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Got two characters who need instructors

Aya Clarke

Lady Clarke, Saint of the Crimson Eagle
Alright so, I suppose since I am here I might as well make a big call out.

So I have two characters who need proper teachers, along with just more threads in general. So without further wait, here are the two canidates!

Darlyn Excron - Neutral, factionless bounty hunter and ex sith. Hates Jedi with a passion and is fearful of sith hunting him down. Needs a lightsaber and force instructor, preferably one proficient with force lightning. Has extreme difficulty learning new force abilities.

Ariealla Vareldi - Ancient Sith Lord with power loss. Needs an instructor to help her adjust to her new, shorter body as well as recover/expand her force capabilities. Has mental health issues and relies on pills. Also eats people.

Please PM me if you wish on either of those two, since I'm usually flip flopping to check threads and pms anyways.


Furred Fister, Brown Boxer


Force teacher: [member="Hastur Yig"]


Man at Arms! (weapon [mostly melee] trainer): [member="Inpudanse"]


Economics!: [member="Anton Nadramie"]


*reads post* By proper do you mean officially recognized?


Aya Clarke

Lady Clarke, Saint of the Crimson Eagle
[member="Raachwaroo"] More so someone who knows what the heck they're talking about. To that end I imagine Hastur Yig probalby knows a thing or two about lightning <His main power>.

[member="Noriko Ike"] I'm assuming you mean with Ariealla?
[member="SilentVex"] and for a neutral I have others but yes with her and Azlyn they can run around together talking about the good times, doing each others ahir, killing wookiee's.. you know girl things

Aya Clarke

Lady Clarke, Saint of the Crimson Eagle
[member="Noriko Ike"] I now need to make like a dozen or so 'just girly things' memes including bathing in the blood and tears of your enemies, slaughtering wookie villages, and sacking jedi temples.

NO offence Ms. Jedi.

Aya Clarke

Lady Clarke, Saint of the Crimson Eagle
[member="Noriko Ike"] Alright I'm pretty game for that idea. Ariealla is a hands on woman anyways. A sith like her needs allies in all sorts of walks of life anyways.

Just make sure to lock her door at night. That is a problem you *don't* want to have. And yours.


Furred Fister, Brown Boxer
Hastur knows it all. If you become his student he'll teach you. Only downside is, he's pretty heavy on the whole Grey thing. So if you're wanting to go full sith one hundred percent no stop no sleep. Hastur may not be for you. But if you're okay with your character's ideas and stuff changing over time sure.

Or he could fake it and flunk out after learning what he needs. Either or you know.


Aya Clarke

Lady Clarke, Saint of the Crimson Eagle
[member="Raachwaroo"] Amusingly Darlyn is just an ex-sith. He focuses on his lightning but his philosophy is more in line with Grey than anything else. He uses his emotions to help fuel his powers, but he is trying not to let it dominate his life like the Sith do.

^^" He's just super limited on his powers overall, i.e. You wanna teach him somethign new it's a heck of an incline.

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