh right, help…” She paused for a moment, looking uncertain. “I mean I know I’m going to need plenty during the later stages but…I don’t want to suddenly pull people away to search for the father.” Everyone was busy with either their own stuff, or their duties. “It’s all a very last minute kind of thing. I get a lead then immediately head offworld.



"I pull at the colors that make you uncomfortable. Remove them, replace them. That kinda thing." Worse, it was an Iris thing. Totally possible to be used by anyone, just not something she could explain in a way someone else might understand. The kind smile she had all but faded as Kara went on though.

".. You're going off world to try and find him? Kara, he's a soldier right? Are you going to battlefields to find him?"

Kara Jade Kara Jade
Yeah that explanation didn’t help much, but it was uniquely Iris, that much Kara knew. And it at the very least planted the idea in her mind. She just needed to go speak to a healer, or look up a holocron for information.

Kara’s thoughts drifted off for a moment, missing the serious look that appeared on Iris’ face. It wasn’t until she spoke that the blonde’s eyes widened.

No no! I’ve been avoiding battlefields like the plague. I’ve only ever gotten to the planet after the battle is over. It’s only ever the aftermath.” And sometimes getting caught up in other local issues, but Kara didn’t voice that part.



"The aftermath? That can be just as dangerous, if not more so!" That, well. Given what happened to her on Tython, she knew very well just how dangerous a battlefield could be even when the battle ended. The frown only worsened at this point as she shook her head.

"Let us help you, Kara. You're not just doing this for yourself anymore."

Kara Jade Kara Jade
Kara wanted to reiterate what she had said before, about not wanting to pull others away from their own business. It had been her own foolish actions that had caused this, so it was down to her to fix this. Albeit, ‘fixing this’ was to find the other responsible party. Kara didn’t even know what she was going to say or do if she actually found Aiden.

I’ve one more lead to follow, one that doesn’t involve a battlefield.” She started, adding a little emphasis to the last part. “After that I’ll stop, completely. That I promise.

She offered a small smile, a tinge of sadness in it, but the words were sincere. Kara was already preparing to give up on the whole search if this last one failed.

Enough about me, where have you been flying to? From what I’ve heard, you’ve developed a bit of an independent streak lately.



"I'm not asking you to stop, I'm asking you to let me help you. Let us help you. Everyone. We will help."

That's what mattered, first and foremost. Iris reached a hand out, gently setting it on Kara's shoulder. Right. Just looking through the colors she could tell how upset Kara was about all of this. What Iris had been saying probably didn't help.

".. Me? Oh. Uh. Just off and about, trying to help where I can. .. Figure out who I am, I guess."

Kara Jade Kara Jade
The blonde Padawan smiled, she knew Iris meant well as did the others. But she was going to be stubborn about this. Kara had gotten herself into this situation, so it was up to her to remedy it. Whether she was successful in finding Aiden or not.

Details Iris, details.” She said, giving the brunette a knowing look. “I want to hear about what adventures you’ve been on. What you’ve learned about yourself.

Kara looked around slightly, realising they were still just standing around in the middle of the library.

Come on, let’s go find somewhere to sit.



Iris pouted. Full on childish pout at that. She knew what Kara was doing, flipping the topic around on her so there wouldn't be any more talk on the mystery father or Kara's attempts to find him on her own.

She pouted. Simply because she did want to say something in detail. With a sigh of defeat she nodded, turned to help lead the way to at least some kind of table for them to sit at. Get Kara off her feet ohgodsheshould'vedonethatsooner. The brief bit of panic was at least brief. No point in stressing Kara out anymore than she already was.

"I.. Uh. I dunno. I've just been doing what y'know, we do. Help people. Protect. Fight against injustice."

Kara Jade Kara Jade

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