Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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Goals after Knighthood

Hey, so I was just thinking about what I'm going to do with Faye after she does turn knight. Dominion/Invasions of course, but I kind of want her to work towards one big goal or have a mastery over something. I'm just not entirely sure what to do with her after (Which I think will be after Kashyyyk).

If I've had a vague idea, I like doing the whole spy thing, but I'm not sure if espionage is a big part of this board.

tl;dr = ideas for character.
My goal for my character is for her to become a master illusionist/mind manipulator...all the powers she will ever learn lean that way. And of course, go insane.

So...if you are leaning toward spy, you might want to look into powers such as Force Concealment and Fore Cloak ( I think that's what it's called). Wookiepedia is being an ass tonight so I can't look it up for you but I think it deals with masking her presence in the Force.

another thing you can look into it dealing with Sith Magick (again wookiepedia) has some spells associated with hiding your presence or changing your alignment (Dark to Light).

[member="Faye Terrik"]
I don't have the slightest idea of Sith alchemy and magic stuff. This is my first Sith character in my 5 years of Star Wars roleplay. I legitimately didn't even know that Sith Magick could do the presence stuff.

[member="Seras Goto"]
What does 'work with me' entail? :p
Sounds fun since I'm a non forcer I plan when we hit my knight excivalant to be as master assassin and not master manipulator and spy. Espionage can a much bigger part of board than it is but you need people who want play that role and have and idea how to play speaking of which who exactly runs our intel service I would nice who my boss is.
[member="Kezeroth the Malevolent"]

The main concern is I don't know what it is yet that I want her to focus on. Plus, I referred to it as Knight because (hoping the promo offer still stands) , two weeks from now, after Kashyyyk, I'm going to have her there. Probablu will be focusing on the invasion over other threads anyways.
[member="Faye Terrik"]

If there is anything you need help with let me know.

[member="Darth Vitium"], [member="Darth Arcanix"]

There is a lot I wish to learn from Sith Magik but alas, there doesn't seem to be to many people offering up classes or training. I'm no noob when it comes to Sith Magik, but a lot of those spells are nasty (and fun) and seem to turn the greatest Jedi writers into whiners.
[member="Kezeroth the Malevolent"] oh could you teach force rage

Oh my goal is to become a blade master, and kill jedi sorcerers by nullifying their powers the was a reason I went for that hide armour.
Darth Venefica said:
[member="Faye Terrik"]

If there is anything you need help with let me know.

[member="Darth Vitium"], [member="Darth Arcanix"]

There is a lot I wish to learn from Sith Magik but alas, there doesn't seem to be to many people offering up classes or training. I'm no noob when it comes to Sith Magik, but a lot of those spells are nasty (and fun) and seem to turn the greatest Jedi writers into whiners.
As there are hardly any Sith Sorcerers or Sorceresses on the board at master whom have actually focused on the craft, I learned a majority of what I have available by myself. I will give credit to everything else I know to both Darth Veles and Mierin while I was their apprentice, Veles taught me Makashi, Mierin taught me all of my force abilities and several sith magic spells.

Sadly Mierin is to be at the chopping block when I decide to stop boycotting Chris' threads, and Veles is no longer with the One Sith.
hmmm.....maybe I'll seek it out by myself then...get some approvals from the top first. Thank you [member="Darth Vitium"]

and I'm going to get Veles :) brother taught him and sadly he no longer plays anymore.
Alric Kuhn said:
Is this cause of the whole "burning at the stake" thing? Because I maintain that was a necessary reaction.
You gave me the best teacher, then you make me kill her before I can even connect!

It's like 100x worse than when I tease people, seriously!

Edit: askjlfjsifihf:daifh

/end throwing keyboard

Alric Kuhn

Handsome K'lor'slug
Darth Vitium said:
You gave me the best teacher, then you make me kill her before I can even connect!

It's like 100x worse than when I tease people, seriously!

Edit: askjlfjsifihf:daifh

/end throwing keyboard
One day you'll appreciate my methods!

-Goes to Teach Lisette things with Soliael before promptly ending him-

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