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The Nothmiro Federation

Representing the government of Nothmir and the planet's interests in the wider galaxy.

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"Across the void of space men live as they have lived for millennia upon the sand, rock and soil of worlds bathed in the light of alien suns. So is Humanity's seed cast far and wide beyond the knowledge of Man, to thrive bitterly in the darkness, to take root and cling with robust and savage determination."
- WH 40k 3rd Edition Rulebook


The Nothmiro Federation represents the interests of the government of Nothmir, a human controlled world on the fringe of the Unknown Regions. The people of Nothmir were once a group of Mandalorian clans, but left their world after the first wars with the Jedi in millennia long past. However, in the past few years they have returned to the wider galaxy and now look for allies abroad. Standing against the powers of the force cults and the myriad alien menaces that plague the galaxy with advanced technology and plasteel clad armies, Nothmir promises a new future for the disunited splinters of humanity.

  • The government of Nothmir is democratic in nature, with qualified citizens able to vote in local, regional, and planet-wide elections. The three largest parties in Nothmir's Parliament must each democratically select a leader to form the Trimvirate, the executive branch of the Federation.

    To become a citizen, a human individual must be of sound mind, an adult, and able to demonstrate a proficiency in either Mando'a or Galactic Basic. From there they may either join one of the three reserve institutions below or the Federation Peacekeeper Corps.


    From left to right: Labour Corps, Medical Corps, and the PDF

    The Labour Corps provides many public services such as sanitation, as well it is responsible for maintaining civilian infrastructure, fire departments, and other government needs. The Medical Corps is responsible for the healthcare sector within the Federation, from hospitals to emergency medical services to nursing. The PDF acts as the police and reserve force for Nothmir, though they never see direct combat outside of the direst situations.

  • 1OYzGHN.png

    The symbol of the Peacekeeper Corps

    The primary forces within the Federation are the Peacekeeper Corps, formed of both fleet and ground elements united under a single overarching command structure and able to specialize in specific combat conditions with customized equipment.


    The symbol of Nothmir's PDF

    The Planetary Defense Force is a reserve body mainly meant to foster nationalism and provide emergency reinforcements for more professional and experienced troops.

  • The primary goal of the Nothmiro Federation is the preservation of the human species and it spares little thought for non-humans, seeing them as either a threat or simply beneath their notice. They reserve a special place for species like the Bryn'adul and Yuuzhan Vong which have been an existential threat to humanity, on the hot ends of their broadside guns and crucible rifles. While in recent years they have softened their stance somewhat on hybrid and humanoid/near-human species, Hutts and other aliens with a reputation for ill intent are almost never tolerated.

  • The Force is seen by the Federation as a tool, to be used as a way to augment the civilian or military expertise of individuals. Force users are not persecuted but are restricted and regulated due to the sometimes unpredictable nature of their abilities. Those who have pledged themselves to what the Federation describe as "force cults" such as the Jedi and Sith are kept at an arm's length, and are believed to be a potential threat due to religious loyalties and their venerated connection to what is considered a compelling and unknowable power.


The Federation protects its own, with the chance to earn personal glory while contributing to the nation as a whole. Whether your expertise is in finance, manufacturing, science or combat; Nothmir has a place for you.​
  • Available professions
    • Ground, fleet, and combined arms officers in a Peacekeeper Corps of your choice, entry rank negotiable with Corps Commander Walker (3rd FPC, Red Giants)
    • Development manager and project lead within Arms Dynamics or a technological development program of your choosing
    • Interplanetary negotiator with the Diplomacy Corps, military titles optional
  • Other support
    • Honourary positions through your own valor
    • Financial, material, and expert support for friendly corporations or scientists seeking investment
    • Military and security support for friendly planets and factions, including equipment lend-lease, training, and garrison support
  • Special positions currently available
    • Leader of the 1st Peacekeeper Corps "Grey Hands" - Act as the leader for Nothmir's honour guard and both its first and last line of defence
    • Leader of the 2nd Peacekeeper Corps "Nebulae Stalkers" - Stand at the head of a fleet of second to none void combatants
    • Leader of the 4th Peacekeeper Corps - Yours to found and control


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