Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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Start Report - EVIL TEDDY BEAR


NAME: The name of the creature is believed to be Graak

FACTION: It is unknown what faction he claims allegiance to or even if he will ever claim allegiance to a faction

RANK: Due to the limited knowledge on whether it is in a faction or not it is unknown what rank it might posses (Sith Knight)


AGE: The age of the creature remains unknown (32)

SEX: The gender of this creature is unknown (Male)

HEIGHT: Estimated to be around 1 meter tall (1.2 meters)

WEIGHT: Estimated to be around 50 kilograms (55 kilograms)

EYES: From reports a dark yellow (Dark Yellow)

HAIR: From reports a Blackish colour (Black)

SKIN: From general experience Ewoks only have fur and as such their skin isn't seen



+ Cute and dangerous - reports from this creature is that will act cute until it has the right time to strike. When it does so whole outposts have been found dead to various weapons some of which looks like friendly fire.

+ Pain is their friend - Reports of the ewok show it getting faster when pain was inflicted on it or when it inflicted pain on others. It is unknown whether this is due to the Ewok possibly having some kind of force connection or simply being a experiment of some mad doctor.
- Short stuff - as a short being in the world it is known ewoks are unable to use some of the more heavy weaponry unless it is suited to their size.
- Doesn't know slicing - from recent reports it appears this Ewok creature was stuck behind a lightsabre proof door for about a day before managing to escape through the air ducts or so we believe as there was no signs of tampering with the door's electronics which many other creatures would have attempted.

This creature appears to be always cloaked and there have been very very few sightings of it with people who came back alive to tell the tale. As such it is unknown what the creature actually looks like although from our explanations we have come to the conclusion it is most likely 1 meter tall and 50 kilograms similar to a normal ewok, with dark yellow eyes and black fur.

This Ewok, this creature was reported to originate from Endor although other reports that have been disregarded included alderaan, mustafar, kuat and even mandalore. What is known is what the creature has done. After been captured by a imperial remnant group he was taken to a lab outpost. After looking at the lab outpost myself it is known he slaughtered the 20 scientists and 10 storm troopers who were present. It is believed sometime after that he was captured again by the AIE. He was again taken to a research outpost once again a massacre. However both had some very interesting and valuable data on the time he was present within. It is within this investigators opinion that this creature should not be dealt with lightly, once captured it should be sealed away so that it can no longer cause harm. If not then it may in fact lead to the deaths of millions should it not be stopped.

It doesn't appear to have a ship of it's own instead hijacking whatever ship is nearest should it decide to leave world. This has lead to the creature crashing onto numerous worlds.

It is know that this diminutive creature has killed multiple outposts of mainly scientists and a few security guards. He however has yet to manage any form of reality kill on one of the big players in the universe and it is unknown if he ever will.

Doesn't appear to collect bounties although we are sure whatever it is doesn't understand the concept of credits anyway after stealing several items it could have easily payed for.

End of Report
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