Kiber stood entranced by the hot deli cabinet, seeking out a selection of once frozen pies, sausage rolls and various other pastry products. Reheated to perfection, bon appetit.
Life was so full of precarious choices.
Curried bantha pasty? Macaroni pie? Vague meat hot dog? It all sounded so tempting, y'know in that clog the toilet the next day kind of way. Cheap and cheerful food for the soul, he could just stand and bask in the out-of-the-box ambience.
“Put it back, Tyler!”
Ambience gone.
Ambience definitely gone.
Cue a small child in with his mother, must be her first child, she's trying so hard to say no. The aforementioned monstrous cherub stomped his feet and continued to wave the booster deck of Smashball Allstars. Collector's cards. What a scam, Kiber only wished that he had thought of them first.
“You are not getting them, and that is final!”
Kiber turned his head slowly, almost venomously to stare daggers at the scene before him. He of course hated children, he hated the concept of children, he hated the reality of children. Shit, piss and responsibility. Kark that. Kark that about three times over with a pint of heavy on the side.
He made his choice, grabbing two hot dog out of the cabinet and made his way to the clerk (who would be noted was also not enjoying dearest Tyler's wailing). On his way past pint-sized he snatched the booster deck straight out the child's grubby little hand.
Kiber Dorn; good Samaritan?
Credits were exchanged and goods were purchased, the small corner shop business moved on and the pointy-faced man turned back to the child. He considered the pack of cards in his hand, seeing the hopeful glimmer of the child's eyes in the background of his vision.
He then proceeded to open the pack for himself and inspected the contents. The scene turned deathly silent. The growling visage of a particularly butch looking woman confronted him immediately, a shiny hologram surrounding her burly features. She wore a gum shield that was styled like real teeth, only with the front two knocked out. Lovely lady. High defence stats. Could be a rare one.
Lois 'Studs Up' Pnossim, captain of the Nar Shaddaa Nasties.
“Neat,” he said to himself, before striding off with his skinny legs, leaving young Tyler to learn that the world was full of disappointment. He smirked to himself as he heard the child begin to cry crocodile tears, the mother screaming at his back for leaving her with that monster and the clerk's telepathic message of mirthful thanks.
From there he lurked outside of the convenience store, taking a pack of vipers out of his pocket and lighting one. He kept the food underarm and lurked, waiting for his contactee.
[member="Khaleel Malvern"]
Life was so full of precarious choices.
Curried bantha pasty? Macaroni pie? Vague meat hot dog? It all sounded so tempting, y'know in that clog the toilet the next day kind of way. Cheap and cheerful food for the soul, he could just stand and bask in the out-of-the-box ambience.
“Put it back, Tyler!”
Ambience gone.
Ambience definitely gone.
Cue a small child in with his mother, must be her first child, she's trying so hard to say no. The aforementioned monstrous cherub stomped his feet and continued to wave the booster deck of Smashball Allstars. Collector's cards. What a scam, Kiber only wished that he had thought of them first.
“You are not getting them, and that is final!”
Kiber turned his head slowly, almost venomously to stare daggers at the scene before him. He of course hated children, he hated the concept of children, he hated the reality of children. Shit, piss and responsibility. Kark that. Kark that about three times over with a pint of heavy on the side.
He made his choice, grabbing two hot dog out of the cabinet and made his way to the clerk (who would be noted was also not enjoying dearest Tyler's wailing). On his way past pint-sized he snatched the booster deck straight out the child's grubby little hand.
Kiber Dorn; good Samaritan?
Credits were exchanged and goods were purchased, the small corner shop business moved on and the pointy-faced man turned back to the child. He considered the pack of cards in his hand, seeing the hopeful glimmer of the child's eyes in the background of his vision.
He then proceeded to open the pack for himself and inspected the contents. The scene turned deathly silent. The growling visage of a particularly butch looking woman confronted him immediately, a shiny hologram surrounding her burly features. She wore a gum shield that was styled like real teeth, only with the front two knocked out. Lovely lady. High defence stats. Could be a rare one.
Lois 'Studs Up' Pnossim, captain of the Nar Shaddaa Nasties.
“Neat,” he said to himself, before striding off with his skinny legs, leaving young Tyler to learn that the world was full of disappointment. He smirked to himself as he heard the child begin to cry crocodile tears, the mother screaming at his back for leaving her with that monster and the clerk's telepathic message of mirthful thanks.
From there he lurked outside of the convenience store, taking a pack of vipers out of his pocket and lighting one. He kept the food underarm and lurked, waiting for his contactee.
[member="Khaleel Malvern"]