Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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Private Golomancy


"No, you won't. Even when you're big and tall and embarrassed when I call you it." He smiled much more now, returning the hug possibly too tight. She was always more aware than he gave her credit for, but it'd never change how much she was just his little girl before anything else. He paused after a moment to let her go and resist the urge to ruffle her hair again. "That sounds good to me. I can show you more on how to influence the weight of things."

Vera Noble Vera Noble


Tag: Kahlil Noble Kahlil Noble

"Dad.... too tight..." she was used to getting these impossibly tight hugs from him, but they never got easier. He didn't let it linger too long though, and once he pulled back, Vera drew in a breath of relief. At least, until she noticed that his hand twitched up just a little. Was he going to ruffle her hair again?

She squinted but decided against saying anything.

For now.

"I'd like that, but I should first tell you something. It's important," she said before drawing in a deeper breath. "I considered not telling you. Aris and I both thought it'd be... difficult." She began to fidget with her shirt a little and looked nervously into her father's eyes. It was hard, talking to the one person she looked up to so much and struggle to find the right words.

"I saw a vision about this new war and it focused on Mom." She let out a longer breath and felt her hands starting to shake. "I saw her dead." She paused only for a second, her eyes already a tad teary, before quickly adding, "Now don't worry, please. My visions don't often come true like that, but with the war and people wanting to go after Mom... I had to tell you. Because there's a chance that if people come after Mom or after you, they'll also try to come to Niv Hani."

To their home.

"Please, don't tell Mom. I'm going to talk to the Council and we'll figure it out. I won't let anything happen to you or Mom." She pouted, her eyes now full of tears but also determination. Protecting her family was the most important thing to her, and she'd never allow anything or anybody to take away one of her parents again.

Nothing had ever hurt more than losing her father.


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